Composition API with Nuxt 2 to get template refs array - javascript

I'm trying to get the array of element refs that are not in v-for. I'm using #nuxtjs/composition-api on Nuxt 2.
(Truth: I want to make an array of input elements, so that I can perform validations on them before submit)
This sounds too easy on vue 2 as $refs becomes an array when one or more compnents have the same ref name on html. However, this doesn't sound simple with composition api and trying to perform simple task with that got me stuck from long.
So to handle this scenario, I've created 1 composable function. (Soruce:
// file: viewRefs.js
import { onBeforeUpdate, onUpdated } from '#nuxtjs/composition-api'
export default () => {
let itemRefs = []
const setItemRef = el => {
console.log('adding item ref')
if (el) {
onBeforeUpdate(() => {
itemRefs = []
onUpdated(() => {
return {
Here is my vue file:
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
<input :ref="input.setItemRef" />
// rest of my cool html
import {
} from '#nuxtjs/composition-api'
import viewRefs from '~/composables/viewRefs'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const input = viewRefs()
// awesome vue code here...
return {
Now when I run this file, I don't see any adding item ref logs. And on click of a button, I'm logging input. That has 0 items in the itemRefs array.
What's going wrong?

Nuxt 2 is based on Vue 2, which only accepts strings for the ref attribute. The docs you linked actually refer to new behavior in Vue 3 for ref, where functions are also accepted.
Template refs in Nuxt 2 work the same way as they do in Vue 2 with Composition API: When a ref is inside a v-for, the ref becomes an array:
<div id="app">
<button #click="logRefs">Log refs</button>
<input v-for="i in 4" :key="i" ref="itemRef" />
import { ref } from '#vue/composition-api'
export default {
setup() {
const itemRef = ref(null)
return {
logRefs() {
console.log(itemRef.value) // => array of inputs
And setup() does not provide access to $refs, as template refs must be explicitly declared as reactive refs in Composition API.


Vue 3: child to parent and parent to child design pattern

I am new to the Vue 3 ecosystem. I am building a search form using the composition API.
I have a child component that contains a search form input. It emits a doEmitSearch event, and has a payload of the searchterm.
In the parent component I receive the emitted event #doEmitSearch=”doTriggerSearch”
In the parent component I have
<script lang=”ts” setup>
import {doPerformSearch} from "../composables/doPerformSearch"
function doTriggerSearch (value){
return doPerformSearch(value)
Inside the doPerformSearch.ts I have various functions Search1(value), Search2(value), Search3(value) etc. that do API calls for multiple API searches, and data cleaning etc, and each one returns search results as JSON, which I want to dispatch/pass/display in either in the parent component or other child-components as props.
What syntax in the composition API can I use to display the returned doPerformSearch(value) in the parent component as {{searchResults}}
What syntax can I use to pass and display multiple search results to child components ?
Is that a good design pattern I'm using, or is there better ways to do it ?
Thank you
I would suggest you to start with Vue 3 Docs Components Basics. Be sure to switch the "API Preference" to Composition API.
I did a very basic concept of your task. Check the code below.
You can make your components statefull, like searchInput or stateless, like searchHistory. It's up to you, where you store your data in the app.
Important is to understand the data flow with Vue components. Usually, components become data over binding and respond with events.
const { ref, createApp } = Vue;
var searchInput = {
emits: ['search'],
data() {
return {
searchValue: ''
template: `
<input type="text" :value="searchValue"
#input="searchValue = $" />
<button type="button" #click="$emit('search', searchValue)">enter</button>`
var searchHistory = {
props: {
history: {
type: Array,
template: `
<label>Search History:</label>
<ul><li v-for="item in history">{{item}}</li></ul>`
const app = createApp({
productionTip: false,
components: {
data() {
return {
searchHistory: []
methods: {
doSearch(value) {
if (value != '' && this.searchHistory.indexOf(value) == -1) this.searchHistory.push(value);
<div id="app">
<search-input #search="doSearch"></search-input><hr>
<search-history :history="searchHistory"></search-history>
<script src=""></script>
If this can help anyone: here is the answer to 1)
<script lang=”ts” setup>
import {doPerformSearch} from "../composables/doPerformSearch"
let searchResults = ref(0);
async function doTriggerSearch(value){
return searchResults.value = await doPerformSearch(value);
and in the template I have {{searchResults}}

