Way to pass props and display in a list in react - javascript

I am encountering issues when trying to display the props in an ordered list. It only displays the initial value. When I add to the list, it was not updated.
Here is the source code
class ToDoList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
{this.props.data.map(list => {
return (
<ol key={list.uuid} > <input type="checkbox"></input>{list.uuid}- {list.text}</ol>
export default ToDoList;
let data = [{ uuid: 100, text: "TEST" }, { uuid: 101, text: "TEST" }];
let id = 0;
class Todo extends React.Component {
handleAddItem = () => {
id = id + 1;
data.push({ uuid: id, text: this.refs.textInput.value });
render() {
return (
<input type="text" ref="textInput"></input>
<button onClick={this.handleAddItem}>ADD TO LIST</button>
<ToDoList data={data} />
export default Todo;
Thank you.

When I add to the list, it was not updated.
It's because data is not a state variable and does not cause a re-render.
To fix, make it a state instead.
class Todo extends React.Component {
// make data and id a state variable
state = {
data: [{ uuid: 100, text: "TEST" }, { uuid: 101, text: "TEST" }],
id: 0,
Then pass state data to TodoList
<ToDoList data={this.state.data} />
Never mutate a state variable in your handler by using spread operator (...).
handleAddItem = () => {
// update the state using this.setState()
this.setState(prevState => ({
id: prevState.id + 1,
data: [
...prevState.data, // use spread operator
{ uuid: prevState.id + 1, text: this.refs.textInput.value }
() => console.log(this.state.data) // pass 2nd arg to log state update

You should add state to ToDo component add use setSate() method to update state. Then the ToDo component and ToDoList component will re-render.
let data = [{ uuid: 100, text: "TEST" }, { uuid: 101, text: "TEST" }];
let id = 0;
class Todo extends React.Component {
state = {
handleAddItem = () => {
id = id + 1;
data: [...this.state.data, { uuid: id, text: this.refs.textInput.value }]
render() {
return (
<input type="text" ref="textInput"></input>
<button onClick={this.handleAddItem}>ADD TO LIST</button>
<ToDoList data={this.state.data} />
There is the doucment about Component State. Read it to learn more.


Collect checkbox values as an array React

I have a checkbox component, I want my user to be able to check multiple items, and then the items to be saved in the state as an array.
If I select a checkbox my handleChange function seems to set my array to undefined, I'm not sure if it's the way I am sending the data or If I've setup my checkbox wrong, I'm quite new to React.
My main component is
export default class MainForm extends Component {
state = {
eventFormats: []
handleChange = input => event => {
this.setState({[input]: event.target.value})
render() {
const eventFormat = {eventFormats: this.state.eventFormats}
return <EventFormat
My event form component
export default class EventFormat extends Component {
state = {
eventFormats: [
{id: 1, value: 1, label: "Virtual", isChecked: false},
{id: 2, value: 2, label: "Hybrid", isChecked: false},
{id: 3, value: 3, label: "Live", isChecked: false},
saveAndContinue = (e) => {
render() {
return (
<h1 className="ui centered">Form</h1>
this.state.eventFormats.map((format) => {
return (<CheckBox handleChange={this.props.handleChange} {...format} />)
<Button onClick={this.saveAndContinue}>Next</Button>
And finally my checkbox component
const CheckBox = (props) => {
return (<Checkbox label={props.label} onChange={props.handleChange('eventFormats')}/>)
export default CheckBox
The error is in your handleChange function, which sets state to a dictionary while you said you want the checkbox's value to be added to the eventFormats array in the state.
export default class MainForm extends Component {
state = {
eventFormats: []
handleChange = input => event => {
if (event.target.checked) {
this.setState({eventFormats: this.state.eventFormats.concat([event.target.value])});
} else {
const index = this.state.indexOf(event.target.value);
if (index === -1) {
console.error("checkbox was unchecked but had not been registered as checked before");
} else {
this.setState({eventFormats: this.state.eventFormats.splice(index, 1);
render() {
const eventFormat = {eventFormats: this.state.eventFormats}
return <EventFormat
There are a few things to fix:
this.setState({[input]: event.target.value})
this will always overwrite the array(eventFormats) with event.target.value.
<CheckBox handleChange={this.props.handleChange} {...format} />
in the above line, you're passing all the properties in each format object
const CheckBox = (props) => {
return (<Checkbox label={props.label} onChange={props.handleChange('eventFormats')}/>)
but here you're only using label and handleChange.
Here's a React StackBlitz that implements what you're looking for. I used <input type="checkbox" />, you can replace this with the Checkbox component you want. See the console logs to know how the state looks after toggling any of the checkboxes.
Also, added some comments to help you understand the changes.
const Checkbox = ({ id, checked, label, handleChange }) => {
return (
// passing the id from here to figure out the checkbox to update
onChange={e => handleChange(e, id)}
<label htmlFor={id}>{label}</label>
export default class App extends React.Component {
state = {
checkboxes: [
{ id: 1, checked: false, label: "a" },
{ id: 2, checked: false, label: "b" },
{ id: 3, checked: false, label: "c" }
handleChange = inputsType => (event, inputId) => {
const checked = event.target.checked;
// Functional update is recommended as the new state depends on the old state
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
[inputsType]: prevState[inputsType].map(iT => {
// if the ids match update the 'checked' prop
return inputId === iT.id ? { ...iT, checked } : iT;
render() {
return (
{this.state.checkboxes.map(cb => (

