Difference between req.param = function(){} and req.param = function param() {} [duplicate] - javascript

We have two different way for doing function expression in JavaScript:
Named function expression (NFE):
var boo = function boo () {
Anonymous function expression:
var boo = function () {
And both of them can be called with boo();. I really can't see why/when I should use anonymous functions and when I should use Named Function Expressions. What difference is there between them?

In the case of the anonymous function expression, the function is anonymous — literally, it has no name. The variable you're assigning it to has a name, but the function does not. (Update: That was true through ES5. As of ES2015 [aka ES6], often a function created with an anonymous expression gets a true name [but not an automatic identifier], read on...)
Names are useful. Names can be seen in stack traces, call stacks, lists of breakpoints, etc. Names are a Good Thing™.
(You used to have to beware of named function expressions in older versions of IE [IE8 and below], because they mistakenly created two completely separate function objects at two completely different times [more in my blog article Double take]. If you need to support IE8 [!!], it's probably best to stick with anonymous function expressions or function declarations, but avoid named function expressions.)
One key thing about a named function expression is that it creates an in-scope identifier with that name for the function within the functon body:
var x = function example() {
console.log(typeof example); // "function"
console.log(typeof example); // "undefined"
As of ES2015, though, a lot of "anonymous" function expressions create functions with names, and this was predated by various modern JavaScript engines being quite smart about inferring names from context. In ES2015, your anonymous function expression results in a function with the name boo. However, even with ES2015+ semantics, the automatic identifier is not created:
var obj = {
x: function() {
console.log(typeof x); // "undefined"
console.log(obj.x.name); // "x"
y: function y() {
console.log(typeof y); // "function"
console.log(obj.y.name); // "y"
The assignment fo the function's name is done with the SetFunctionName abstract operation used in various operations in the spec.
The short version is basically any time an anonymous function expression appears on the right-hand side of something like an assignment or initialization, like:
var boo = function() { /*...*/ };
(or it could be let or const rather than var), or
var obj = {
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
(those last two are really the same thing), the resulting function will have a name (boo, in the examples).
There's an important, and intentional, exception: Assigning to a property on an existing object:
obj.boo = function() { /*...*/ }; // <== Does not get a name
This was because of information leak concerns raised when the new feature was going through the process of being added; details in my answer to another question here.

Naming functions is useful if they need to reference themselves (e.g. for recursive calls). Indeed, if you are passing a literal function expression as an argument directly to another function, that function expression cannot directly reference itself in ES5 strict mode unless it is named.
For example, consider this code:
setTimeout(function sayMoo() {
setTimeout(sayMoo, 1000);
}, 1000);
It would be impossible to write this code quite this cleanly if the function expression passed to setTimeout were anonymous; we would need to assign it to a variable instead prior to the setTimeout call. This way, with a named function expression, is slightly shorter and neater.
It was historically possible to write code like this even using an anonymous function expression, by exploiting arguments.callee...
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
}, 1000);
... but arguments.callee is deprecated, and is outright forbidden in ES5 strict mode. Hence MDN advises:
Avoid using arguments.callee() by either giving function expressions a name or use a function declaration where a function must call itself.
(emphasis mine)

You should always use named function expressions, that's why:
You can use the name of that function when you need recursion.
Anonymous functions doesn't help when debugging as you can't see the name of the function that causes problems.
When you do not name a function, later on its harder to understand what it's doing. Giving it a name makes it easier to understand.
var foo = function bar() {
//some code...
bar(); // Error!
Here, for example, because the name bar is used within a function expression, it doesn't get declared in the outer scope. With named function expressions, the name of the function expression is enclosed within its own scope.

If a function is specified as a Function Expression, it can be given a name.
It will only be available inside the function (except IE8-).
var f = function sayHi(name) {
alert( sayHi ); // Inside the function you can see the function code
alert( sayHi ); // (Error: undefined variable 'sayHi')
This name is intended for a reliable recursive function call, even if it is written to another variable.
In addition, the NFE (Named Function Expression) name CAN be overwritten with the Object.defineProperty(...) method as follows:
var test = function sayHi(name) {
Object.defineProperty(test, 'name', { value: 'foo', configurable: true });
alert( test.name ); // foo
Note: that with the Function Declaration this can not be done. This "special" internal function name is specified only in the Function Expression syntax.

