In React how can I append values to functional state when it is a dependency of useEffect without triggering another API call? - javascript

I have a todo list app which users can read and save items to. Here, Todo is a functional component that queries an API for the users current items on their list using the useEffect() hook. When a successful response is received the data is added to the component's state using useState() and rendered as part of the ItemList component.
When a user submits the form within the AddItemForm component a call back is fired that updates the state of newItem, a dependency of useEffect, which triggers another call to the API and a re-render of the component.
Logically, everything above works. However, it seems wrong to make an extra request to the API simply to receive the data that is already available but I can't find the correct pattern that would allow me to push the item available in useCallback to the items array without causing useEffect to loop infinitely yet still update the ItemList component.
Is there away for my app to push new date from the form submission to items array whilst updating the view and only calling the API once when the page loads?
function Todo() {
const [items, setItems] = useState();
const [newItem, setNewItem] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
(response) => {
}, (error) => {
}, [newItem]);
const updateItemList = useCallback((item) => {
return (
<AddItemForm callback={updateItemList} />
<ItemList items={items} />
function ItemList(props) {
const { items } = props;
return (
{ items
&& => <p>{item.description}</p>)}

Call API only on start by removing newItem from useEffect(...,[]).
Then add item to the items by destructuring in setItems:
const updateItemList = (item) => {
setItems([...items, item]);


React Native FlatList re-renders the already rendered items when adding new data

I have implemented a code that listen my DB documents and when a new one is added the app renders it as an item on my FlatList.
The problem I have is that everytime I update the data of the FlatList, the already rendered items re-renders again and again...
As my original code is complex, I have build a Snack:
I think the problem is that I update the state using a shallow copy of the existing array, but I do it just to re-render the FlatList when new items are added (I don't want to re-render the already rendered items).
Thank you, I will really appreciate your help.
Pd: In my original code the components of the FlatList extends React.PureComponent
My Real Code
The fething part
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
const { firebase } = props;
let postsArray = [];
// Realtime database listener
const unsuscribe = firebase
.orderBy("date") // Sorted by upload date
.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
let changes = snapshot.docChanges();
changes.forEach((change) => {
if (change.type === "added") {
// Get the new post
const newPost =;
// Add the new post to the posts list
// Reversed order so that the last post is at the top of the list
setPosts([...postsArray]); // Shallow copy of the existing array -> Re-render when new posts added
/* Pd: At the first time, this function will get all the user's posts */
return () => {
// Detach the listening agent
}, []);
The FlatList
The render item method
renderItem = ({ item, index }) => {
const {
} = item;
return (
onLayout={({ nativeEvent }) => {
this.itemHeights[index] = nativeEvent.layout.height;
<Card { /* Extends React.PureComponent */ }
When your data updates, component re-renders.
To prevent that, you need to this this line before calling fetchData()
useEffect(() => {
if (data) return;
}, [data]);
*edit: add data to the dependencies array
What will happen is that the useEffect will run when the component loads, and will call fetchData function which updates your state therefore component re-renders, so the next render data will have any value so the if statement will prevent the 2nd call to fetchData.
I also suggest to initial data with null
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
I removed this:
and it worked fine (see it online). The problem is that react-native calls onEndReached when it ends rendering. so you'll get the initial datas again on each render, and it causes infinit rendering issue. (more)
The solution that has worked for me:
In render item I was passing the index as a key to the item. I have read that this can produce strange behaviour, so I decided to pass (which is an UUID) instead.
Change the PureComponent to a Standard Component and reimplement the componentShouldUpdate life-cycle method. If you have a PureComponent it will be:
// From the RN documentation
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return nextProps !== this.props && nextState !== this.state;
So, I have decided to change my Item to a normal Component and do:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
// My component is just a card with an author row and a progressive image (thumbnail + image) with a Skeleton absolutely positioned
return nextState.avatarIsLoaded && nextState.thumbailIsLoaded; // && nextState.imageIsLoaded is unnecesary by the way I have implemented my component
Pd: Also it is better to do as I did because if I add the * && nextState.imageIsLoaded * I will have to wait a long time until the full image (which size is bigger than the thumbnail's one) is loaded.
Now my items render twice, firstly when the Skeleton is showed, and secondly when the progressive image is ready to being displayed.

