This question already has an answer here:
onEdit trigger doesn't catch current user
(1 answer)
Closed 3 months ago.
I have a Google spreadsheet with some data. I wrote script to track changes of some specific columns.
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var menuItems = [
{name: 'Turn on', functionName: 'createSpreadsheetEditTrigger'}
ss.addMenu('Tracker', menuItems);
function changeTrack(){
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var ws = ss.getActiveSheet();
const headerRow = 4;
const editBodyCols = [2, 3, 4, 5];
const fResultCol = 6;
var range = ws.getActiveRange();
var row = range.getRow();
var col = range.getColumn();
let target1 = ws.getRange(row, fResultCol);
let target2 = ws.getRange(row, fResultCol + 1)
let activeUser = getCurrentUserEmail();
if(row > headerRow && editBodyCols.some(x => x === col) === true){
if(target1.getValue() !== ""){
target2.setValue(result(ss, ws, row, activeUser)[1]);
} else {
target1.setValue(result(ss, ws, row, activeUser)[0])
target2.setValue(result(ss, ws, row, activeUser)[1])
function createSpreadsheetEditTrigger() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
function date(){
return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
function result(ss, ws, row, activeUser) {
const ssName = ss.getName();
let data = `Создал ${activeUser} ${date()}`;
let exp = `Файл ${ssName}, Лист ${ws.getName()}, изменил ${activeUser}, строка № ${row}, ${date()}`;
let adds = [];
return adds;
function getCurrentUserEmail()
var email=Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
return email;
My problem is to get active user's email. This script can get it but not all the time. Seems like random success. It means sometimes I can get expected value, sometimes not. I don't understand what is it depends from.
Where I'm wrong and how to fix it?
From the documentation on Session.getActiveUser():
Gets information about the current user. If security policies do not allow access to the user's identity, User.getEmail() returns a blank string. The circumstances in which the email address is available vary: for example, the user's email address is not available in any context that allows a script to run without that user's authorization, like a simple onOpen(e) or onEdit(e) trigger, a custom function in Google Sheets, or a web app deployed to "execute as me" (that is, authorized by the developer instead of the user).
So this seems pretty expected and there is no hard workaround you can make to retrieve the users mail. You should maybe just ask for it and see if they be willingly want to give it to you.
Although if you are the developer or the users are inside your organization this restrictions may be ignored:
However, these restrictions generally do not apply if the developer runs the script themselves or belongs to the same G Suite domain as the user.
Based on the comment by b-frid.
The flow:
create a custom menu and tell each user to run the function twice. First time for authorization, and the second time to actually run the code.
this will install the same trigger with the user's privileges and let the onEdit trigger get the email of an active user (author of the trigger)
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('😎📬 run me 2x times')
.addItem('please let script to see your email', 'install')
// function test() {
// var e = {
// range: SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('test_onEdit').getRange('B2')
// }
// edit_(e)
// }
function edit_(e) {
var targetcol = 1;
if (e.range.getSheet().getName() === 'Sheet1') {
var user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
if (user !== '') {
var col = e.range.getColumn();
var rows = e.range.getHeight();
var ratgetrange = e.range.offset(
targetcol - col,
function install() {
* create onEdit trigger
* #param {string} spreadsheetId
* #param {string} functionName
function setOnEditTrigger_(spreadsheetId, functionName) {
console.log('OnEdit trigger ' + functionName +
' for new file' +
var trigger;
if (existsOnEditTrigger_(functionName, spreadsheetId)) {
console.log('stopped execution. Trigger exists.');
trigger = ScriptApp
console.log('Created new trigger!')
return trigger.getUniqueId();
* check if onEdit trigger exists
* #param {string} spreadsheetId
* #param {string} functionName
function existsOnEditTrigger_(functionName, spreadsheetId) {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
var trigger = {};
for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
trigger = triggers[i];
if (
trigger.getHandlerFunction() === functionName &&
trigger.getTriggerSourceId() === spreadsheetId &&
trigger.getEventType().toString() === 'ON_EDIT') return true;
return false;
Original comment:
The key is separate triggers for each user. Then I simply added code
to execute the update only if the Session.getActiveUser().getEmail()
call does not come back blank. Of course, because each's user's
trigger will run, the function will execute x times where x = the
number of users (i.e. triggers), but with the check for a blank return
value the logic only runs once (and so no overwrites). A bit clumsy
indeed, and perhaps not practical if you have more than a handful of
users, but workable in my case.