Using named function expressions is better, when you want to be able to reference the function in question without having to rely on deprecated features such as arguments.callee.


Eval function expression

While I was expecting that this code
var a = eval("function() { return 1; }");
prints '1' in the console, I get a syntax error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (. What am I doing wrong here?
I am working with a framework that allows to define javascript functions in the configuration, so I have no other choice but using eval.
The function keyword is ambiguous in Javascript: it can start a function declaration (a statement), or a function literal (an expression). When function is encountered in the statement position, the parser voluntarily prefers declaration over expression. Since eval expects a statement, this makes your code invalid -- function name is required for declarations. You can either provide a name:
eval('function foo() {...}')
or force the parser into the expression mode
foo = eval('( function () {...} )')
in which case function will be treated as a literal.
This is basically the same story as with {}, which can be either a block or an object literal. Something like eval('{1:2}') will fail for exactly the same reason (statement preferred over expression).
The problem is that you have a function declaration and that requires a name. For reference, this is a function declaration
function myFunc() { console.log("executed") } //<-- declaration
myFunc(); //<-- execution
What you expect to have is an unnamed function expression
var myFunc = function() { console.log("executed") }
//expression ^------------------------------------^
myFunc(); //<-- execution
Or for a truly unnamed function that you do not assign to a variable, you can have an IIFE
// v--------- brackets surrounding expression ---------v
( function() { console.log("executed") } )()
//expression ^------------------------------------^ ^^
//execution -------------------------------------------++
However, in JavaScript a standalone statement that starts with the function keyword will be treated as declaration and if it doesn't have a name, it is invalid.
However, you can go around that by surrounding the expression in brackets to make it acceptable for the parser.
//brackets v--------------------------v
var a = eval("( function() { return 1; } )");
// ^----------------------^ function expression
You cannot mix function declaration and function expressions this way. You have to do the full declaration or expression inside the eval().
eval("function a() { return 1; }");
This would work, as we give the function declaration a proper name, a, and then call the function this creates on the global scope.
eval("var a = function() { return 1; }");
console.log( a() );
This would also work, since the function expression assigning it to the variable a is now part of what gets evaluated. And we can then call the function in it's scope.
Neither of these should actually ever be used if there's alternatives.
The most common alternative is using new Function();.
var a = new Function( 'return 1;' );
console.log( a() );
This achieves the same end result and is slightly safer than using eval().
I would be surprised though if this was the only way the framework allows to define extra javascript functions. I guess that since it's in the config of something the security issues this gives are less important than if it's public code. But i would reread the docs of the framework to double check that this is the only option.
As the comments are 100% true that a function must contain a name or has to be initialised as an anonymous function, there is a solution to your problem.
If you want to create a function by text you could use the function constructor
new Function ([arg1[, arg2[, ...argN]],] functionBody)
For more information look at https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function

named function assign to a variable [duplicate]

