Switch Content of two Textareas using JavaScript - javascript

I have two textareas and I like to switch the content of these, so content of the first textarea shall be the content of the second textarea and vice versa. Following code just copy the content of the first textarea into the second, but the second step is not performed, so both textareas comprise the same content afterwards. No error occurs.
function switch_text_content(){
var src_text_memory = src_form.src_message.value;
var trgt_text_memory = trgt_form.trgt_message.value;
src_form.src_message.innerHTML = trgt_text_memory;
trgt_form.trgt_message.innerHTML = src_text_memory;

You are doing in wrong way because you are using .innerHTML to set value instead you can to use .value property to set value of textarea. Like Below Example:
const switchBtn = document.querySelector('#switch-btn');
const firstTextarea = document.querySelector('#first-textarea');
const secondTextarea = document.querySelector('#second-textarea');
switchBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
const firstContent = firstTextarea.value;
const secondContent = secondTextarea.value;
firstTextarea.value = secondContent;
secondTextarea.value = firstContent;
<textarea id="first-textarea">First Content</textarea>
<textarea id="second-textarea">Second Content</textarea>
<button type="button" id="switch-btn">Switch</button>


Why isn't JavaScript displaying the text box value on page

I Want the code to get the number the user has entered and display it on the screen. I know that its just a dumb mistake that I have made.
function run() {
const quest = document.getElementById('quest');
const data = quest.value;
const element = document.createElement('div').innerHTML = data
const store = document.getElementById('store');
body {
text-align: center;
<input type="number" name="" id="quest">
<button onclick="run()">=</button>
<div id="store"></div>
As the comments in your question pointed - document.createElement('div').innerHTML = data is not a document node element
And use .textContent instead of .innerHTML - otherwise you'll introduce an XSS vulnerability.
function run() {
const quest = document.getElementById("quest");
const data = quest.value;
const yourElement = document.createElement("div");
yourElement.textContent = data
const store = document.getElementById("store");
What i changed in the function?
I first create the element, and then set it's text content. Finally i append it to the element you wanted.

How to add new line on JS append html

I have some node list, and I am trying to get some values from this list.
It works fine but I can't append the values in new lines and everything rendered together.
<div class="newinsert"></div>
const indiv = document.querySelector('.newinsert')
const flist = document.querySelectorAll('someclass')
const listClean = [...flist]
listClean.forEach(list=> {
const html = `${list.innerHTML} `
I tried adding <br> on html var but it just prints <br> with ""
\n doesn't work too
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: ok fixed it by
indiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ${html} < br >)
append function receive string or HTMLNode element (more info)
but if your purpose is just to learn,you can simply replace InnerHtml content with your Html;
or concatenate it to the current content;
const indiv = document.querySelector('.newinsert')
const flist = document.querySelectorAll('someclass')
const listClean = [...flist]
listClean.forEach(list=> {
const html = `${list.innerHTML}<br> `
indiv.innerHTML = html
indiv.innerHTML = indiv.innerHTML+html // if you effectly want to append conent to current dev content
<div class="newinsert"></div>

Appending multiple templates to a DOM

Java Script
const cardDropdownTemplate = document.querySelector('[Card-Dropdown-Template]');
const cardDropdownContainer = document.querySelector('[card-dropdown-container]');
SearchBoxMainNav.addEventListener('input', async(event) =>{
var input = document.getElementById('SearchTerm').value;
const card = cardDropdownTemplate.content.cloneNode(true).children[0];
cardDropdownContainer.innerHTML = "";
if (input != "") {
var result = cardSearch(input);
for (var i = 3; i > -1; i--) {
const name = card.querySelector("[Ygo-Card-Name]");
const desc = card.querySelector("[Ygo-Card-Desc]");
name.textContent = result[i].name;
desc.textContent = result[i].desc;
<div class="dropdown-Content" card-dropdown-container ></div>
<template Card-Dropdown-Template>
<div class="card-dropdown">
<div class="card-name" Ygo-Card-Name></div>
<div class="card-description" Ygo-Card-Desc></div>
So I have this code, when it executes it listens for an input then sends that input into my api searcher, it searches the api for the 4 most simmilar listings in name then Uses a dom template to create a box and puts all the information in it so i can make a Dropdown.
My problem is currently it is only creating one Box and is just overwriting the information in that one box instead of making multiple boxes. Am I just using append wrong or what? When i watch it in slow mo The data gets overwriitten even before the append is reached in the code, so maybe its just drawing the template in real time after the append and the append only makes a new box that first time then does nothing the rest of the times?

