Call a function on Input Completion - javascript

I have a name input on 1.html.
I need to call a function where the input will be stored after completion, and when the person clicks ~next~ to go to the next page (2.html), whatever was stored appears there.
What's your name?
~input~ John ~input~
Hi, John! How can i help you?
I know i can use Session Storage to do it, but i'm not sure on how to proceed.
Here's what i have:
<p>"Whats Your Name?"</p>
<input id="your-name-input" type="text">
<a href="2.html">
<button id="next-button">Next</button>
nextButton = document.getElementById("next-button);
nextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
var name = document.getElementbyId("your-name-input").value;
if(name !== "") {
sessionStorage.setItem("name", name);
} else {
alert("Please fill yout name")
And then, on 2.html i have:
<p id="user-name"></p>
What i'm trying to do, is to put inside the <p>, the following greeting:
Hi (name.value), how can i help you?
How can i call a function that loads the name value on the 2.html page when the page loads?

The below code should work. There are a few things missing in your code, not sure if you copied everything in.
In either case, the below works for me. You just need to update the link in the window.location = syntax. When you do that, it will take your stored value to the new page in the same tab, and display it using the script code in 2.html.
Code in 1.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1" />
<title>Your name test</title>
<p>Whats Your Name?</p>
<input id="your-name-input" type="text">
<button id="next-button">Next</button>
const nextButton = document.getElementById("next-button");
const input = document.getElementById("your-name-input");
nextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
const name = input.value;
if(name !== "") {
sessionStorage.setItem("name", name);
window.location = "<link to your 2.html file>";
} else {
alert("Please fill your name")
Code in 2.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1" />
<title>See, it works</title>
<p id="user-name"></p>
const displayText = document.getElementById("user-name");
const storedValue = sessionStorage.getItem("name");
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
displayText.innerHTML = "Hi " + storedValue;
Original ans to original question:
You could use an addEventListener with an IF statement for your 'next' button and then the code you already have for localStorage.
Depending on what you need from your page, you could also use sessionStorage - that one doesn't save the input forever so might save, albeit limited, space on your user's computer.
I don't see the HTML for your button yet. But assuming you have it, here's an option for the rest of your code in 1.html.
Inside 1.html script tag:
nextButton = document.getElementById("yourButtonID");
nextButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
var name = document.getElementById("your-name-input").value;
if(name !== "") { // if input is not empty
localStorage.setItem("name", name); // set the value in localStorage
} else {
alert("Please fill your name")} // else, display an alert (if you like)


How can I make multiple inputs every time I enter an input?

I am creating a google extension called manga extension. It all went well until I crossed with input. I like to put an input number every time I enter a manga name in the main input, naming it with chapter with input. But when I enter a new manga name, the value of every input I entered is lost. And I don't know how to put it inside of localStorage. How should I make it?
const divInput = []
const mangaName = document.getElementById('mangaNameInList')
// the manga name
const deleteBtn = document.getElementById('deleteBtn')
let mangaChapters = document.createElement('input')
let mangaLists = document.getElementById('mangaLists')
// the div i created in html
let count = 0
mangaName.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
if (event.key == 'Enter') {
count += 1
mangaLists.innerHTML += `<p> ${mangaName.value}
<input type="number" class="mangaChapters ${count}"
// the input that i was conflicted with
function getValue(event) {
if (event.key == 'Enter') {
mangaChapters = document.getElementsByClassName(`mangaChapters`)
every time I entered the main input (mangaName) and displaying it in the innerHTML, I just concatenate it with and and that's the problem, how can I get the value of every declared input that I make in inside the mangaName?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<title>Manga Extension</title>
<h1>Manga Name Lists</h1>
<input type="text" id="mangaNameInList">
<button id="deleteBtn">DELETE ALL</button>
<div id="mangaLists"></div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
here's the html code. thanks for taking time to answer my coding question :)))