We have two different way for doing function expression in JavaScript:
Named function expression (NFE):
var boo = function boo () {
Anonymous function expression:
var boo = function () {
And both of them can be called with boo();. I really can't see why/when I should use anonymous functions and when I should use Named Function Expressions. What difference is there between them?
In the case of the anonymous function expression, the function is anonymous — literally, it has no name. The variable you're assigning it to has a name, but the function does not. (Update: That was true through ES5. As of ES2015 [aka ES6], often a function created with an anonymous expression gets a true name [but not an automatic identifier], read on...)
Names are useful. Names can be seen in stack traces, call stacks, lists of breakpoints, etc. Names are a Good Thing™.
(You used to have to beware of named function expressions in older versions of IE [IE8 and below], because they mistakenly created two completely separate function objects at two completely different times [more in my blog article Double take]. If you need to support IE8 [!!], it's probably best to stick with anonymous function expressions or function declarations, but avoid named function expressions.)
One key thing about a named function expression is that it creates an in-scope identifier with that name for the function within the functon body:
var x = function example() {
console.log(typeof example); // "function"
console.log(typeof example); // "undefined"
As of ES2015, though, a lot of "anonymous" function expressions create functions with names, and this was predated by various modern JavaScript engines being quite smart about inferring names from context. In ES2015, your anonymous function expression results in a function with the name boo. However, even with ES2015+ semantics, the automatic identifier is not created:
var obj = {
x: function() {
console.log(typeof x); // "undefined"
console.log(obj.x.name); // "x"
y: function y() {
console.log(typeof y); // "function"
console.log(obj.y.name); // "y"
The assignment fo the function's name is done with the SetFunctionName abstract operation used in various operations in the spec.
The short version is basically any time an anonymous function expression appears on the right-hand side of something like an assignment or initialization, like:
var boo = function() { /*...*/ };
(or it could be let or const rather than var), or
var obj = {
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
(those last two are really the same thing), the resulting function will have a name (boo, in the examples).
There's an important, and intentional, exception: Assigning to a property on an existing object:
obj.boo = function() { /*...*/ }; // <== Does not get a name
This was because of information leak concerns raised when the new feature was going through the process of being added; details in my answer to another question here.
Naming functions is useful if they need to reference themselves (e.g. for recursive calls). Indeed, if you are passing a literal function expression as an argument directly to another function, that function expression cannot directly reference itself in ES5 strict mode unless it is named.
For example, consider this code:
setTimeout(function sayMoo() {
setTimeout(sayMoo, 1000);
}, 1000);
It would be impossible to write this code quite this cleanly if the function expression passed to setTimeout were anonymous; we would need to assign it to a variable instead prior to the setTimeout call. This way, with a named function expression, is slightly shorter and neater.
It was historically possible to write code like this even using an anonymous function expression, by exploiting arguments.callee...
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
}, 1000);
... but arguments.callee is deprecated, and is outright forbidden in ES5 strict mode. Hence MDN advises:
Avoid using arguments.callee() by either giving function expressions a name or use a function declaration where a function must call itself.
(emphasis mine)
You should always use named function expressions, that's why:
You can use the name of that function when you need recursion.
Anonymous functions doesn't help when debugging as you can't see the name of the function that causes problems.
When you do not name a function, later on its harder to understand what it's doing. Giving it a name makes it easier to understand.
var foo = function bar() {
//some code...
bar(); // Error!
Here, for example, because the name bar is used within a function expression, it doesn't get declared in the outer scope. With named function expressions, the name of the function expression is enclosed within its own scope.
If a function is specified as a Function Expression, it can be given a name.
It will only be available inside the function (except IE8-).
var f = function sayHi(name) {
alert( sayHi ); // Inside the function you can see the function code
alert( sayHi ); // (Error: undefined variable 'sayHi')
This name is intended for a reliable recursive function call, even if it is written to another variable.
In addition, the NFE (Named Function Expression) name CAN be overwritten with the Object.defineProperty(...) method as follows:
var test = function sayHi(name) {
Object.defineProperty(test, 'name', { value: 'foo', configurable: true });
alert( test.name ); // foo
Note: that with the Function Declaration this can not be done. This "special" internal function name is specified only in the Function Expression syntax.
Using named function expressions is better, when you want to be able to reference the function in question without having to rely on deprecated features such as arguments.callee.

What is the difference between named and anonymous functions in var declaration? [duplicate]

