Send 2 slack messages with 1 Google Forms answer - 1 as new message and 1 as its reply [duplicate] - javascript

I am using slack incoming web hook to post message to a channel. Here is my code
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"text": "Test message"
I am getting ok as response. I need thread id(thread_ts or ts) to reply to that thread.
How can I get thread id while posting message to slack using incoming web hooks

Webhooks will not return IDs for your message. So you don't get the thread_ts and ts, which you both need to reply as thread.
Its technically possible to find your message through calling conversations.history or if you listen to message events. However, you would need some workaround to reliably match them (e.g. add you own IDs).
In summary: webhooks do not support threads. If you want to do threading you need to post your messages via the API (e.g. chat.postMessage) and not use webhooks. Webhooks are just meant to offer an easy and quick way for posting messages, but they dont't offer the full functionality.
Here is the full guide on threads.


Azure Translation API - Throttling client requests

I'm trying to throttle the number of requests a client can make to my translator service which uses Azure Translation API.
The following link from Microsoft describes how to limit requests, but it's not clear where in the request this throttling information should be added. I assume the request headers?
Here is the curl. Note the rate limiting headers at the end. Is this the way to do it?
// Pass secret key and region using headers to a custom endpoint
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: xxx" \
-H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region: switzerlandnorth" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "rate-limit-by-key: calls=10 renewal-period=60 counter-key=" \
-d "[{'Text':'Hello'}]" -v
The link you've shared is from API Management, a managed API Gateway available on Azure. The idea is to generate "products" and let your users to subscribe to them. This way, you'll be able to track the requests and perform the throttle using a rate limit policy (the link you've shared).
if needed, please watch this quick video showing this functionality in use:

Creating a Shopify Order via postman / Shopify API

I ran into this tutorial using every technology in the world which is supposed to show how to build a react app from the ground up to leverage the shopify API. However there also this page describing a simple API call to do more or less what I need.
The goal is to have an entirely custom (extremely simple) checkout process that ends up in the shopify system. It would go something like this:
Stripe purchase ok -> shopify order saved -> thank you page redirect.
EDIT: It appears that the format solves the authentication problem. The call:
returns a pleasant
"orders": []
} so the authentication is a-ok.
However, doing a POST
Seems to return a cryptic page, instead of an error like so (which simply leads to your demo store/app):
So, in summary, I have a store, an authorized app (which successfully authenticates) so how do I add an order for an existing SKU programmatically?
Are you sure there are no cookies on the request? Because I can reproduce your exact issue if I add cookies.
It might be easier to use curl in order to have absolute clarity into what is being posted. For example:
# Edit to change app hostname, key/secret, and product/variant/customer ids
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"order": {
"line_items": [
"product_id": 2017449607219,
"variant_id": 17985741619251,
"quantity": 1
"customer": {
"id": 1257159000115
"financial_status": "pending"
"order": {
But if you want to stick with Postman, here are the supporting screenshots showing success without cookies, and failure with:
Confirming there are no cookies set:
Successful post to orders.json endpoint:
Now, add a cookie:
And I get the response shown in your question:
If you read the documentation of the private apps
Shopify doesn't support cookies in POST requests that use basic HTTP authentication. Any POST requests that use basic authentication and include cookies will fail with a 200 error code. Using cookies with basic authentication can expose your app to CSRF attacks, such as session hijacking.
This is on purpose, doing this on a client side is criminal. If you are doing something server side then it is ok to use basic auth. But on client side you shouldn't be using it
If you want to use in postman then you need to use it with access_token
Private apps can authenticate with Shopify by including the request header X-Shopify-Access-Token: {access_token}, where {access_token} is replaced by your private app's Admin API password.

How to see the HTTP request that AngularJS is sending?

I have a REST endpoint called myEndpoint that I can successfully hit using Curl like this:
curl \
--request DELETE \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: JWT eyJhbFciOiJ__FAKE__sInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InNhcWliIi__FAKE__9pZCI6NSwiZW1haWwiOiJzYXFpYi5hbGkuNzVAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiZXhwIjoxNDkxNzkyMzEzfQ.feGiXm__FAKE__ZS6V-OROM7EzekRzpu_5pwi865tz8" \
--data '{
"myAttribute": "Something"
}' \
However, when my AngularJS code tries to call the same endpoint it fails saying that the mandatory myAttribute parameter was not provided. This is how angularJS is making the call:
var httpParams = {'myAttribute': 'Something'};
$scope.myPromise = $http.delete('http://localhost:3999/api/myEndpoint', httpParams).then(self.myEndpointSuccess, self.myEndpointFailure);
(AngularJS's attachment of the JWT token to the HTTP request is not shown, but I'm sure that is working)
How can I see exactly what HTTP request AngularJS is sending so that I can do an apples-to-apples comparison agains my working curl call?
Here is my Chrome's Developer Tools -> Network tab. I don't see the information I'm seeking there:
The $ http service documentation says that $ http.delete gets two parameters, URL and config. By its call curl, I understand that myAtribute is the name given to a parameter that you want to send to the endpoint, in which case it should be in the params property or data property of the config object.
angular reference
another question
FYI, DELETE requests do not typically have a request body.
As for your issue, RTFM; the second arg to $http.delete should be a config object, so in your case
$http.delete('http://localhost:3999/api/myEndpoint', {data: httpParams})
AngularJS provides the $http module for http requests. You can make a specific request with this module and then process the request with the . then() whichever takes a success callback followed by a error callback