I was able to allow other users to add a new SKU to a sheet without unprotecting it (Original post). Now I am trying to do the inverse, to allow users to delete an SKU without unprotecting the sheet.
I started with the following, which works as expected:
function deleteEachRow(){
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var SHEET = ss.getSheetByName("Ordering");
var RANGE = SHEET.getDataRange();
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const response = ui.prompt('WARNING: \r\n \r\n Ensure the following sheets DO NOT contain data before proceeding: \r\n \r\n Accessory INV \r\n Apparel INV \r\n Pending TOs \r\n \r\n Enter New SKU:', ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if (response.getSelectedButton() === ui.Button.OK) {
const text = response.getResponseText();
var rangeVals = RANGE.getValues();
//Reverse the 'for' loop.
for(var i = rangeVals.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
if(rangeVals[i][0] === text){
I tried to Frankenstein the above code into the answer I was provided. Now the script runs without error but fails to delete the entered SKU as expected. This is the script I am running:
function deleteEachRow1(){
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var SHEET = ss.getSheetByName("Ordering");
var RANGE = SHEET.getDataRange();
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const response = ui.prompt('WARNING: \r\n \r\n Ensure the following sheets DO NOT contain data before proceeding: \r\n \r\n Accessory INV \r\n Apparel INV \r\n Pending TOs \r\n \r\n Delete Which SKU?:', ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
if (response.getSelectedButton() === ui.Button.OK) {
const text = response.getResponseText();
const webAppsUrl = "WEB APP URL"; // Pleas set your Web Apps URL.
const url = webAppsUrl + "?text=" + text;
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
// ui.alert(res.getContentText()); // You can see the response value using this line.
function doGet(e) {
const text = e.parameter.text;
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Ordering');
var rangeVals = RANGE.getValues();
//Reverse the 'for' loop.
for(var i = rangeVals.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
if(rangeVals[i][0] === text){
return ContentService.createTextOutput(text);
// This script is from
function a1notation2gridrange1(a1notation) {
var data = a1notation.match(/(^.+)!(.+):(.+$)/);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(data[1]);
var range = ss.getRange(data[2] + ":" + data[3]);
var gridRange = {
sheetId: ss.getSheetId(),
startRowIndex: range.getRow() - 1,
endRowIndex: range.getRow() - 1 + range.getNumRows(),
startColumnIndex: range.getColumn() - 1,
endColumnIndex: range.getColumn() - 1 + range.getNumColumns(),
if (!data[2].match(/[0-9]/)) delete gridRange.startRowIndex;
if (!data[3].match(/[0-9]/)) delete gridRange.endRowIndex;
return gridRange;
// Please run this function.
function myFunction() {
const email = "MY EMAIL"; // <--- Please set your email address.
// Please set your sheet names and unprotected ranges you want to use.
const obj = [
{ sheetName: "Ordering", unprotectedRanges: ["O5:P", "C2:E2"] },
{ sheetName: "Accessory INV", unprotectedRanges: ["E5:H"] },
{ sheetName: "Apparel INV", unprotectedRanges: ["E5:F"] },
{sheetName: "Pending TOs", unprotectedRanges: ["E6:H"] },
{sheetName: "INV REF", unprotectedRanges: ["C6:C"] },
// 1. Retrieve sheet IDs and protected range IDs.
const spreadsheetId = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
const sheets = Sheets.Spreadsheets.get(spreadsheetId, { ranges:{ sheetName }) => sheetName), fields: "sheets(protectedRanges(protectedRangeId),properties(sheetId))" }).sheets;
const { protectedRangeIds, sheetIds } = sheets.reduce((o, { protectedRanges, properties: { sheetId } }) => {
if (protectedRanges && protectedRanges.length > 0) o.protectedRangeIds.push({ protectedRangeId }) => protectedRangeId));
return o;
}, { protectedRangeIds: [], sheetIds: [] });
// 2. Convert A1Notation to Gridrange.
