How to loop through new input boxes renderer in React and get the values in an array? - javascript

I need to dynamically generate multiple divs with a single input-box in it, so the user can add a number.
The user can add by clicking a button, any number of divs with input-box to put a number in it.
After the user end with the entry of the data, must click a button to process the data.
I've find out how to use React to iterate through an existing array, but not about how to iterate through a new DOM tree that was created dynamically by the user, and then generate an array with the values inside all the input-boxes.
After processing, different values will be displayed (max value, min value, average, return results from equations, etc)

Without seeing your code it's hard to help, but you probably want to use controlled inputs rather than uncontrolled ones, and so you'd have an array of the current values for the inputs as state information.
For instance, in a functional component using hooks:
const { useState } = React;
function Example() {
// The values we use on the inputs
const [values, setValues] = useState([]);
// Update the value at the given index
const updateValue = (value, index) => {
setValues(values =>
Object.assign([], values, {[index]: value})
// Add an input
const addInput = () => {
setValues(values => [...values, ""]);
// Get the sum (just an example; and one of the very few places I'll use `reduce`)
const sum = values.reduce((sum, value) => sum + Number(value), 0);
// Render as many inputs as we have values, along with the
// button to add an input and the sum
return (
{, index) =>
<div key={index}>
<input type="text" value={value} onChange={evt => updateValue(, index)} />
<div>Sum: {sum}</div>
<input type="button" value="Add Input" onClick={addInput} />
ReactDOM.render(<Example/>, document.getElementById("root"));
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

I think you could just create one div, and an array to store the values, then create a function that everytime the user choose to add a new value, it saves the current on that array and clean the input. So, when the user select to process the data it takes that array and do what you need.


How do i add elements from a map, inside another map?

I'm making a json map, and sending it to another component, to assemble several Cards at the same time:
{, index) => {
<div key={index}>
<CardItem key={index} data={element}></CardItem>
And then I made an entry that when I put the name of the card title, it only shows the cards with those titles. Basically a search filter in React
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
const searchLowerCase = value.toLowerCase()
const search = job.filter(element => || element.role.toLowerCase().includes(searchLowerCase) || element.level.toLowerCase().includes(searchLowerCase) )
const handleInput = (e) => {
The problem is that inside my json, there is an array that brings other elements, that is, I need to make another map. I'm making this other map directly in the JSX of the cards component
{, index) => {
So I need to make my input also look for these other elements that are inside the map that is being performed in the other component. For when I write the name of these elements in the input, show only the card on the screen that has these selections. Any tips would be greatly appreciated
I'm thinking of some way to add this map made in my other component, inside this map that is doing the searches, so when I type inside the input, all the elements that are written, regardless of which map it is, are shown on the screen

Clearing a Material UI search filter TextField and returning to default

I am new to ReactJS and pairing it with Material UI is really causing me some roadblocks. I have created a reusable search filter component for my data tables and it worked exactly the way I wanted, but now I want to add a button to clear the field and show the unfiltered results, as well as return the InputSearch component back to its default state so it will display the label inside the field again, not up in the field’s border as these Material UI TextFields do then they are focused or have a current value. This is where I am hitting my roadblock. I have tried multiple solutions I found online, like using the inputRef/useCallback method to change the values, but it didn’t seem to work…or maybe I misunderstood and did it wrong. I was also recommended to put my search values to state. As happens with state my searches are now always one render behind (I.E. , results matching ‘US’ for ‘USA’ , ‘USA’ for ‘USAF’, etc…). Then when I run the handleFilterReset function to set the filter values back to an empty string, nothing happens. I just want my search filter to work instantly (like it did before I moved the value to state [commented out]) and be able to be cleared, resetting the table back to its default display.
Can someone please help me figure this out? Suggestions are appreciated, but code snippets are much more helpful since I am really new to React and especially Material UI.
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('')
const [searchFn, setSearchFn,] = useState({ fn: items => { return items; } });
// Searching Data
const handleSearch = e => {
setInputValue( // value displayed in input field
let query = (;
fn: items => {
if (query === "")
return items;
return items.filter(x =>
(x.tankName !== null && x.tankName.toLowerCase().includes(query)) ||
(x.dimensions !== null && x.dimensions.toLowerCase().includes(query))
// Clearing Filters
const handleFilterReset = () => {
setSearchFn({fn: items => {return items;}})
// Search and filter Inputs
export default function InputSearch(props) {
const { inputRef, name, value, error=null, onChange, ...other } = props;
return (
{...(error && {error:true, helperText:error})}
You need to pass the value to InputSearch
Heres an example:
React has a pretty good introduction on its site.
The code has been updated with a solution to this issue. I created a display value for the input that I passed to state, which was set to a blank string when the reset is pressed as well as passing an unfiltered data set.

