How to trigger useEffects before render in React? - javascript

I have a prop being passed from a parent component to a child component which changes based on the user's input.
I want to trigger a data fetch in the child component when that prop changes before the child component is rendered. How can I do it?
I tried in the following manner by using useEffects(()=>{},[props.a, props.b]) but that is always called after the render. Please help!
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
export default function parentComponent() {
const [inputs, setInputs] = useState({ a: "", b: "" });
return (
onChange={(event) => {
const value =;
setInputs((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, a: value };
onChange={(event) => {
const value =;
setInputs((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, b: value };
<ChildComponent a={inputs.a} b={inputs.b} />
function ChildComponent(props) {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
console.log("updating new data based on props.a: " + props.a);
setData({ name: "john " + props.a });
return () => {};
}, [props.a, props.b]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("data successfully changed");
if (Object.keys(data).length !== 0) {
return () => {};
}, [data]);
function renderPartOfComponent() {
console.log("rendering POC with props.a: " + props.a);
return <div>data is: {}</div>;
return (
<div className="App">{isLoading ? null : renderPartOfComponent()}</div>
In the console what I get is:
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
updating new data based on props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
data successfully changed
Object {name: "john fe"}
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
If you know how I can make the code more efficient, that would be a great help as well!
Here's the codesandbox link for the code:

You can use useMemo, which doesn't wait for a re-render. It will execute as long as the dependencies are changed.
doSomething() //Doesn't want until render is completed
}, [dep1, dep2])

You can use function below:
// utils.js
const useBeforeRender = (callback, deps) => {
const [isRun, setIsRun] = useState(false);
if (!isRun) {
useEffect(() => () => setIsRun(false), deps);
// yourComponent.js
useBeforeRender(() => someFunc(), []);

useEffect is always called after the render phase of the component. This is to avoid any side-effects from happening during the render commit phase (as it'd cause the component to become highly inconsistent and keep trying to render itself).
Your ParentComponent consists of Input, Input & ChildComponent.
As you type in textbox, ParentComponent: inputs state is modified.
This state change causes ChildComponent to re-render, hence renderPartOfComponent is called (as isLoading remains false from previous render).
After re-render, useEffect will be invoked (Parent's state propagates to Child).
Since isLoading state is modified from the effects, another rendering happens.

I found the solution by creating and maintaining state within the ChildComponent
So, the order of processes was this:
props modified -> render takes place -> useEffect block is executed.
I found the workaround by simply instantiating a state within the childComponent and making sure that the props state is the same as the one in the child component before rendering, else it would just show loading... This works perfectly.

Nowadays you can use useLayoutEffect which is a version of useEffect that fires before the browser repaints the screen.


React Component rendering twice, props 'undefined' at first render

I have a react child component (FinalReport.js) that is rendering twice, except that on the first render, one of the props is undefined for some reason, which is throwing an error. Of course I could add error handling but that doesn't seem like best practice.
The Parent Component contains user inputs which are saved as a useState Hook (esrData) upon pressing a 'Save' button. The first child component (Airload.js) contains more inputs and calls an API, and saves the result as a useStateHook (airLoadRes). Both hooks are defined in the parent component and passed as props. The child component in question (FinalReport.js) ONLY renders once both hooks become available, and then passes the hooks along. Why is FinalReport rendering twice and why is airLoadRes undefined on the first render? Strict Mode is not being used. Any help is appreciated!
Parent Component
const GenerateEnergySavings = () => {
const [esrData, setEsrData] = useState();
const [airLoadRes, setAirLoadRes] = useState();
return( ...
// Child Component 2
{(esrData && airLoadRes != undefined) ?
<PDFViewer height='1000px' width='1000px'>
<FinalReport esrData={esrData} airLoadRes={airLoadRes} />
</PDFViewer> : ''}
// Child Component 1 (API)
<Airload airLoadRes={airLoadRes} setAirLoadRes={setAirLoadRes} />
Child Component 1
EDIT: I should mention this is a bootstrap modal
const Airload = ({ airLoadRes, setAirLoadRes }) => {
// Airload API
const getAirLoadCalc = async () => {
await'https://localhost:44418/airload', airloadData)
.then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
Child Component 2
// This is rendering twice!! ONLY airLoadRes comes in as undefined on first render
export const FinalReport = ({ esrData, airLoadRes }) => {
This code (const [airLoadRes, setAirLoadRes] = useState();) initialize airLoadRes as undefined.
That's why it is undefined on first render.
React does render on each change of the state, context, or properties. So, I guess FinalReport is rendered twice because of changes on esrData state. Or other state which you possibly have in the code.