const gridranges ={ sheetName, unprotectedRanges }, i) => => a1notation2gridrange1(`${sheetName}!${f}`)));
// 3. Create request body.
const deleteProptectedRanges = protectedRangeIds.flatMap(e => => ({ deleteProtectedRange: { protectedRangeId: id } })));
const protects =, i) => ({ addProtectedRange: { protectedRange: { editors: {users: [email]}, range: { sheetId }, unprotectedRanges: gridranges[i] } } }));
// 4. Request to Sheets API with the created request body.
Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ requests: [...deleteProptectedRanges, ...protects] }, spreadsheetId);
Probably the easiest way to do this would be to avoid using a button and using a checkbox with a installable edit trigger, which also has a great side effect of mobile support.
Proposed solution:
Using a checkbox
Hook it to a installable edit trigger, which runs as the user who installed the trigger. Therefore, if the owner installs the trigger, no matter who edits the sheet, the trigger runs as the owner, giving access to privileged resources including protected ranges.
The installable version runs with the authorization of the user who created the trigger, even if another user with edit access opens the spreadsheet.
Code simplicity and maintainabilty. No need for webapp or any complicated setup.
Disadvantage: Security (with possible workaround)
If the code is bound to the sheet, editors of the sheet get direct access to the script of the sheet. So, any editor with malicious intentions would be able to modify the code. If the function with installable trigger has gmail permissions, any editor would be able to log all the emails of the owner. So,special attention needs to be paid to permissions requested. Note that, this is already the case with your web app setup. Any editor maybe able to modify doGet to access protected data. If the webapp is in a separate standalone script, this isn't a issue. You may also be able to fix this issue by setting the trigger at a predetermined version instead of Head version. See this answer for more information.
I have the following code that uploads my events from Google Sheet to Google Calendar. This code searches the rows that need to be synced to the calendar based on value in column E (status) x[4]. Events that are marked as Pending Schedule or Pending Removal will be synced to the calendar and then update the respective rows in the sheet with Scheduled or Removed.
This code runs just fine in terms of scheduling events. But when it comes to removing events it only works if the first row of the data is marked to be removed, but not on other rows. It gives me TypeError: Cannot read property 'deleteEvent' of undefined and when I investigated the deleteEvent object shows as CalendarEvent.
Seems like the way I have written the if() functions is somehow not appropriate and the else if() does not evaluate the whole data. I have tried replacing else if() with another if() but received the same error.
function calendarSync2() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Test Sheet')
var settingsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Calendar Settings');
var calendarId = settingsSheet.getRange('B2').getValues();
var eventCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
var eventArray = dataSheet.getRange('A2:I').getDisplayValues();
for (x = 0; x < eventArray.length; x++) {
var event = eventArray[x];
var eventName = event[1];
var eventDate = new Date(event[0]);
var timeZone = event[5];
var startTime = new Date(`${event[0]} ${event[2]} ${timeZone}`); ///Used Object literals of `` combined with ${}
var endTime = new Date(`${event[0]} ${event[3]} ${timeZone}`);
var status = event[4]; // Used in the following comparison expression instead of filter
if (status === 'Pending Schedule') { /// === undertakes strict comparison
var exisEvents = eventCal.getEvents(startTime, endTime, {search: eventName}); // prevents creation of duplicates
if (exisEvents.length == 0) {
Logger.log(`timed ${eventName} scheduled for: ${startTime} till ${endTime}`);
eventCal.createEvent(eventName, startTime, endTime);
eventArray[x][4] = "Scheduled"; // Updates the status
} else if (status === 'Pending Removal') {
Logger.log(`${eventName} at ${eventDate} REMOVED`)
var returnedEvent = eventCal.getEvents(startTime, endTime, {search: eventName});
var toRemove = returnedEvent[x];
Logger.log(`returnedEvent is: ${returnedEvent}`);
eventArray[x][4] = "Removed";
dataSheet.getRange('A2:I').setValues(eventArray); // Overwrite the source data with the modified array
So with a little bit of digging I figured I need to create another loop for removing events. so the following code:
else if (status === 'Pending Removal') {
var returnedEvent = eventCal.getEvents(startTime, endTime, {search: eventName});
var toRemove = returnedEvent[x];
eventArray[x][4] = "Removed";
Should be changed to:
else if (status === 'Pending Removal') {
var returnedEvents = eventCal.getEventsForDay(eventDate,
{search: eventName});
for (i = 0; i < returnedEvents.length; i++) {
var toRemove = returnedEvents[i];
eventArray[x][4] = 'Removed';
I have Google Sheet, name TEST
Sheet: Arkusz 1
Column A: all people can edit
Column B: only owner can edit
Library (for everyone):
A user cannot add a row because it is blocked by column B, which belongs only to the admin.