Assigning each button it's own individual state count

My code below shows my current component design. This is a counter component which is responsible for incrementing a counter for the respective array item and also for adding the clicked item to the cart. I am trying to figure out if there is some way in which I can assign each array item within the items array to its own state count value. Currently, the screen shows four array items, with each one having a button next to it and also a count. When clicking the increment button for any particular item, the state count for all buttons is updated and rendered, which is not what I want. I have tried to assign each button it's own state count in several ways, but haven't been able to figure out the right way. I would like to somehow bind a state count value to each button so that each one has it's individual state count.I would really appreciate if someone can provide some tips or insight as I dont know of a way to isolate the state count for each button and make it unique so that when one value's button is clicked, only the state count for that particular button (located next to the increment button) is updated and not the others.
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
count: 0,
cart: [],
handleIncrement = (e) => {
count: this.state.count + 1,
cart: [...this.state.cart, e.target.value],
render() {
const listItems = this.props.items.map((item) => (
<li key={item.id}>
<button onClick={this.handleIncrement}>+</button>
return (
What I did here is I remove the constructor, update Counter component props, update the event on how to update your cart in Example component, adjusted the Counter component, for the Cart component, I added componentDidMount and shouldComponentUpdate make sure that the component will re-render only when props listArray is changing. Here's the code.
class Example extends React.Component {
state = {
cart: [],
items: [
{ id: 1, value: "L1" },
{ id: 2, value: "L2" },
{ id: 3, value: "L3" },
{ id: 4, value: "L4" }
render() {
const { cart } = this.state
return (
{ items.map(
({ id, ...rest }) => (
key={ id }
{ ...rest }
cart={ cart }
onAddToCard={ this.handleAddCart }
) }
handleAddCart = (item) => {
this.setState(({ items }) => ([ ...items, item ]))
class Counter extends React.Component {
state = {
count: 0
handleIncrement = () => {
this.setState(({ count }) => ({ count: count++ }))
render() {
const { count } = this.state
const { cart, value } = this.props
return (
{ value }
<button onClick={ this.handleIncrement }>+</button>
{ count }
<Cart listArray={ cart } />
class Cart extends React.Component {
state = {
cart: []
addTo = () => (
<div>List: </div>
componentDidMount() {
const { cart } = this.props
this.setState({ cart })
shouldComponentUpdate({ listArray }) {
return listArray.length !== this.state.cart.length
render() {
return (
<ListFunctions addClick={ this.addTo } />
const ListFunctions = ({ addClick }) => (
<button onClick={ addClick }>Add To List</button>
If you want to add to the list of items without rendering the button, you can add a custom property to mark that it is a custom addition:
class Example extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: [
{ id: 1, value: "L1" },
{ id: 2, value: "L2" },
{ id: 3, value: "L3" },
{ id: 4, value: "L4" },
addToItems = items => {
render() {
var cartArray = [];
return (
{this.state.items.map((item) =>
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
count: 0,
handleIncrement = () => {
count: this.state.count + 1,
addTo = () => {
const { items } = this.props;
let lastId = items.length;
id: lastId,
value: `L${lastId}`,
custom: true,
render() {
return (
!this.props.custom &&
<button onClick={this.handleIncrement}>+ </button>
<Cart addTo={this.addTo} />
class Cart extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
return null;
const ListFunctions = ({ addClick}) => (
<button onClick={addClick}>Add To List</button>
// Render it
<Example />,
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.8.4/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.8.4/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="react"></div>