Why does this.renderChart not exist on CombinedVueInstance? [duplicate]

While rewriting my VueJs project in typescript, I came across a TypeScript error.
This is a part of the component that has a custom v-model.
An input field in the html has a ref called 'plate' and I want to access the value of that. The #input on that field calls the update method written below.
Typescript is complaining that value does not exist on plate.
#Prop() value: any;
update() {
plate: this.$refs.plate.value
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputPlate" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Plate</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputPlate" ref="plate" :value="value.plate" #input="update">
You can do this:
class YourComponent extends Vue {
$refs!: {
checkboxElement: HTMLFormElement
someMethod () {
From this issue:
Edit - 2021-03 (Composition API)
Updating this answer because Vue 3 (or the composition API plugin if you're using Vue 2) has some new functions.
<div ref="root">This is a root element</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const root = ref(null)
onMounted(() => {
// the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render
console.log(root.value) // <div>This is a root element</div>
return {
Edit - 2020-04:
The vue-property-decorator library provides #Ref which I recommend instead of my original answer.
import { Vue, Component, Ref } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import AnotherComponent from '#/path/to/another-component.vue'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
#Ref() readonly anotherComponent!: AnotherComponent
#Ref('aButton') readonly button!: HTMLButtonElement
Original Answer
None of the above answers worked for what I was trying to do. Adding the following $refs property wound up fixing it and seemed to restore the expected properties. I found the solution linked on this github post.
class YourComponent extends Vue {
$refs!: {
vue: Vue,
element: HTMLInputElement,
vues: Vue[],
elements: HTMLInputElement[]
someMethod () {
const Son = Vue.extend({
components: {},
props: {},
methods: {
export type SonRef = InstanceType<typeof Son>;
export default Son;
<son ref="son" />
computed: {
son(): SonRef {
return this.$refs.son as SonRef;
This worked for me: use
(this.$refs.<refField> as any).value or (this.$refs.['refField'] as any).value
Avoid using bracket < > to typecast because it will conflict with JSX.
Try this instead
update() {
const plateElement = this.$refs.plate as HTMLInputElement
this.$emit('input', { plate: plateElement.value });
as a note that I always keep remembering
Typescript is just Javascript with strong typing capability to ensure type safety. So (usually) it doesn't predict the type of X (var, param, etc) neither automatically typecasted any operation.
Also, another purpose of the typescript is to make JS code became clearer/readable, so always define the type whenever is possible.
Maybe it will be useful to someone. It looks more beautiful and remains type support.
<input ref="inputComment" v-model="inputComment">
const inputValue = ((this.$refs.inputComment as Vue).$el as HTMLInputElement).value;
In case of custom component method call,
we can typecast that component name, so it's easy to refer to that method.
(this.$refs.annotator as AnnotatorComponent).saveObjects();
where AnnotatorComponent is class based vue component as below.
export default class AnnotatorComponent extends Vue {
public saveObjects() {
// Custom code
With Vue 3 and the Options API, this is what worked for me:
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent} from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
methods: {
someAction() {
(this.$ as HTMLInputElement).value = 'abc';
The autocomplete doesn't bring the foo property from $refs because it's defined in the template, and apparently there's no information inferred from it.
However, once you force the casting of .foo to the HTML element type, everything works from there on, so you can access any element property (like .value, in the example above).
Make sure to wrap your exports with Vue.extend() if you are converting your existing vue project from js to ts and want to keep the old format.
<script lang="ts">
export default {
mounted() {
let element = this.$refs.graph;
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
export default Vue.extend({
mounted() {
let element = this.$refs.graph;
I found a way to make it work but it is ugly in my opinion.
Feel free to give other/better suggestions.
update() {
this.$emit('input', {
plate: (<any>this.$refs.plate).value,
I spent a LONG time trying to find an answer to this using Vue 3, TypeScript with class components and (as it happens, although not relevant to this) TipTap. Found the answer from bestRenekton above which finally solved it, but it needed tweaking. I'm pretty sure this is TypeScript specific.
My child component has this at the start:
export default class WhealEditor extends Vue {
It includes this method (the one I want to call from the parent):
doThis(what: string) {
console.log('Called with ' + what)
And this right at the end:
export type EditorRef = InstanceType<typeof WhealEditor>
So this announces to any consumer of the child component that it can access it using the variable EditorRef. The parent component includes the child component in the template:
<WhealEditor ref="refEditor" />
The parent component then imports ref, and the child component and the exposed object:
import { ref } from 'vue'
import WhealEditor, { EditorRef } from './components/WhealEditor.vue'
I then have a method to get this object:
getEditor(): EditorRef {
// gets a reference to the child component
return this.$refs.refEditor as EditorRef
Finally, I can handle events - for example:
processButton(msg: string) {
// runs method in child component
Like everything else to do with client script, it's so much harder than I expected!