Reactjs closure when passing state to component

I got a react functional component:
const DataGrid = (props) =>
const [containerName, setContainerName] = useState("");
const [frameworkComponents, setFrameworkComponents] = useState(
{customLoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlayTemplate,
customNoRowsOverlay: UxDataGridCustomNoRows,
editButton: params => <ViewAndDeleteSetting {...params}
useEffect(async () =>
if(props.containerName && props.containerName !== "")
const onDeleteSetting = async (settingKey) =>
console.log(containerName); //HERE THE CONTAINER NAME IS EMPTY
return (
The container name inside useEffect exists and is not empty. As you can see in the comment in onDeleteSetting, the containerName is empty when this callback is invoked. I tried adding this to the useEffect after setContainerName:
setFrameworkComponents({customLoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlayTemplate,
customNoRowsOverlay: UxDataGridCustomNoRows,
editButton: params => <ViewAndDeleteSetting {...params}
That didn't work.
How can I get the name inside the callback? There is no special need to leave that frameworkComponents struct in the state.. it can also be moved to somewhere else if you think its better
Try this in your useEffect, update the onDeleteSetting function with the new containerName when it's updated
useEffect(async() => {
if (props.containerName && props.containerName !== "") {
// move this function here
const onDeleteSetting = async(settingKey) => {
// use props.containerName since the state update is async
// update your components with the updated functions
setFrameworkComponents(prevComponents => ({
editButton: params =>
}, [props.containerName]);
This should provide the updated state with the updated function, if it works, I can add more details.
You almost certainly shouldn't be storing it in state. Props are essentially state controlled by the parent. Just use it from props. Copying props to state is usually not best practice.
If you're looking at one of the very rare situations where it makes sense to set derived state based on props, this page in the documentation tells you how to do that with hooks. Basically, you don't use useEffect, you do your state update right away.
Here's a full quote from the linked documentation:
How do I implement getDerivedStateFromProps?
While you probably don’t need it, in rare cases that you do (such as implementing a <Transition> component), you can update the state right during rendering. React will re-run the component with updated state immediately after exiting the first render so it wouldn’t be expensive.
Here, we store the previous value of the row prop in a state variable so that we can compare:
function ScrollView({row}) {
const [isScrollingDown, setIsScrollingDown] = useState(false);
const [prevRow, setPrevRow] = useState(null);
if (row !== prevRow) {
// Row changed since last render. Update isScrollingDown.
setIsScrollingDown(prevRow !== null && row > prevRow);
return `Scrolling down: ${isScrollingDown}`;
This might look strange at first, but an update during rendering is exactly what getDerivedStateFromProps has always been like conceptually.
If you did it the same way they did in that example, your component would still render with containerName set to the default state (""), it's just that it will then almost immediately re-render with the updated containerName. That makes sense for their example of a transition, but you could avoid that by making the prop's initial value the state's initial value, like this:
const DataGrid = (props) => {
const [containerName, setContainerName] = useState(props.containerName); // *** ONLY USES THE INITIAL PROP VALUE
const [frameworkComponents, setFrameworkComponents] = useState(
// ...
// *** Updates the state value (on the next render) if the prop changes
if (containerName !== props.containerName) {
// ...
Every time the containerName prop changes, though, your component will render twice, which brings us back full circle to: Don't store it in state, just use it from props. :-)
Stepping back and looking at the component as a whole, I don't think you need any state information at all, but if your goal is to avoid having the frameworkComponents you pass UxDataGrid change unnecessarily, you probably want useMemo or React.memo rather than state.
For instance, with useMemo (but keep reading):
const DataGrid = ({containerName}) => {
const frameworkComponents = useMemo(() => {
const onDeleteSetting = async (settingKey) => {
// ...
return {
customLoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlayTemplate,
editButton: params => <ViewAndDeleteSetting {...params}
onDeleteSetting={onDeleteSetting} />,
}, [containerName]);
return (
<UxDataGrid frameworkComponents={frameworkComponents} />
But if componentName is your only prop, it may well be even simpler with React.memo:
const DataGrid = React.memo(({containerName}) => {
const onDeleteSetting = async (settingKey) => {
// ...
return (
<UxDataGrid frameworkComponents={{
customLoadingOverlay: LoadingOverlayTemplate,
editButton: params => <ViewAndDeleteSetting {...params}
onDeleteSetting={onDeleteSetting} />,
}} />
React.memo memoizes your component, so that your component function is only ever called again when the props change. Since everything in the component needs to update based on the componentName prop changing, that looks like a good match (but I don't know what UxDataGrid is).
The problem was with how I tried passing props to ViewAndDeleteSetting. If you want to pass prop to a cell rendered component, you shouldn't be doing it in frameworkComponents, but rather you need to do it in the column definition like this:
useEffect(() =>
let columns = [{headerName: '', cellRenderer: 'editButton', width: 90, editable: false,
cellRendererParams: {
openAddConfigurationsWindow: openAddConfigurationsWindow,
onDeleteSetting: onDeleteSetting
.. other columns
The columns with the cellRendererParams do gets recreated in the useEffect when the name changes, and then the component can access this params regularly via its props