We have two different way for doing function expression in JavaScript:
Named function expression (NFE):
var boo = function boo () {
Anonymous function expression:
var boo = function () {
And both of them can be called with boo();. I really can't see why/when I should use anonymous functions and when I should use Named Function Expressions. What difference is there between them?
In the case of the anonymous function expression, the function is anonymous — literally, it has no name. The variable you're assigning it to has a name, but the function does not. (Update: That was true through ES5. As of ES2015 [aka ES6], often a function created with an anonymous expression gets a true name [but not an automatic identifier], read on...)
Names are useful. Names can be seen in stack traces, call stacks, lists of breakpoints, etc. Names are a Good Thing™.
(You used to have to beware of named function expressions in older versions of IE [IE8 and below], because they mistakenly created two completely separate function objects at two completely different times [more in my blog article Double take]. If you need to support IE8 [!!], it's probably best to stick with anonymous function expressions or function declarations, but avoid named function expressions.)
One key thing about a named function expression is that it creates an in-scope identifier with that name for the function within the functon body:
var x = function example() {
console.log(typeof example); // "function"
console.log(typeof example); // "undefined"
As of ES2015, though, a lot of "anonymous" function expressions create functions with names, and this was predated by various modern JavaScript engines being quite smart about inferring names from context. In ES2015, your anonymous function expression results in a function with the name boo. However, even with ES2015+ semantics, the automatic identifier is not created:
var obj = {
x: function() {
console.log(typeof x); // "undefined"
console.log(obj.x.name); // "x"
y: function y() {
console.log(typeof y); // "function"
console.log(obj.y.name); // "y"
The assignment fo the function's name is done with the SetFunctionName abstract operation used in various operations in the spec.
The short version is basically any time an anonymous function expression appears on the right-hand side of something like an assignment or initialization, like:
var boo = function() { /*...*/ };
(or it could be let or const rather than var), or
var obj = {
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
boo: function() { /*...*/ }
(those last two are really the same thing), the resulting function will have a name (boo, in the examples).
There's an important, and intentional, exception: Assigning to a property on an existing object:
obj.boo = function() { /*...*/ }; // <== Does not get a name
This was because of information leak concerns raised when the new feature was going through the process of being added; details in my answer to another question here.
Naming functions is useful if they need to reference themselves (e.g. for recursive calls). Indeed, if you are passing a literal function expression as an argument directly to another function, that function expression cannot directly reference itself in ES5 strict mode unless it is named.
For example, consider this code:
setTimeout(function sayMoo() {
setTimeout(sayMoo, 1000);
}, 1000);
It would be impossible to write this code quite this cleanly if the function expression passed to setTimeout were anonymous; we would need to assign it to a variable instead prior to the setTimeout call. This way, with a named function expression, is slightly shorter and neater.
It was historically possible to write code like this even using an anonymous function expression, by exploiting arguments.callee...
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
}, 1000);
... but arguments.callee is deprecated, and is outright forbidden in ES5 strict mode. Hence MDN advises:
Avoid using arguments.callee() by either giving function expressions a name or use a function declaration where a function must call itself.
(emphasis mine)
You should always use named function expressions, that's why:
You can use the name of that function when you need recursion.
Anonymous functions doesn't help when debugging as you can't see the name of the function that causes problems.
When you do not name a function, later on its harder to understand what it's doing. Giving it a name makes it easier to understand.
var foo = function bar() {
//some code...
bar(); // Error!
Here, for example, because the name bar is used within a function expression, it doesn't get declared in the outer scope. With named function expressions, the name of the function expression is enclosed within its own scope.
If a function is specified as a Function Expression, it can be given a name.
It will only be available inside the function (except IE8-).
var f = function sayHi(name) {
alert( sayHi ); // Inside the function you can see the function code
alert( sayHi ); // (Error: undefined variable 'sayHi')
This name is intended for a reliable recursive function call, even if it is written to another variable.
In addition, the NFE (Named Function Expression) name CAN be overwritten with the Object.defineProperty(...) method as follows:
var test = function sayHi(name) {
Object.defineProperty(test, 'name', { value: 'foo', configurable: true });
alert( test.name ); // foo
Note: that with the Function Declaration this can not be done. This "special" internal function name is specified only in the Function Expression syntax.
Using named function expressions is better, when you want to be able to reference the function in question without having to rely on deprecated features such as arguments.callee.

where in javascript is this kind of function assignment to variable useful?