How to create dynamic states and update it in react?

I have list of data getting fetched from the API and each index in data is creating a <div> which consist of some information and button along with it.
Now when I click on button, a textarea and submit button should open for that <div> and closes when clicked again.
I tried to create this here.
To achieve this, I am creating n number of states and update the state when user click the button.
How can I achieve this and where am I going wrong ?
This is a working example of what you're looking for:
const { useState } = React;
const Counter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const data = [
const [show,setShow] = useState([]);
const handleClick = id => e => {
const showCopy = [];
showCopy[id] = false;
} else {
showCopy[id] = true;
return (
{,v) => (
<div key={v}>
<p>Some More Information</p>
<button onClick={handleClick(v)}>Update</button>
show[v] ? <div>
<button id={v}>Delete</button>
</div> : <></>
ReactDOM.render(<Counter />, document.getElementById('app'))
A couple things were wrong in your sample code:
Improper use of dot operators instead of brace operators
The JS dot (.) operator is used to access named attributes associated with the given JS object. In these particular cases, the values v and id are dynamic, and not the true names of the attributes desired. Using the brace [] operators allows you to access the dynamic value stored in the variable.
Improper array state update
In your example, the code you had written was creating a new array based on the contents of the previous array and adding a new object every time with a literal attribute named id. In the updated code, a copy of the original state array is created and the desired boolean value with index id is modified.

React State Hook initialised to [] still shows type as undefined

const [input, setInput] = useState('');
const [studentList, setStudentList] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [studentList]);
return (
<div id="add-students-input-div">
placeholder='Enter a student to the database'
onChange={(event) => {
<div id="add-students-button" onClick={() => {
setStudentList([document.getElementById('add-students-input').value, ...studentList])
The print statement for studentList is returning the array but the print statement for studentList.type is undefined at all times, even after elements are added to the array.
How can I ensure that studentList.type returns Array.
studentList in your code will ever be an array, empty when you initialize the state. If you want to check if there is something in the array you have to use studentList.length
Altough previous contributors solved your problem by eliminating it in other place, I would like to answer this:
How can I ensure that studentList.type returns Array
If you want to make sure your variable is an array, you may use isArray() static method of Array:
Array.isArray(studentList) // returns true if array or false if not
As mentioned in the comments, arrays do not have a type property.
Your studentList state value is always an array; there is no need to check its type.
One thing you do appear to be doing incorrectly is updating studentList when you click your button (<div>). In short, you really shouldn't need to use DOM methods in React.
To update your array with the value from your input state, use this...
const handleClick = () => {
setStudentList((prev) => [input, ...prev]);
<div id="add-students-button" onClick={handleClick}>
See useState - Functional updates for information on how I'm using setStudentList()

Calculate total in dynamic form - Ant Design React

I have a dynamic form in Ant Design where I can:
set the price and the quantity in some inputs.
create new rows
I was able to access all the values from the rows after submiting with this piece of code:
const onFinish = values => {
console.log("Received values of form:", values);
But I would like to access each value from the inputs, get the total (price * quantity) and set it the total input.
I saw a solution in basic React from this question Calculating quantity and price total in react. That answer shows that you need use state and use the onChange event and work from there, but I don't really know how to translate this answer because I don't understand how to access the state from each row in Ant Design.
You can see my code right here:
Any help would be appreciated
You can calculate derived values by taking advantage of the onValuesChange event handler on the Form component, and the form instance methods provided by the Form.useForm hook.
Please see sandbox example:
const ItemForm = () => {
const [form] = Form.useForm()
const onFinish = values => {
console.log('Received values of form:', values)
const handleTotal = (_, values) => {
const rowsCopy = [...values.rows]
values.rows.forEach((fieldGroup, index) => {
if (fieldGroup && fieldGroup.quantity && fieldGroup.price) { = fieldGroup.quantity * fieldGroup.price
rowsCopy.splice(index, 1, fieldGroup)
console.log('fieldGroup', fieldGroup)
console.log('rowsCopy', rowsCopy)
form.setFieldsValue({ rows: rowsCopy })
return (