react memo is not getting props

React memo isn't capturing the props neither the prevProps nor the nextProps and the component render well. The react docs say
If your function component renders the same result given the same props, you can wrap it in a call to React.memo for a performance boost.
my problem is to stop twice rendering using react memo, but memo seems to be not working and the component renders twice with the same props.
The component renders when the Create New Event is clicked on /events
here is the live sandbox.
Child Component located at /components/Event/CreateEvent/CreateEvent.js
the parent component is located at /Pages/Event/Event.js line number 999' from where the child component is being triggered
Here is the Code:
import React from "react";
import AuthContext from "../../context/global-context";
import CreateEvent from "../../components/Event/CreateEvent/CreateEvent";
function Events({ location }) {
// Sate Managing
const [allEvents, setAllEvents] = React.useState([]);
const [creating, setCreating] = React.useState(false);
// Context As State
const { token, email } = React.useContext(AuthContext);
// Creating Event Showing
const modelBoxHandler = () => {
// works on when the ViewEvent is open
if (eventSelected) {
return (
<div className="events">
{/* New Event Creating */}
{creating && (
<CreateEvent onHidder={modelBoxHandler} allEvents={allEvents} />
{console.log("Event Rendered.js =>")}
export default React.memo(Events, () => true);
Child Component where the Rect memo doesn't have props:
import React from "react";
import AuthContext from "../../../context/global-context";
function CreateEvent({ onHidder, allEvents }) {
// Context
const { token } = React.useContext(AuthContext);
console.log("CreatedEvent.js REnder");
return (
... Some code here
export default React.memo(CreateEvent, (prevProps, nextProps) => {
console.log("Hello", prevProps, nextProps);
Thanks in advance for your valuable answer and times!
The problem is that on basis of creating variable you are actually remounting and not rendering the CreateEvent component. What it means is that if creating variable changes, the component is unmounted and re-mounted when creating is true, so its not a re-render
Also you must note that modelBoxHandler function reference also changes on each re-render so even if your CreateEvent component is in rendered state and the parent re-rendered due to some reason , the CreateEvent component too will re-render
There are 2 changes that you need to make to make it work better
Define modelBoxHandler with a useCallback hook
perform conditional rendering in createEvent based on creating prop
// Creating Event Showing
const modelBoxHandler = useCallback(() => {
// works on when the ViewEvent is open
if (eventSelected) {
setCreating(prevCreating => !prevCreating);
}, [eventSelected]);
return (
<div className="events">
{/* New Event Creating */}
<CreateEvent creating={creating} onHidder={modelBoxHandler} allEvents={allEvents} />
{console.log("Event Rendered.js =>")}
and in createEvent
function CreateEvent({ onHidder, allEvents, creating }) {
// Context
const { token } = React.useContext(AuthContext);
console.log("CreatedEvent.js REnder");
if(!creating) {
return null;
return (
... Some code here
export default React.memo(CreateEvent);
In your example, you don't have an additional render for React.memo to work.
According to your render logic, there aren't any nextProps, you unmount the component with conditional rendering (creating).
// You toggle with `creating` value, there is only single render each time
creating && <CreateEvent onHidder={modelBoxHandler} allEvents={allEvents}/>
// Works, because there will be multiple renders (nextProps)
true && <CreateEvent onHidder={modelBoxHandler} allEvents={allEvents} />
In this case, you might not need React.memo.