How can I create macro, which allow user to add new rows?
I have three scripts:
function insertRow() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sheetName = ss.getActiveSheet().getName()
var row = ss.getActiveRange().getRow()
var numRows = Browser.inputBox('Insert Rows', 'Enter the number of rows to insert', Browser.Buttons.OK);
var url =""
var queryString = "?sheetName="+sheetName+"&rowNo="+row+"&noOfRows="+numRows
url = url + queryString
var request = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
if (request != 'Success')
function doGet(e) {
var param = e.queryString
var parameters = param.split("&")
// This just checks only 3 parameters are present else gives a invalid link
if (param != null && parameters.length == 3){
param = e.parameter
var name = param.sheetName
var row = Number(param.rowNo)
var numOfRows = Number(param.noOfRows)
} else{
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Invalid query")
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("")
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(name)
sheet.insertRowsAfter(row, numOfRows);
var source_range = sheet.getRange(row,1,1,sheet.getLastColumn());
var target_range = sheet.getRange(row+1,1,numOfRows);
catch (err){
return ContentService.createTextOutput("error: "+err)
return ContentService.createTextOutput("Success")
And after clicked function insertRow and filled number of rows I have doPost(e) information.
Could you help me?
On the solution you provided below, I see that the issue is in mainScript
function mainScript(e) {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
// assign the sheet to a variable and use it below instead of spreadsheet
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('ZNC')
sheet.insertRowsBefore(sheet.getActiveRange().getRow(), 1);
Hmm, I created solution, but I think there's a bug somewhere, because it doesn't add the line, even though everything is correct and the script is published as public.
function ZNCWiersz() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.setActiveSheet(spreadsheet.getSheetByName('ZNC'), true);
const activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getSheetName();
const url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${url}?sheetName=${activeSheet}`, {
headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
// DriveApp.getFiles() // This is used for automatically detecting the scope of "". This scope is used for the access token.
// When runScript() is run, this function is run.
const doGet = (e) => ContentService.createTextOutput(mainScript(e));
// This script is run by Web Apps.
function mainScript(e) {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
spreadsheet.insertRowsBefore(spreadsheet.getActiveRange().getRow(), 1);
I have a working script. need to improvise to have no manual interruption. We have multiple Profiles in Analytics, sometimes we lose access and sometimes we have. So when i run the Script, If we lost access to 1 of 60 profiles, i have to delete that entry manually then rerun the script.
What i want is, If there is below error, Then skip and continue with next row
"GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile."
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dashboard = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
for(var i=52;i<65;i++){
var viewId = dashboard.getRange(i,13).getValue(); // Your Google Analytics view ID
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = {'segment': 'gaid::-5'};
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
var metric = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'];
var metric2 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'];
var metric3 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3'];
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Current document
var sheet = doc.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
} }
try it this way:
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
var sheet = doc2.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
const vs = sh.getRange(52, 13, 13).getValues();
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = { 'segment': 'gaid::-5' };
for (var i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
var viewId = vs[i][0]; // Your Google Analytics view ID
try {
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
if (result) {
sheet.getRange(i + 52, 14, 1, 3).setValues([[result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'], result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'], result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3']]]);
Without the benefit of working data some of this may not be correct but using setValues and getValues should speed it up considerably and the try catch blocks should help with not getting result consistently. Also you want to avoid making unnecessary declarations in loops.