Curl to Javascript

I am making a Chrome Extension that talks to a website via an api. I want it to pass information about a current tab to my website via a cors request.
I have a POST api request already working. It looks like this:
var url = ""
xhr.send(JSON.stringify({user_name:user_name, password:password, info:info}));
Its corresponding curl statement is something like this:
curl -X POST -d '{ username:"username", password:"password", info: "Lot's of info" }' --header "Content-type: application/json
But, this is not as secure as we want. I was told to mirror the curl command below:
curl --basic -u username:password <request url> -d '{ "info": "Lot's of info" }'
But, one cannot just write curl into javascript.
If someone could either supply javascript that acts like this curl statement or explain exactly what is going on in that basic option of the curl script I think that I could progress from there.
The curl command is setting a basic Authorization header. This can be done in JavaScript like
var url = "",
username = "...",
password = "...";'POST', url, true, username, password);
This encodes the username/password using base 64, and sets the Authorization header.
Edit As arcyqwerty mentioned, this is no more secure than sending username/password in the request body JSON. The advantage of using the basic authentication approach is that it's a standard way of specifying user credentials which integrates well with many back-ends. If you need security, make sure to send your data over HTTPS.
curl is the curl binary which fetches URLs.
--basic tells curl to use "HTTP Basic Authentication"
-u username:password tells curl supply a given username/password for the authentication. This authentication information is base64 encoded in the request. Note the emphasis on encoded which is different from encrypted. HTTP basic auth is not secure (although it can be made more secure by using an HTTPS channel)
-d tells curl to send the following as the data for the request
You may be able to specify HTTP basic authentication in your request by making the request to

How would I form a correct POST request to LinkedIn to exchange the temp auth code for the access token and is SSL3 the cause?

I'm still a bit confused about how to form the correct POST request to LinkedIn to exchange the already received temporary authorization code for the user's access token as described in the LinkedIn docs at in step 3b.
There it says a POST request should be made, but instead of the POST request format, the docs give this URL with query parameters:
I'm using server-side JavaScript and would like to form the proper POST request. Does this look correct?
r = 'POST /uas/oauth2/accessToken HTTP/1.1' + crlf;
r += 'Host:' + crlf + crlf;
r += parameters;
Where crlf is '\r\n' and parameters would be in the body and would be:
with the upper-case values being replaced by the actual values for our app and the user.
Then the request itself would be sent to using a function I have for making HTTP requests.
Does that seem correct? Is that sufficient for forming a proper POST request?
Must I also include Referer, Content-Type and Content-Length headers? If so, should my request actually look like this?
r = 'POST /uas/oauth2/accessToken HTTP/1.1' + crlf;
r += 'Host:' + crlf ;
r += 'Referer: http://' + site.txMainServer + '/LinkedProfile' + crlf;
r += 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + crlf;
r += 'Content-Length: ' + parameters.length + crlf + crlf;
r += parameters;
Where site.txMainServer is the server's URL.
New info: If I try the above code, rather than returning JSON with the access token, the following error is returned when I make my POST request: "* Connection error: 1590".
New info 2: Somebody told me that LinkedIn would also accept a GET request. So instead of a POST I tried a GET request in the exact form of the URL shown above in the LinkedIn documentation. But I also get a "* Connection error: 1590" if I try that. So I am stuck.
New info 3: Since it is an HTTPS request I tried replacing the Host header above with
but that didn't help. I still get the same "* Connection error: 1590".
New info 4: I believe the 1590 error is a "failure to make an SSL connection" error from my server. I have since tested by making successful SSL POST requests from my server to other SSL sites with the exact same headers and parameters (adjusting the Host of course to match the other server) for testing and have returned successful replies. So there is something about the LinkedIn server that is different. It wants some different format of a POST request, but I don't know what it is.
New Info 5: It appears our server is trying to make a POST request via SSL3 to exchange the temporary authentication code for the access token needed to make API calls, but we are experiencing handshake failures. Is SSL3 not supported at all for the LinkedIn API now?
It's just not clear to me why, if LinkedIn docs say they want a POST they instead give an example showing a full URL with query parameters, rather than the exact format of the POST request they want.
It appears I am not doing it the way LinkedIn wants, and would appreciate any assistance here. If I could just see an example of the correct format of the POST request I'm sure I can proceed from there! But it's not in the LinkedIn docs.
I'm not familiar with server-side js (you mean nodejs?).
so shot in the dark: some companies require params both in the URL & POST body and linkedin require HTTPS request, maybe is not right.
PS. can't edit comments,just post here;(
I believe I found the answer. At LinkedIn employees post the following in response to people having problems which seem much like mine:
"In light of the recent disclosure of the "Poodle" SSL vulnerability, LinkedIn
is joining the large number of services that have actively removed support for
SSLv3, effective immediately. If you are experiencing errors related to
HTTPS-based communication with our APIs, please ensure you are using a
client/library that supports TLS 1.0+ instead of SSLv3 to avoid disruption.""
"There is no fix for this issue. It is the result of an unfixable vulnerability
in the SSLv3 protocol itself, which is well outside of LinkedIn's control. We
will not be re-enabling support for this. You will have to use a library that
can make a different SSL connection."
It appears we have to upgrade our SSL or cannot proceed.