How to change an Id on another page as it loads through JavaScript

I want for the user to click a button which leads to another page. Depending on what button the user clicks, the page content should look different despite being on the same page. A simplified example is below:
Starting page html code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Click Here
Click Here
<script src="script.js"></script>
second-page.html code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="script.js"></script>
script.js code:
function changeContent(n) {
document.getElementById("content-id").innerHTML = n;
The above code does not work. I'm guessing the browser doesn't see the content-id on the first page and fails to change anything before loading the second page. Any way to reference the right id on the right page using JavaScript (no jQuery) when the new page is loaded?
Short answer: there are several approaches, the easier that comes to mind is to use localStorage if you're dealing with same origin pages
What you need is to have user information available across multiple pages. So, unlike sessionStorage, localStorage allows to store data and save it across browser sessions:
localStorage is similar to sessionStorage, except that while localStorage data has no expiration time, sessionStorage data gets cleared when the page session ends — that is, when the page is closed.
To use it, consider adapting your javascript of first page:
function changeContent(n) {
localStorage.setItem('optionChosen', n);
Then retrieve it in the second page's javascript.
var opt = localStorage.getItem('optionChosen')
var content = document.querySelector('#content-id')
if (opt == null) console.log("Option null")
if (opt === 'Option One') content.innerText = "Foo"
if (opt === 'Option Two') content.innerText = "Bar"
Edited -
Added 3 working examples that can be copy and pasted.
Problem -
Display content on a new view based on the button clicked to get to that view.
Approach -
You can store the value of ID in the browser to help identify the content that should be displayed in many ways. I will show you three working examples.
Notes -
I am over complicating this a little to show you how you might make this work since I do not know the exact circumstances you are working with. You should be able to use this logic to refactor for your requirements. You will find the following 3 solutions below.
1. Using GET Params
Uses the GET params in the URL to help you track necessary changes in your view.
2. Using Session Storage
A page session lasts as long as the browser is open, and survives over page reloads and restores.
Opening a page in a new tab or window creates a new session with the value of the top-level browsing context, which differs from how session cookies work.
Opening multiple tabs/windows with the same URL creates sessionStorage for each tab/window.
Closing a tab/window ends the session and clears objects in sessionStorage.
3. Using Local Storage
The difference between localStorage and sessionStorage is the time the data persists. LocalStorage spans multiple windows and lasts beyond the current session.
The memory capacity may change by browser.
Similar to cookies, localStorage is not permanent. The data stored within it is specific to the user and their browser.
Solutions -
Working Examples - (Copy and paste any of the below solutions into an HTML file and they will work in your browser.)
Using GET Params
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<script type="text/javascript">
let currentURL = window.location.href.split("?")[0];
function appendParams(val) {
if (val === "a") {
window.location.assign(currentURL + "?id=a");
if (val === "b") {
window.location.assign(currentURL + "?id=b");
<title>Working Example</title>
<button onclick="appendParams('a')">Click Here</button>
<button onclick="appendParams('b')">Click Here</button>
<p id="replace-id"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
let url_str = window.location.href;
let url = new URL(url_str);
let search_params = url.searchParams;
let id = search_params.get("id");
document.getElementById("replace-id").id = id;
let ContentOne = "Some text if id is A";
let ContentTwo = "Some text if id is B";
if (id === "a") {
document.getElementById("a").innerHTML = ContentOne;
if (id === "b") {
document.getElementById("b").innerHTML = ContentTwo;
Using Session Storage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<script type="text/javascript">
sessionStorage.setItem("id", "default");
function addSessionStorage(val) {
sessionStorage.setItem("id", val);
function updateContent() {
let id = sessionStorage.getItem("id");
let ContentOne = "Some text if id is A";
let ContentTwo = "Some text if id is B";
if (id === "a") {
document.getElementById("replace-content").innerHTML =
if (id === "b") {
document.getElementById("replace-content").innerHTML =
<title>Working Example</title>
<button onclick="addSessionStorage('a')">Click Here</button>
<button onclick="addSessionStorage('b')">Click Here</button>
<p id="replace-content">Default Content</p>
Using Local Storage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<script type="text/javascript">
localStorage.setItem("id", "default");
function addLocalStorage(val) {
localStorage.setItem("id", val);
function updateContent() {
let id = localStorage.getItem("id");
let ContentOne = "Some text if id is A";
let ContentTwo = "Some text if id is B";
if (id === "a") {
document.getElementById("replace-content").innerHTML =
if (id === "b") {
document.getElementById("replace-content").innerHTML =
<title>Working Example</title>
<button onclick="addLocalStorage('a')">Click Here</button>
<button onclick="addLocalStorage('b')">Click Here</button>
<p id="replace-content">Default Content</p>

Trying to make a notepad like script in HTML/JS

Edit: Just confirming: I want what the user typed to be saved so that when he reloads/leaves the webpage and comes back what he wrote earlier is still there.
I tried using cookies but it only put one line of Default(variable) when I reloaded the page. Im trying to get it to work with localStorage now but it sets the textarea to "[object HTMLTextAreaElement]" or blank when I reload. I read that this error can be caused by forgetting to add the .value after getElementById() but I did not make this mistake. I am hosting and testing the webpage on Github(pages). What am I doing wrong? here is the code(ignore the comments also it might not work in jsfiddle bc it localstorage didn't work there for me):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>le epic web page</title>
= "\n"-->
<textarea id="txt" rows="4" cols="50" oninput="save();"></textarea>
var Default="P1 Homework: \nP2 Homework: \nP3 Homework: \nP4 Homework: \n";
if(localStorage.getItem("P") == ""){
//update cookie (called when typed)
function save(){
var txt=document.getElementById("txt").value;
localStorage.setItem("P",txt);//set cookie to innerHTML of textArea, expires in 1 day
//when page closed/reloaded
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
localStorage.setItem("P",txt);//update cookie when page is closed
When you are exiting the page, you are referencing the text element and storing that in localstorage. Since localStorage is a string it converts the html element reference into the text you see.
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
You are doing it correctly with save, so just call save with the beforeunload event
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', save);
Another bug in the code is the line
if(localStorage.getItem("P") == ""){
when localStorage is not set, it returns null. So the check would need to be a truthy check ( or you can check for nullv)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>le epic web page</title>
<textarea id="txt" rows="4" cols="50" oninput="save();"></textarea>
const Default =
"P1 Homework: \nP2 Homework: \nP3 Homework: \nP4 Homework: \n";
if (
localStorage.getItem("P") === "" ||
localStorage.getItem("P") === null ||
localStorage.getItem("P") === undefined
) {
localStorage.setItem("P", Default);
} else {
let currentValue = document.getElementById("txt");
currentValue.value = localStorage.getItem("P");
function save() {
let txt = document.getElementById("txt").value;
localStorage.setItem("P", txt);
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
let txt = document.getElementById("txt").value;
localStorage.setItem("P", txt);