I might understand the question incorrectly (if so, please clarify) but it sounds to me like you just need to add...
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dashboard = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
for(var i=52;i<65;i++){
try { //...this line and...
var viewId = dashboard.getRange(i,13).getValue(); // Your Google Analytics view ID
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = {'segment': 'gaid::-5'};
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
var metric = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'];
var metric2 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'];
var metric3 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3'];
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Current document
var sheet = doc.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
} catch(e) { //...this part
console.log(e); //optional, catch(e){} is perfectly valid as well, or any code you might want to execute on error
} }
I have an issue related to database. I am currently working with Gupshup bot programming. There are two different data persistence modes which can be read here and here. In the advanced data persistence, the following code is documented to put data into data base:
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
if(event.message=='update bug - 1452') {
function jiraUpdate(context){
//connect to Jira and check for latest update and values
context.simpledb.doPut("1452" ,"{\"status\":\"QA pending\",\"lastUpdated\":\"06\/05\/2016\",\"userName\":\"John\",\"comment\":\"Dependent on builds team to provide right build\"}");
} else{
context.sendResponse('No new updates');
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("New update in the bug, type in the bug id to see the update");
If I want to change only one of column (say status or last Updated) in the table for the row with key value 1452, I am unable to do that. How can that be done?
I used the following code:
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
// var nlpToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";//Your token
// context.sendResponse(JSON.stringify(event));
if(event.message=='deposit') {
context.sendResponse("Enter the amount to be deposited");
if(event.message=="1000") {
if(event.message== "show"){
function HttpResponseHandler(context, event) {
var dateJson = JSON.parse(event.getresp);
var date =;
context.sendResponse("Today's date is : "+date+":-)");
function jiraUpdate(context){
//connect to Jira and check for latest update and values
context.simpledb.doPut("aaa" ,"{\"account_number\":\"90400\",\"balance\":\"5800\"}");
} else{
context.sendResponse('No new updates');
/** Functions declared below are required **/
function EventHandler(context, event) {
if (!context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance)
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = 0;
numinstances = parseInt(context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance) + 1;
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = numinstances;
context.sendResponse("Thanks for adding me. You are:" + numinstances);
function DbGetHandler(context, event) {
var bugObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
var bal = bugObj.balance;
var acc = bugObj.account_number;
var a = parseInt (bal,10);
var b = a +1000;
var num = b.toString(); = num;
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("testdbput keyword was last put by:" + event.dbval);
Since the hosted DB that is provided by Gupshup is the DynamoDB of AWS. Hence you can enter something as a key, value pair.
Hence you will have to set the right key while using doPut method to store data into the database and use the same key to get the data from the database using the doGet method.
To update the data you should first call doGet method and then update the JSON with right data and then call doPut method to update the database with the latest data.
I have also added something which is not present in the documentation, You can now make DB calls and choose which function the response goes to.
I am refactoring your example as using 3 keywords and hard coding few things just for example -
have - this will update the database with these values
deposit - on this, the code will add 1000 to the balance
show - on this, the code show the balance to the user.
Code -
function MessageHandler(context, event) {
if(event.message=='have') {
var data = {"account_number":"90400","balance":"5800"};
context.simpledb.doPut(event.sender,JSON.stringify(data),insertData); //using event.sender to keep the key unique
if(event.message=="deposit") {
context.simpledb.doGet(event.sender, updateData);
if(event.message== "show"){
function insertData(context){
context.sendResponse("I have your data now. To update just say \"deposit\"");
function updateData(context,event){
var bugObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
var bal = bugObj.balance;
var a = parseInt(bal,10);
var b = a + 1000;
var num = b.toString();
bugObj.balance = num;
function EventHandler(context, event) {
if (!context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance)
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = 0;
numinstances = parseInt(context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance) + 1;
context.simpledb.botleveldata.numinstance = numinstances;
context.sendResponse("Thanks for adding me. You are:" + numinstances);
function DbGetHandler(context, event) {
var accountObj = JSON.parse(event.dbval);
function DbPutHandler(context, event) {
context.sendResponse("I have updated your data. Just say \"show\" to view the data.");