When and why to useEffect

This may seem like a weird question, but I do not really see many use cases for useEffect in React (I am currently working on a several thousand-lines React codebase, and never used it once), and I think that there may be something I do not fully grasp.
If you are writing a functional component, what difference does it make to put your "effect" code in a useEffect hook vs. simply executing it in the body of the functional component (which is also executed on every render) ?
A typical use case would be fetching data when mounting a component : I see two approaches to this, one with useEffect and one without :
// without useEffect
const MyComponent = () => {
[data, setData] = useState();
if (!data) fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res));
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
// with useEffect
const MyComponent = () => {
[data, setData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
Is there an advantage (performance-wise or other) to useEffect in such usecases ?
I. Cleanup
What if your component gets destroyed before the fetch is completed? You get an error.
useEffect gives you an easy way to cleanup in handler's return value.
II. Reactions to prop change.
What if you have a userId passed in a props that you use to fetch data. Without useEffect you'll have to duplicate userId in the state to be able to tell if it changed so that you can fetch the new data.
The thing is, useEffect is not executed on every render.
To see this more clearly, let's suppose that your component MyComponent is being rendered by a parent component (let's call it ParentComponent) and it receives a prop from that parent component that can change from a user action.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [ counter, setCounter ] = useState(0);
const onButtonClicked = () => setCounter(counter + 1);
return (
<button onClick={onButtonClicked}>Click me!</button>
<MyComponent counter={counter} />
And your MyComponent (slightly modified to read and use counter prop):
const MyComponent = ({ counter }) => {
[data, setData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
Now, when the component MyComponent is mounted for the first time, the fetch operation will be performed. If later the user clicks on the button and the counter is increased, the useEffect will not be executed (but the MyComponent function will be called in order to update due to counter having changed)!
If you don't use useEffect, when the user clicks on the button, the fetch operation will be executed again, since the counter prop has changed and the render method of MyComponent is executed.
useEffect is handling the side effect of the problem. useEffect is the combination of componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. every initial render and whenever props updated it will be executed.
For an exmaple:
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
Another example:
let's assume you have multiple state variables, the component will re-render for every state values change. But We may need to run useEffect in a specific scenario, rather than executing it for each state change.
function SimpleUseEffect() {
let [userCount, setUserCount] = useState(0);
let [simpleCount, setSimpleCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
alert("Component User Count Updated...");
}, [userCount]);
useEffect(() => {
alert("Component Simple Count Updated");
}, [simpleCount]);
return (
<b>User Count: {userCount}</b>
<b>Simple Count: {simpleCount}</b>
<input type="button" onClick={() => setUserCount(userCount + 1}} value="Add Employee" />
<input type="button" onClick={() => setSimpleCount(simpleCount + 1}} value="Update Simple Count" />
In the above code whenever your props request changed, fetchDataFromAPI executes and updated the response data. If you don't use useEffect, You need to automatically handle all type of side effects.
Making asynchronous API calls for data
Setting a subscription to an observable
Manually updating the DOM element
Updating global variables from inside a function
for more details see this blog

Is it possible to share states between components using the useState() hook in React?