JS to perform calculation based on user input

I have a code where I am trying to calculate a total value based on the value of the input selected by a user. It seems simple but I can't get the total to reflect. Please can someone show me where the fault is?
function calculate() {
var panel = parseInt(document.getElementsById("panel").value);
panelv = 65;
panelt = panel * panelv;
derating_value = 2;
total_hours_standby = panelt * derating_value;
document.getElementsById("total_hours").innerHTML = total_hours_standby;
<input type="number" id="panel" placeholder="panel quantity"></input><br>
<button type="button" onclick="calculate">Result</button>
<p id="total_hours">result displays here</p>
You need to
use for onclick="calculate()" take the function call, not only the function,
use getElementById, spelling matter,
declare all variables,
and finally move the output inside of the function
function calculate() {
var panel = parseInt(document.getElementById("panel").value),
panelv = 65,
panelt = panel * panelv,
derating_value = 2,
total_hours_standby = panelt * derating_value;
document.getElementById("total_hours").innerHTML = total_hours_standby;
<input type="number" id="panel" placeholder="panel quantity"></input><br>
<button type="button" onclick="calculate()">Result</button>
<p id="total_hours">result displays here</p>
getElementById is singular
declare your vars
call calculate() with brackets
assign the value inside the function
</input> is not needed
Here is a version with eventListeners since other answers already showed you how to fix YOUR version
function calculate() {
var panel = +document.getElementById("panel").value;
if (panel === "" || isNaN(panel)) panel = 0;
let panelv = 65;
let panelt = panel * panelv;
let derating_value = 2;
document.getElementById("total_hours").textContent = (panelt * derating_value);
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
document.getElementById("calc").addEventListener("click", calculate)
calculate(); // run at load
<input type="number" id="panel" placeholder="panel quantity"><br>
<button type="button" id="calc">Result</button> result displays here: <span id="total_hours"></span>
First, you should call method calculate.
<button type="button" onclick="calculate()">Result</button>
Then, add this line document.getElementsById("total_hours").innerHTML = total_hours_standby; inside calculate function.
Alos, typo error: document.getElementById instead of document.getElementsById
There are couple of issues here:
Most you could have found out if you had looked into console logs.
For starter the function is called getElementById not getElementsById, because there is supposed to be only one element with unique id, so plural does not make sense here.
Another one is a logic error: not updating content after clicking on button i.e when calculate gets executed.
There is also one more syntax error, which is how functions should be passed to HTML element's attribute. It needs to be functionName() instead of functionName
This is how simply fixing this code could look like:
var total_hours_standby = 0;
function calculate() {
var panel = parseInt(document.getElementById("panel").value);
panelv = 65;
panelt = panel * panelv;
derating_value = 2;
total_hours_standby = panelt * derating_value;
document.getElementById("total_hours").innerHTML = total_hours_standby;
document.getElementById("total_hours").innerHTML = total_hours_standby;
<input type="number" id="panel" placeholder="panel quantity"></input><br>
<button type="button" onclick="calculate()">Result</button>
<p id="total_hours">result displays here</p>
Here I give you couple of ideas for improving it.
Since you use global variable total_hours_standby it may be a good
idea to encapsulate it. So called module pattern should do the job.
New value of total_hours_standby does not seem to depend on an old
one, so I guess you mean to use it somewhere else - in order to do
so, you need to expose it with "public" getter.
If above is not the case, then you don't need total_hours_standby
variable at all and you can just directly return it or display it
without storing this value in variable.
I put code for rendering in separate function - this is because rule
of thumb for functions is that they should have single
responsibility. One functions for calculations, another for rendering
and then one function for handling user's input and click event, that
uses two previous ones. This way if for example you only want to
calculate something without rendering result, then you just, simply can :)
I also stored DOM nodes in variables, instead of calling
getElementById, it is not due to performance, how it is often
assumed, I did it only for better readability.
Constants instead of hard-coded values.
var Calculator = (function() {
const panelInput = document.getElementById("panel");
const output = document.getElementById("total_hours");
const PANEL_V = 65;
const render = value => output.innerHTML = value;
const calculate = value => value * PANEL_V * DERATING_VALUE;
let total_hours_standby = 0;
return {
handleInput: function() {
total_hours_standby = calculate(panelInput.value);
getTotalHoursStandby: () => total_hours_standby
<input type="number" id="panel" placeholder="Panel quantity" />
<button type="button" onclick="Calculator.handleInput()">Calculate</button>
<p id="total_hours">Result displays here</p>
It is typo,
should be

Update div when writing text does not work as expected

My goal is to write content in a textarea and display exactly what I am writing without have to refresh the page each letter that I type shows immediately well it is not working for some reason.
<textarea id="Q&A" name="txtarea" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea>
<div id="out"></div>
function generate() {
var reader = new commonmark.Parser();
var writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer();
var parsed = reader.parse(text);
text = writer.render();
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = text
document.getElementById("Q&A").addEventListener("input", function () {
When I try to update the div with the id of out to what I am typing using JavaScript, it does not work.
I don't know what the commonmark.Parser() does in your code. But the issue i see is, When you are calling the generate method, you are passing the value of the input field. But in your generate method signature, you don't have a parameter to accept that.
Add a parameter to your generate() method to accept the value passed in.
function generate(text) {
//do something else on text with your commonmark
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = text;
Here is a working sample.
and you forgot to pass the argument parsed to the render function:
You had: text = writer.render(); I changed it to text = writer.render(parsed);
I figured it out i forgot to have text pasted in as a argument in the generate function and I forgot to pas parsed into the render function
Here is the final code:
function generate(text) {
var reader = new commonmark.Parser();
var writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer();
var parsed = reader.parse(text);
text = writer.render(parsed);
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = text
document.getElementById("Q&A").addEventListener("input", function () {