How can i solve the problem from the book road to react at page 78 ? I keep getting undefine for one of the methods in the table component

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
const list = [
title: 'React',
url: 'https://facebook.github.io/react/',
author: 'Jordan Walke',
num_comments: 3,
points: 4,
objectID: 0,
title: 'Redux',
url: 'https://github.com/reactjs/redux',
author: 'Dan Abramov, Andrew Clark',
num_comments: 2,
points: 5,
objectID: 1,
class App extends Component {
state = {
text: 'abc',
searchTerm: ''
onDisMiss = (id) => {
const updateList = this.state.list.filter((item) => item.objectID != id)
return () => this.setState({ list: updateList })
onSearchChange = (event) => {
this.setState({ searchTerm: event.target.value })
isSearched = (searchTerm) => {
return (item) => item.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase())
render() {
const { searchTerm, list } = this.state
return (
<Search value={searchTerm}
<Table list={list} pattern={searchTerm} onDissMiss={this.onDisMiss} />
class Search extends Component {
render() {
const { value, onChange, children } = this.props
return (
{children}<input type="text" onChange={onChange} value={value} />
class Table extends Component {
render() {
const { list, pattern, onDisMiss } = this.props
return (
{list.filter(isSearched(pattern)).map(item =>
<div key={item.objectID}>
<span><a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a></span>
<button onClick={onDisMiss(item.objectID)} type="button">Dismiss</button>
export default App;
Road to react Book The Table component related.I get undefined for the isSearched method. how can I fix it so it works correctly its from the book road to react it seems like the book has a few error which I have problems solving because am just learning react. can you help with the solution and why this problem is actually happening
You should put the isSearched method inside the Table class and not the App class

How do I set state to toggle a boolean value that sits inside an array of JSON object?

I've been stuck on this today, and I've tried several possible solutions that didn't resolve the issue.
This is a flip-card effect I'm creating for a team's profile page. When user click on the profile-card it flips the card to show more info on the back. The way I've set up currently flips all the cards all at once when onClick is triggered, instead of the individual card. I know by doing that I need to set the current state of isTrue to render the boolean value from the JSON object, and I tried several possible ways I could think of with no succession.
I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me learn/understand how to solve this issue!
Here is the simplified example code:
JSON object:
data: [
{ id: 1, isTrue: false },
{ id: 2, isTrue: false },
{ id: 3, isTrue: false},
React Component:
import exampleData from 'data.js'
class App extends Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
isTrue: //I need to set the current state of isTrue to render from exampleData, but couldn't figure out how to do it.//
this.handleToggle = this.handleToggle.bind(this);
handleToggle (e) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
isTrue: !prevState.isTrue
render() {
<div className="App">
{exampleData.data.map((obj) => {
return <ReactCardFlip isTrue={this.state.isTrue}/>
<button onClick={handleToggle}>Flip the card</div>
export default App;
You need to store externalData in your component's state. Render this list using map and pass current clicked card to the toggle method. After this, you are able to change your state depending on the element you have clicked. See example below:
import exampleData from 'data.js'
class App extends Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
cards: [],
this.handleToggle = this.handleToggle.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.state.setState({ cards: exampleData });
handleToggle (card) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
cards: prevState.cards.map(prevCard => {
if (prevCard.id === card.id) {
return {
id: prevCard.id,
isTrue: !prevCard.isTrue
return prevCard;
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{this.state.data.map((card) => {
return (
<ReactCardFlip isTrue={card.isTrue}>
<button onClick={() => this.handleToggle(card)}>Flip the card</button>
export default App;
The main is each item should have its own isTure
So the single state isTrue cannot achieve your demand.
Two ways:
exampleData in state
isTure => arrIsTrue to correspond each item in exampleData
data: [
{ id: 1, isTrue: false },
{ id: 2, isTrue: false },
{ id: 3, isTrue: false},
these data can place in state
like after: this.state = { exampleData: exampleData.data }
so the render can be <ReactCardFlip isTrue={obj.isTrue}/>
also the handleToggle should get current toggle index to after:
<div className="App">
{this.state.exampleData.map((obj, index) => {
return <ReactCardFlip key={index} isTrue={this.state.isTrue}/>
<button onClick={() => handleToggle(index)}>Flip the card</div>
and then in handleToggle to be:
handleToggle (index) {
const exampleData = this.state.exampleData
exampleData[index] = !exampleData[index].isTrue
this.setState({ exampleData: exampleData })
After all, don't forget key