Vue DOM element scrollTop is inaccessible [duplicate]

While rewriting my VueJs project in typescript, I came across a TypeScript error.
This is a part of the component that has a custom v-model.
An input field in the html has a ref called 'plate' and I want to access the value of that. The #input on that field calls the update method written below.
Typescript is complaining that value does not exist on plate.
#Prop() value: any;
update() {
plate: this.$refs.plate.value
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputPlate" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Plate</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputPlate" ref="plate" :value="value.plate" #input="update">
You can do this:
class YourComponent extends Vue {
$refs!: {
checkboxElement: HTMLFormElement
someMethod () {
From this issue:
Edit - 2021-03 (Composition API)
Updating this answer because Vue 3 (or the composition API plugin if you're using Vue 2) has some new functions.
<div ref="root">This is a root element</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const root = ref(null)
onMounted(() => {
// the DOM element will be assigned to the ref after initial render
console.log(root.value) // <div>This is a root element</div>
return {
Edit - 2020-04:
The vue-property-decorator library provides #Ref which I recommend instead of my original answer.
import { Vue, Component, Ref } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import AnotherComponent from '#/path/to/another-component.vue'
export default class YourComponent extends Vue {
#Ref() readonly anotherComponent!: AnotherComponent
#Ref('aButton') readonly button!: HTMLButtonElement
Original Answer
None of the above answers worked for what I was trying to do. Adding the following $refs property wound up fixing it and seemed to restore the expected properties. I found the solution linked on this github post.
class YourComponent extends Vue {
$refs!: {
vue: Vue,
element: HTMLInputElement,
vues: Vue[],
elements: HTMLInputElement[]
someMethod () {
const Son = Vue.extend({
components: {},
props: {},
methods: {
export type SonRef = InstanceType<typeof Son>;
export default Son;
<son ref="son" />
computed: {
son(): SonRef {
return this.$refs.son as SonRef;
This worked for me: use
(this.$refs.<refField> as any).value or (this.$refs.['refField'] as any).value
Avoid using bracket < > to typecast because it will conflict with JSX.
Try this instead
update() {
const plateElement = this.$refs.plate as HTMLInputElement
this.$emit('input', { plate: plateElement.value });
as a note that I always keep remembering
Typescript is just Javascript with strong typing capability to ensure type safety. So (usually) it doesn't predict the type of X (var, param, etc) neither automatically typecasted any operation.
Also, another purpose of the typescript is to make JS code became clearer/readable, so always define the type whenever is possible.
Maybe it will be useful to someone. It looks more beautiful and remains type support.
<input ref="inputComment" v-model="inputComment">
const inputValue = ((this.$refs.inputComment as Vue).$el as HTMLInputElement).value;
In case of custom component method call,
we can typecast that component name, so it's easy to refer to that method.
(this.$refs.annotator as AnnotatorComponent).saveObjects();
where AnnotatorComponent is class based vue component as below.
export default class AnnotatorComponent extends Vue {
public saveObjects() {
// Custom code
With Vue 3 and the Options API, this is what worked for me:
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent} from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
methods: {
someAction() {
(this.$ as HTMLInputElement).value = 'abc';
The autocomplete doesn't bring the foo property from $refs because it's defined in the template, and apparently there's no information inferred from it.
However, once you force the casting of .foo to the HTML element type, everything works from there on, so you can access any element property (like .value, in the example above).
Make sure to wrap your exports with Vue.extend() if you are converting your existing vue project from js to ts and want to keep the old format.
<script lang="ts">
export default {
mounted() {
let element = this.$refs.graph;
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
export default Vue.extend({
mounted() {
let element = this.$refs.graph;
I found a way to make it work but it is ugly in my opinion.
Feel free to give other/better suggestions.
update() {
this.$emit('input', {
plate: (<any>this.$refs.plate).value,
I spent a LONG time trying to find an answer to this using Vue 3, TypeScript with class components and (as it happens, although not relevant to this) TipTap. Found the answer from bestRenekton above which finally solved it, but it needed tweaking. I'm pretty sure this is TypeScript specific.
My child component has this at the start:
export default class WhealEditor extends Vue {
It includes this method (the one I want to call from the parent):
doThis(what: string) {
console.log('Called with ' + what)
And this right at the end:
export type EditorRef = InstanceType<typeof WhealEditor>
So this announces to any consumer of the child component that it can access it using the variable EditorRef. The parent component includes the child component in the template:
<WhealEditor ref="refEditor" />
The parent component then imports ref, and the child component and the exposed object:
import { ref } from 'vue'
import WhealEditor, { EditorRef } from './components/WhealEditor.vue'
I then have a method to get this object:
getEditor(): EditorRef {
// gets a reference to the child component
return this.$refs.refEditor as EditorRef
Finally, I can handle events - for example:
processButton(msg: string) {
// runs method in child component
Like everything else to do with client script, it's so much harder than I expected!