I was experimenting with the new Hook feature in React. Considering I have the following two components (using React Hooks) -
const HookComponent = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('Abrar');
const [count, setState] = useState();
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<input name="userName" value={username} onChange={handleChange}/>
<p>From HookComponent: {count}</p>
const HookComponent2 = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(999);
return (
<p>You clicked {count} times</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Click me
Hooks claim to solve the problem of sharing stateful logic between components but I found that the states between HookComponent and HookComponent2 are not sharable. For example the change of count in HookComponent2 does not render a change in the HookComponent.
Is it possible to share states between components using the useState() hook?
If you are referring to component state, then hooks will not help you share it between components. Component state is local to the component. If your state lives in context, then useContext hook would be helpful.
Fundamentally, I think you misunderstood the line "sharing stateful logic between components". Stateful logic is different from state. Stateful logic is stuff that you do that modifies state. For e.g., a component subscribing to a store in componentDidMount() and unsubscribing in componentWillUnmount(). This subscribing/unsubscribing behavior can be implemented in a hook and components which need this behavior can just use the hook.
If you want to share state between components, there are various ways to do so, each with its own merits:
1. Lift State Up
Lift state up to a common ancestor component of the two components.
function Ancestor() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(999);
return <>
<DescendantA count={count} onCountChange={setCount} />
<DescendantB count={count} onCountChange={setCount} />
This state sharing approach is not fundamentally different from the traditional way of using state, hooks just give us a different way to declare component state.
2. Context
If the descendants are too deep down in the component hierarchy and you don't want to pass the state down too many layers, you could use the Context API.
There's a useContext hook which you can leverage on within the child components.
3. External State Management Solution
State management libraries like Redux or Mobx. Your state will then live in a store outside of React and components can connect/subscribe to the store to receive updates.
It is possible without any external state management library. Just use a simple observable implementation:
function makeObservable(target) {
let listeners = []; // initial listeners can be passed an an argument aswell
let value = target;
function get() {
return value;
function set(newValue) {
if (value === newValue) return;
value = newValue;
listeners.forEach((l) => l(value));
function subscribe(listenerFunc) {
return () => unsubscribe(listenerFunc); // will be used inside React.useEffect
function unsubscribe(listenerFunc) {
listeners = listeners.filter((l) => l !== listenerFunc);
return {
And then create a store and hook it to react by using subscribe in useEffect:
const userStore = makeObservable({ name: "user", count: 0 });
const useUser = () => {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(userStore.get());
React.useEffect(() => {
return userStore.subscribe(setUser);
}, []);
const actions = React.useMemo(() => {
return {
setName: (name) => userStore.set({ ...user, name }),
incrementCount: () => userStore.set({ ...user, count: user.count + 1 }),
decrementCount: () => userStore.set({ ...user, count: user.count - 1 }),
}, [user])
return {
state: user,
And that should work. No need for React.Context or lifting state up
This is possible using the useBetween hook.
See in codesandbox
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useBetween } from 'use-between';
const useShareableState = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('Abrar');
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return {
const HookComponent = () => {
const { username, setUsername, count } = useBetween(useShareableState);
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<input name="userName" value={username} onChange={handleChange}/>
<p>From HookComponent: {count}</p>
const HookComponent2 = () => {
const { count, setCount } = useBetween(useShareableState);
return (
<p>You clicked {count} times</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Click me
We move React hooks stateful logic from HookComponent to useShareableState.
We call useShareableState using useBetween in each component.
useBetween is a way to call any hook. But so that the state will not be stored in the React component.
For the same hook, the result of the call will be the same. So we can call one hook in different components and work together on one state. When updating the shared state, each component using it will be updated too.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the use-between package.
the doc states:
We import the useState Hook from React. It lets us keep local state in a function component.
it is not mentioned that the state could be shared across components, useState hook just give you a quicker way to declare a state field and its correspondent setter in one single instruction.
I've created hooksy that allows you to do exactly this -
import { createStore } from 'hooksy';
interface UserData {
username: string;
const defaultUser: UserData = { username: 'Foo' };
export const [useUserStore] = createStore(defaultUser); // we've created store with initial value.
// useUserStore has the same signature like react useState hook, but the state will be shared across all components using it
And later in any component
import React from 'react';
import { useUserStore } from './userStore';
export function UserInfo() {
const [user, setUser] = useUserStore(); // use it the same way like useState, but have state shared across any component using it (eg. if any of them will call setUser - all other components using it will get re-rendered with new state)
function login() {
setUser({ username: 'Foo' })
return (
{!user && <strong>You're logged out<button onPress={login}>Login</button></strong>}
{user && <strong>Logged as <strong>{user.username}</strong></strong>}
With hooks its not directly possible.
I recommend you to take a look at react-easy-state.
I use it in big Apps and it works like a charm.
I'm going to hell for this:
// src/hooks/useMessagePipe.ts
import { useReducer } from 'react'
let message = undefined
export default function useMessagePipe() {
const triggerRender = useReducer((bool) => !bool, true)[1]
function update(term: string) {
message = term.length > 0 ? term : undefined
return {message: message, sendMessage: update}
Full explanation over at:
Yes, this is the dirtiest and most concise way i could come up with for solving that specific use case. And yes, for a clean way, you probably want to learn how to useContext, or alternatively take a look at react-easy-state or useBetween for low-footprint solutions, and flux or redux for the real thing.
You will still need to lift your state up to an ancestor component of HookComponent1 and HookComponent2. That's how you share state before and the latest hook api doesnt change anything about it.