React state change does not result in a rerender

I'm using React Infinite Scroller to render a list of posts.
My load more results function is called 3 times and therefore the result is updated three times (can be seen with a console.log)
I render the posts with:
{ => (
<Widget data={result} key={} />
This updates the result the first two times, but when the state changes for the third time, it doesn't render any more results.
My full code:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import InfiniteScroll from "react-infinite-scroller";
import LoadingIndicator from "./loading";
import { request } from "../communication";
const InfiniteResults = ({ endpoint, widget }) => {
let [results, setResults] = useState([]);
let [hasMoreResults, setHasMoreResults] = useState(true);
const Widget = widget;
function loadMoreResults(page) {
// prevent from making more requests while waiting for the other one to complete
.get(endpoint, {
offset: page * 10,
.then(function gotResults(response) {
const data =;
const resultsCopy = results;
data.results.forEach(function saveResultToState(result) {
if (! {
} else {
return (
loader={<p key={0}>Loading...</p>}
{ => {
return <Widget data={result} key={} />;
export default InfiniteResults;
Your problem is with your state update:
const resultsCopy = results;
data.results.forEach(function saveResultToState(result) {
When you do const resultsCopy = results;, you're not actually copying the array; you're just referring to the same array by another name. That means that when you start adding elements to it, you are adding them directly to the one controlled by React's useState hook. All state updates should be done through the setState (setResults in your case) function that useState returns.
To perform an update on the previous state, the best way to do that is to call the setResults function with a function as an argument, that takes the previous state as its own argument. This ensures that the state updates are sequential (each update happens after the previous one was completed).
setResults(prevState => prevState.concat(data.results));
// or
setResults(function (prevState) {
return prevState.concat(data.results);
Here I have also made use of the concat function that combines two arrays into one and returns the result. That way you are not updating the previous state with the push calls.

React when pass data to child throw props data duplicate

I'm create Activities function component and call child function component called Categories when i send categories list to Categories function component and log "props" data send twice first one is empty and second has data as follow
function Activities() {
const [category, setCategory] = useState([]);
function handelChange({ target }) {
[]: target.value,
useEffect(() => {
getCategories().then((_categories) => setCategory(_categories));
}, []);
return (<Categories category={category} onChange={handelChange} />)
and categories component
function Categories(props) {
return (<div></div>)
i'm trying to log props in useEffect but problem still exist
This is happening because of how the life cycle in React works. This is correct and expected behavior. Before you load the categories, it is a blank array on the initial render. Then it gets the categories, updates the state, and re-renders, this time with categories.
renders with the initial state(empty)
goes and fetches categories
re-renders with the categories
This is entirely expected. That double log is the initial render and then the updated state render. Remember React is a heavily async library. The useEffect doesn't happen during render, it happens after render. Every state update will also cause an update and thus another log. It might be helpful to research what will cause a React render and how the life cycle behaves.
I think you handleChange function should update item in a array of object not change the state object completely
function handelChange({ target: {name, value} }) {
setCategory(categories => {
const categoryIndex = categories.findIndex(pr => === id);
const category = categories[categoryIndex];
return [
...categories.slice(0, categoryIndex)),
[name]: value,
...categories.slice(categoryIndex + 1))