Get current input value in function that is set as variable within another function. (I AM STUMPED) code examples within

I have a difficult question, I am trying to get the input value of an input field, however, I need this to happen within another function.
I already have code that works outside of this other function but I need to refactor it to work inside another function that I am calling.
Examples of working code and non-working code are below.
Here is the HTML where I am getting the input:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
var config = {
baseUrl: "js",
var dependencies = ["otherFile"];
require(config, dependencies);
<label>Input URL</label>
<input type="url" />
<p id="targetInput"></p>
Here is the non-working JS that I am trying to call within another function:
function someOtherFunction() {
var getCurrentInput = function() { };
var input = document.querySelector("input");
var log = document.getElementById("targetInput");
input.addEventListener("input", getCurrentInput);
var getCurrentInput = function (e) {
log.currentInput =;
Lastly here is the working code that works outside of the scope of someOtherFunction
var getCurrentInput = "";
var input = document.querySelector("input");
var log = document.getElementById("targetInput");
input.addEventListener("input", getCurrentInput);
function getCurrentInput(e) {
log.currentInput =;
Now you may notice that there isn't a form being submitted here, the reason for this is because this code is running on an iframe that is being called into another app. The submit is happening there but requires me to call a function to make it happen and technically isn't a submit, meaning I don't have control over it like a regular submit. This is why I need to call the current input value inside someOtherFunction.
Any help would be greatly appreciated here! Essentially I want to get the value inside the input and update my API with the value as a JSON string. There must be a better way!
Was a bit difficult to follow at first given the nesting, but something like this?
const doThing = (e) => {
let input = document.getElementById("input");
let log = document.getElementById("targetInput");
log.textContent = input.value;
<label>Input URL</label>
<input type="url" id="input"/>
<p id="targetInput"> </p>
<button onclick="doThing()">Click</button>
Essentially an external submit that takes an internal input value, and injects it into another internal element?

How to replace text in a html document using Javascript

I have written this code which I thought was correct, but although it runs without error, nothing is replaced.
Also I am not sure what event I should use to execute the code.
The test a simple template for a landing page. The tokens passed in on the url will be used to replace tags or tokens in the template.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TODO supply a title</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
// gets passed variables frm the url
function getQueryVar(str) {
return 'Newtext'; // JUST SCAFFOLD FOR TESTING
function searchReplace() {
var t = 0;
var tags = Array('keyword', 'locale', 'advert_ID');
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
var str = document.body.innerText;
for (t = 0; t < tags.length; t++) {
//replace in str every instance of the tag with the correct value
if (tags[t].length > 0) {
var sToken = '{ltoken=' + tags[t] + '}';
var sReplace = getQueryVar(tags[t]);
str.replace(sToken, sReplace);
} else {
var sToken = '{ltoken=' + tags[t] + '}'
var sReplace = '';
str.replace(sToken, sReplace);
//str.replace(/sToken/g,sReplace); //all instances
document.body.innerText = str;
<H1> THE HEADING ONE {ltoken=keyword}</H1>
<P>I AM A PARAGRAPH {ltoken=keyword}</P>
<div>TODO write content</div>
<input type="button" onclick="searchReplace('keyword')">
So when the documment has finished loading I want to execute this code and it will replace {ltoken=keyword} withe value for keyword returned by getQueryVar.
Currently it replaces nothing, but raises no errors
Your problem is the fact you don't reassign the replacement of the string back to it's parent.
should be
str = str.replace(sToken,sReplace);
The .replace method returns the modified string, it does not perform action on the variable itself.
Use innerHTML instead innerText and instead your for-loop try
tags.forEach(t=> str=str.replace(new RegExp('{ltoken='+ t+'}','g'), getQueryVar(t)))
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TODO supply a title</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
// gets passed variables frm the url
function getQueryVar(str)
function searchReplace() {
var t=0;
var tags =Array('keyword','locale','advert_ID');
if (document.readyState==='complete'){
var str = document.body.innerHTML;
tags.forEach(t=> str=str.replace(new RegExp('{ltoken='+ t+'}','g'), getQueryVar(t)));
//tags.forEach(t=> str=str.replace(new RegExp('{ltoken='+ tags[t]+'}', 'g'), getQueryVar(tags[t])));
<body >
<H1> THE HEADING ONE {ltoken=keyword}</H1>
<P>I AM A PARAGRAPH {ltoken=keyword}</P>
<div>TODO write content</div>
<input type ="button" onclick="searchReplace('keyword')" value="Clicke ME">