I am reading the book. Javascript, The good parts by Douglas Crokford. There are examples provided in the book, but I am not able to understand where and how such examples could be useful in practice. I have modified the code here for simplicity.
here are two ways, I can do function assignment to a variable.
var test= function(ex) {
this produces alert box with value of 5
var test1 = function test2(ex) {
test1(7); //this produces alert box with value of 7
test2(8)//this does not give a alert box
I have defined function test2 but assigned it to test1. why can't I access test2 directly by calling test2(8).
Further I do not see any big advantage in example 2 over example 1. If you there is some difference, and one of them is superior, I would like to hear that.
var test1 = function test2(ex) {
Naming the function gives it the ability to reference itself from within its body.
test2 is visible only to test2 and its child scopes (functions) if any.
You're basically assigning a function with a name to test1, what's called a "named function expression". It's useful to debug your code because the name of the function will appear in the call stack trace rather than "anonymous function".
Functions in JavaScript are objects too, so the identifier for the function is test1 (the function object), but the function itself has a name of test2, so test1.name == 'test2'
The syntax you're referring to is called a named function expression. It is primarily used to support recursion in anonymous functions.
In javascript prior to ECMASCRIPT 5, there are two ways to do recursion when the function is anonymous.
Using arguments.callee:
if (x) {
Using a named function expression:
(function countdown (x){
if (x) {
In ECMASCRIPT 5, when strict mode is enabled arguments.callee is no longer supported. Therefore, in ECMASCRIPT 5 strict mode and for future versions of javascript you should use named function expressions to write recursive anonymous function.
Additional answer:
Now you may be wondering, that's not the syntax you're asking about. That syntax looks like:
(function foo () { foo })()
and you were asking about:
var bar = function foo () { foo }
Actually, they're the same. The named function expression syntax applies to function expressions. Which is nothing more than functions declared in expression context.
In javascript, expression context is simply anywhere math is evaluated. Basically, expression context is anything between braces (), anything to the right of the = sign. And anything which needs to be evaluated by an operator.
Apart from the two forms above, the following are also valid named function expressions:
!function foo(){ foo };
0==function foo(){ foo };
0?0:function foo(){ foo };
The way you want it to behave is against the specification. Function declarations must be named, and their name represent variables in the current scope. But function expressions, when named, should not create a variable with their name. Instead, their name becomes available only inside the function.
Some old browsers (e.g. IE8) used to leak the names as variables, see Named function expressions demystified.
Your example 2 is not really an example of proper JavaScript. There are two ways to define a function:
var foo = function(x) { console.log(x); return x; }
function foo(x) { console.log(x); return x; }
note that in the first example you are effectively creating an anonymous function first, and then you attach a name ('foo') to that anonymous function object. In the second example, however, you are creating a named function object 'foo' right away.
Also, if you go to console and define first the test2 the way you did it, and then, after it's defined, enter the line var test1 = test2, then you will have both functions available.
You can see the explanation of the deeper technical difference here in another S/O answer, quite upvoted: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

A simple question about Javascript functions, differences in invocation/definition

Can someone please explain the difference between the following function definitions?
var alertMessage = function alertMessage(message) {
var alertMessage = function(message) {
What are the implications of each? Thanks!
Both are function expressions, basically the difference is that the first is named, and the second one is anonymous.
For example:
var test = function test(message) {
var test1 = function(message) {
test.name; // "test"
test1.name // "" or "anonymous"
Note: The name property of function objects exist on some implementations, but it's non-standard.
Also, the name of function expressions it's useful for debugging, as you can inspect the call stack to see where you are.
This identifier is only accessible from inside the FunctionBody itself:
(function foo(){
typeof foo; // "function"
typeof foo; // "undefined"
However there is a bug on the JScript implementation (in all versions of IE), which this name is leaked to its enclosing scope.
Both definitions are function expressions, as opposed to function declarations, or functions created by the Function constructor. They both assign a function to the variable alertMessage. The difference is that the first function is named, while the second is anonymous.
Named functions are usually used in function declarations, eg
function alertMessage(message) { ... }
In that case, the function declaration creates a variable in the current scope called alertMessage that references that function. Function declarations are hoisted to the top of the current scope, so you can call declared functions before they're defined in you js file.
A named function used in a function expression (such as the original question) does not create this variable, or get hoisted to the top of the execution scope, so by convention most function expressions are anonymous. The only benefits to naming a function expression are that the name variable is bound within the function (although as CMS mentions, this is implementation dependent) and the function name is output from the function's toString method. This can be useful during debugging (rather than having Firebug output (?) for a huge list of anonymous function calls).
Much more detail at MDC