Too many re-render problems with React

I have some cards in my application that can lead to another pages through clicks. So I have a main component that contains a button like this:
function MainComponent(props) {
const handleClick = (key) => {
history.push("/exampleurl/" + key);
Then according to the key passed, I have to make a request that gives me some information required to display it. As default I have my initial state as null, and when it completes the request, it changes to the object I got. But as soon as I click on the card, I get the re-render error.
function MyComponent(props) {
let { key } = useParams();
const [myObject, setMyObject] = React.useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('/myendpoint/' + key).then( response => {
let myObject =
}, [key])
I suppose that the solution is avoiding the key value to update when it changes the state. But i am not finding the solution to this trouble.
Edit: The route that leads to the components:
<Route path="/inbox">
<MainComponent />
<Route path="/exampleurl/:key">
<NewComponent />
I think the problem is related to the handleClick function.
Every time this method is called, you push a new entry to the history stack. Which analyze your defined routes and render the linked component. In your case, it is the same component, but I am not sure if the router is capable to determine it, therefore I would expect a re-render.
Maybe a solution would be to include another state which is responsible to inform the component of the current obj being displayed on the screen. So key will be responsible only for the route parameter and this new state will be responsible for the internal navigation.
function MyComponent(props) {
let { key } = useParams();
const [myObject, setMyObject] = React.useState(null)
const [displayedObj, setDisplayedObj] = React.useState('');
useEffect(() => {
axios.get('/myendpoint/' + key).then( response => {
let myObject =
}, [key, displayedObj]) // we listen for displayedObj too
and then in the handleClick we update this new state. This will trigger the useEffect and therefore update the myObject state to the new value:
const handleClick = (key) => {
// This will trigger the useEffect and refresh
// the data displayed without reloading the page

When and why to useEffect

This may seem like a weird question, but I do not really see many use cases for useEffect in React (I am currently working on a several thousand-lines React codebase, and never used it once), and I think that there may be something I do not fully grasp.
If you are writing a functional component, what difference does it make to put your "effect" code in a useEffect hook vs. simply executing it in the body of the functional component (which is also executed on every render) ?
A typical use case would be fetching data when mounting a component : I see two approaches to this, one with useEffect and one without :
// without useEffect
const MyComponent = () => {
[data, setData] = useState();
if (!data) fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res));
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
// with useEffect
const MyComponent = () => {
[data, setData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
Is there an advantage (performance-wise or other) to useEffect in such usecases ?
I. Cleanup
What if your component gets destroyed before the fetch is completed? You get an error.
useEffect gives you an easy way to cleanup in handler's return value.
II. Reactions to prop change.
What if you have a userId passed in a props that you use to fetch data. Without useEffect you'll have to duplicate userId in the state to be able to tell if it changed so that you can fetch the new data.
The thing is, useEffect is not executed on every render.
To see this more clearly, let's suppose that your component MyComponent is being rendered by a parent component (let's call it ParentComponent) and it receives a prop from that parent component that can change from a user action.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const [ counter, setCounter ] = useState(0);
const onButtonClicked = () => setCounter(counter + 1);
return (
<button onClick={onButtonClicked}>Click me!</button>
<MyComponent counter={counter} />
And your MyComponent (slightly modified to read and use counter prop):
const MyComponent = ({ counter }) => {
[data, setData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
{data ? <div>{data}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>}
Now, when the component MyComponent is mounted for the first time, the fetch operation will be performed. If later the user clicks on the button and the counter is increased, the useEffect will not be executed (but the MyComponent function will be called in order to update due to counter having changed)!
If you don't use useEffect, when the user clicks on the button, the fetch operation will be executed again, since the counter prop has changed and the render method of MyComponent is executed.
useEffect is handling the side effect of the problem. useEffect is the combination of componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. every initial render and whenever props updated it will be executed.
For an exmaple:
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromAPI().then(res => setData(res))
}, []);
Another example:
let's assume you have multiple state variables, the component will re-render for every state values change. But We may need to run useEffect in a specific scenario, rather than executing it for each state change.
function SimpleUseEffect() {
let [userCount, setUserCount] = useState(0);
let [simpleCount, setSimpleCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
alert("Component User Count Updated...");
}, [userCount]);
useEffect(() => {
alert("Component Simple Count Updated");
}, [simpleCount]);
return (
<b>User Count: {userCount}</b>
<b>Simple Count: {simpleCount}</b>
<input type="button" onClick={() => setUserCount(userCount + 1}} value="Add Employee" />
<input type="button" onClick={() => setSimpleCount(simpleCount + 1}} value="Update Simple Count" />
In the above code whenever your props request changed, fetchDataFromAPI executes and updated the response data. If you don't use useEffect, You need to automatically handle all type of side effects.
Making asynchronous API calls for data
Setting a subscription to an observable
Manually updating the DOM element
Updating global variables from inside a function
for more details see this blog