Get multiple components instead of one. They are rendered from the list. vue.js

I have a list of instruments that should render a c-input with autosuggest window when the user types something. Also, I need an option for c-input to add or remove autosuggest component.
/* instrument component */
<c-input ref="input"
#reset="reset" />
export default {
name: 'instrument',
data: () => ({
suggests: [],
inputValue: '',
computed: {
showSuggests() {
return this.isNeedAutosuggest && this.showList;
showList() {
return this.$;
isloading() {
return this.$store.state.instruments.showLoading;
defaultValue() {
if ( {
return '';
This is a parent component:
<instrument v-for="(instrument, index) in instruments"
:isNeedAutosuggest="true" /> <!--that flag should manage an autosuggest option-->
<instrument v-if="instruments.length < maxInstruments"
:isNeedAutosuggest="true" <!-- here too -->
:placeholder="$t('instrument-panel.ADD_INSTRUMENT')" />
The main issues are I have so many autosuggests in DOM as I have instruments. In other words, there is should be 1 autosuggest component when the option is true. Moving autosuggest to the parent level is not good because of flexibility and a lot of logically connected with c-input.
Have you any ideas to do it?
Here is how I've solve this;
I created an another component that wraps input and autosuggest components. If I need need an input with autosuggest I will use this one, either I will use a simple input.
/* wrapper.vue - inserted into the Instrument.vue*/
<fc-input ref="input"
#changeInput="$emit('change', $event)"
#resetInput="onResetInput" />
You can do it if you create a function inside each instrument component, which will call the parent component and search the first component instrument to find autosuggest. Function will be like that:
name: 'instrument',
computed: {
autosuggestComponent () {
// this is a pseudo code
const parentChildrenComponents = this.$parent.children();
const firstChild = parentChildrenComponents[0];
const autosuggestEl = firstChild.$el.getElementsByTagName('autosuggest')[0];
// return Vue component
return autosuggestEl.__vue__;
methods: {
useAutosuggestComponent () {
this.autosuggestComponent.inputValue = this.inputValue;
this.autosuggestComponent.suggests = [{...}];
This solution is not so beautiful, but it allows to keep the logic inside the instrument component.
But my advice is create some parent component which will contain instrument components and I suggest to work with autosuggest through the parent. You can create autosuggest component in the parent and pass it to the children instruments. And if instrument doesn't receive a link to a autosuggest (in props), than it will create autosuggest inside itself. It will allow to use instrument for different conditions.
Let me know if I need to explain my idea carefully.

How to render array of component instances in vue.js?

I need to build list of dynamical components that I can group in group component. Then I need to send all information about builded components and groups.
I can use <component v-for="componentName in myComponents" :is="componentName"></component>, and get information about components using this.$ => component.getInformation()), but then I can't move some component to group component, because I have only component name not the component instance with data (it just render with default data).
I also can use this:
<div ref="container"> </div>
import someComponent from 'someComponent.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
data () {
return {
myComponents: []
methods: {
addSomeComponent () {
let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
let instance = new ComponentClass({});
getInformation () {
return => component.getInformation());
But then I can't use reactivity, directives (e.g. directives for drag and drop), and it's not data driven pattern.
Any suggestions?
<div class="component">
<template v-for="(child, index) in children()">
<component :is="child" :key=""></component>
import someComponent from 'someComponent.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
methods: {
children() {
let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
let instance = new ComponentClass({});
return [
