Can you display different map in a drawn polygon? - javascript

Is it possible in leaflet.js to draw a polygon on a map with one WMS and in this polygon display different WMS? (For example I want the user to be able to view a map with dark theme and than draw shapes on said map and in this shapes map would change to light theme.)


Draw layers when drag map Openlayers

I have a map in openlayers 6 with some vectorLayer type layers drawn above, the problem is that when I drag the map the part of the layer that was not visible in the initial clip is not drawn until I do not release the left button of the mouse.
Do you know if this has a solution or is something internal that funcoina so openlayers?.

Draw a polygon (preferably rectangle) on Custom Overlays (Microsoft.Maps.CustomOverlay) in Bing Maps v8

On Bing Maps v8 Is it possible to draw a Polygon (preferably rectangle) on Custom Overlay (Microsoft.Maps.CustomOverlay).
I have been able to render Images (as pushpins) on Custom Overlays using Canvas Layer example given in the link
I want to draw a rectangle on Top of this Canvas Layer.
Polygon's are rendered within the base map canvas. As such changing the zIndex such that custom overlays are below polygons would result in the overlay being behind the base map and not visible. It is not possible to put custom overlays between the base map and polygons at this time.
That said, if you are using the drawing tools, it uses a separate canvas when drawing/editing which is above custom overlays. If you are simply drawing a polygon/rectangle and then doing a search with it, that would work, but the final polygon would end up behind the overlay as soon as you leave edit mode.
However, polygons should always be rendered behind pushpins This is standard practice in all mapping platforms.

google line chart add new shapes

I need to add a new shape to google line charts. Google charts allow the following shape types: circle, triangle, square, diamond, star and polygon, but i need to set "pi" shape in a series as well as two other shapes.
It is possible?

Google map draw polygons and alert on overlapping

I am drawing different polygons on google map. I need when user draws polygon, if polygon overlap with any other polygon then user get warning alert, ( You can't draw overlapped polygon).
Please check Example
I have done drawing different polygons. but I could not find prevent overlapping.
Please help me, how I show alert when polygon is overlapped with other polygon
1) You need to keep track of all existing polygon coordinates.
2) You will need a polygon overlapping algorithm, example for convex polygons.
2b) If your polygons are non-convex, you either need to find appropriate algorithm or split them into convex elements (triangles?) to be able to use 2).
3) Javascript alerts

Is it possible to create a radial gradient under a google map (v3) marker?

I'm wondering how to go about creating a radial gradient that goes from solid at the center to transparent at the outside and place it under a marker on a google map. Would it need to be a new "marker" on a layer underneath?
Normally you can use a static image, you have to define its geometry when adding them because the default is unlikely to be what you want. Oh, I did not make a transparency so the marker will look odd over land.
See here:
