How can I wrap to child by parent? (not component) Vue.js - javascript

When using Vue I am faced with something different than usual and cannot be overcome. The HTML code and JSFiddle links:
<div class="box align" id="app" onmouseover="fuchsia(id)" onmouseout='notFuchsia(id)'>
<div class="line align">
<div class="y-line align">
<p>get ur pointer yellow line</p>
<!--JS and CSS in JSFiddle links. Please look at -->
Case 1 (Pure JS + HTML + CSS):
Case 2 (Vue.js + HTML + CSS):
I want my code to work like the case 1, but I'm using Vue.js. So, I think I can explain the problem.

Well, I did a little bit of rewriting of your code. Notice that I removed your methods, added property hover to data object and added a css class active, which is added to the element when mouse is hovered over it.


JS closest/parent not working on loaded page

I'm working with a third-party code and I'm quite limited in terms of filtering a list of elements.
Each of these elements has this structure:
<div class="item-preview">
<div class="item-info">
<div class="tag">
<svg class="tag-public"></svg>
The only thing that changes is the svg class, so it's whether tag-public or tag-private. Depending on the user type that's checking the content, I'd like to hide it when it's tag-private. I've tried this:
And this:
But any of them works. The code uses React and the items are brought by JSON/AJAX, so I guess the problem is related to trying to modify the page once is loaded...
Any thoughts on how to make my JS "override" the original code? Thanks a ton.

Angular switch Outer Div based on boolean

I am using Angular 1.4.7 and need to do the following
<div ng-if="varIsTrue">
<div ng-if="!(varIsTrue)" my-custom-directive>
A lot of content
So basically, if the div is set only the proper div shows up. I tried do a few variations of this with ng-if and ng-show but I believe because how the browser renders the dom it is messing it up with the multiple divs, but that is the concept I am going for. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?
You cannot do this you should have 2 closing tags
<div ng-if="varIsTrue">
<div ng-if="!(varIsTrue)" my-custom-directive>
A lot of content
or you will have to switch in my-custom-directive

Remove style attribute from all descendants in jquery

I'm brand new to javascript/jquery, but have been going okay so far (though you'd hate to see my code), but I've hit a wall with trying to strip out style tags from some HTML I'm trying to clone.
The reason for cloning is that the CMS I'm forced to use (which I don't have access to code behind, only able to add code over the top) automatically builds a top nav, and I want to add a duplicate sticky nav once the user scrolls, but also add a couple of elements to the scrolled version.
The original HTML of the top nav looks a bit like like:
<nav id="mainNavigation" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index">
<div class="index" style="margin-right: 80px;">
<div class="index active" style="margin-left: 80px;">
<a class="active" href="/about/">About</a>
<div class="external">
<div class="index">
I had mild success (other than those style tags I want to remove) with the following, even though it doesn't seem to make sense to me, as I expected some of the elements would be repeated (the whole < nav >…< /nav > tag should have been within the #mainNavigation clone, no?):
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().html();
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
' + originalNavItems + '
<div class="newItem">
<a href="">
View on External Site
I've tried to use a few answers from related questions on here, but I keep getting incorrect results. Can you help me?
You can strip the style elements like so:
var el = $('#mainNavigation'); // or whatever
You can use
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().find("*").removeAttr("style");
Then you can use .append() to add that html elements
You can clone into an imaginary div and then fetch the mainNavigation also. You can also remove the style attributes along with that. Hope this works for you...
var temp = $('<div />').html($('#mainNavigation').clone());
originalNavItems = temp.html();
The nav is cloned but the html() function only returns the HTML for the contents and that's why it disappears. You can avoid some string manipulation by adding the cloned element directly before a target element.
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
<div class="newItem">
<a href="">
View on External Site
.insertBefore('#newScrolledNav .newItem');
In the previous case find('[style]') matches elements that have a style attribute.
I'm new to Stack Overflow (and js in general), so this might be really bad ettiquette, but I seem to have accidentally fixed it myself trying to debug my implementation of the first upvoted answer that #Anoop Joshi gave above. Please comment and let me know if it would have been better to just edit my question!
I decided to break the process down into separate steps – similar to #Kiran Reddy's response actually, but I hadn't got to trying his yet.
I tried:
var styledHTML = $('#mainNavigation').clone();
var originalNavItems = styledHTML.html();
$("#site").prepend('<div… etc.
with a console.log(styledHTML) etc under each line to check what I had at each stage – and it worked! (The code did, console.log didn't?)
I was just doing this to try and log the value of the variables at each stage, but whatever I did fixed it…
Now I need to figure out why I can't even make console.log(variable); work :-/
Try this code
Hope this will help you.

Is it possible to access a function in a directive from a view?

I'm fairly new to AngularJS and trying to learn by doing.
There is a function in a directive I'm looking to access from the view. What I have in my HTML file is
<div collapse class="collapsed" ng-click="toggle()" ></div>
What's going on there is the toggle() function should be called on click and change the class to expanded, effectively changing the background image described in the CSS. toggle() is inside the collapse directive.
It doesn't seem to be accessing it though and I'm not sure why. Is there another way to do this or actually access said directive from the view? Could you explain why it's not accessing it?
Could this question possibly help? 15672709, it leads to this fiddle and goes beyond in case you nest your directives like below:
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div screen>
<div component>
<div widget>
<button ng-click="widgetIt()">Woo Hoo</button>

Angular extending ui.bootstrap.progressbar to support some text on the progressbar

I'm using ui.bootstrap.progressbar (code here: and I'm trying to extend it to support some custom HTML (or just text) on the progess bar. It looks something like this in vanilla Bootstrap:
<div class="progress">
<div class="bar" style="width: 60%;">This thing is at 60%</div>
I'm new at directives, so I this is what I tried:
in ProgressBarController I added a label variable
var label = angular.isDefined($attrs.label) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.label) : '';
also modified the object the controller returns to include the label. Then added the bar.label in the directive's template like so:
<div class="progress">
<progressbar ng-repeat="bar in bars"
width="" old="bar.from"
animate="bar.animate" type="bar.type">
The progressbar appears just fine, but I cannot see the value of the label.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
This turned out to be pretty straightforward.
All I had to do was:
modify the progress directive and add transclude: true
modify the progress.html to include an ng-transclude directive, like so
<div class="progress">
<span ng-transclude></span>
<progressbar ng-repeat="bar in bars" width="" old="bar.from" animate="bar.animate" type="bar.type"></progressbar>
After this, text put between the <progressbar></progressbar> will render on the progressbar, however some CSS modifications are also needed to make the text appear in the correct position.
But every progressbar and every text needs additional positioning, so this part is still not a complete solution. Setting the wrapper's position to relative and the <span>'s to absolute is one step but still not enough.