How to clear input values of dynamic form in react

I have a dynamic form as a functional component which is generated via a class based component. I want to make reset button which clears the input field values and sets the state to null array.
Full code is available here:
I want to make a reset button, clearing all the input values and initializing the Itemvalues array to null.
Even if I set the values to null, it doesn't clear the input field.
However, the problem I'm facing is that since, it is a dynamic form and a functional component it doesn't have a predefined state for each individual form field making it difficult to set value to null.
Can someone please help, I'm stuck on this from a long time
Here's a codesandbox to show you how to reset the items: https://codesandbox.io/s/romantic-heisenberg-93qi7
I also left a note for you on how to get this to work with your API data, see the comment inside onChangeText()
The problem is that the inputs are not controlled by state as you have deduced. We should create an updated object for each item from your API, giving it a value prop.
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Cart from "./Cart";
import "./styles.css";
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
Items: [],
itemvalues: [{}]
this.onChangeText = this.onChangeText.bind(this);
this.getItems = this.getItems.bind(this);
this.handleReset = this.handleReset.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.findFieldIndex = this.findFieldIndex.bind(this);
this.trimText = this.trimText.bind(this);
getItems = () => {
/*if the data is coming from an API, store it in an array then .map() over it.
we can add a value prop to the object like:
so you can do something like:
const newItems = [...apiData].map((item) => {
return {
value: ""
Items: newItems
Items: [
name: "item1",
description: "item1",
group: "groupA",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
name: "item2",
description: "item2",
group: "groupA",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
name: "item3",
description: "item3",
group: "groupB",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
name: "item4",
description: "item4",
group: "groupB",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
onChangeText = e => {
const updatedItems = [...this.state.Items].map(item => {
if (item.name === e.target.name) {
return {
value: e.target.value
} else {
return item;
const updatedItemValues = [...updatedItems].reduce((obj, curr) => {
if (!obj[curr.group]) {
obj[curr.group] = [];
obj[curr.group] = [...obj[curr.group], { [curr.name]: curr.value }];
return obj;
}, {});
Items: updatedItems,
itemvalues: updatedItemValues
findFieldIndex = (array, name) => {
return array.findIndex(item => item[name] !== undefined);
trimText(str) {
return str.trim();
handleReset = () => {
const resetedItems = [...this.state.Items].map(item => {
return {
value: ""
Items: resetedItems,
itemvalues: []
() => console.log(this.state)
handleSubmit = () => {
render() {
return (
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import Form from "./Form";
const Cart = props => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<Form Items={props.Items} onChangeText={props.onChangeText} />
<button onClick={props.handleSubmit}>Submit</button>
<button onClick={props.handleReset}>Reset</button>
export default Cart;
The Cart component can remain mostly the same, we do not need to pass in props.items to useEffect() dependency.
import React from "react";
const Form = props => {
return (
{props.Items.map(item => {
return (
onChange={e => props.onChangeText(e)}
export default Form;
Now in Form component, we provide each input a value prop that is connected to the item our upper-most parent component-state.
That's pretty much all you need to reset the values.
See if that works for you:
Working example on CodeSandbox
Since you were already using hooks in part of your code, I've converted your class into a functional component using hooks (my advice: learn hooks and forget about class components).
I've added a value property to your INITIAL_STATE so it will keep the input value for each inputItem.
Full CODE:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import FormV2 from "./FormV2";
import "./styles.css";
function App() {
name: "item1",
description: "item1",
group: "groupA",
dtype: "str",
name: "item2",
description: "item2",
group: "groupA",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
name: "item3",
description: "item3",
group: "groupB",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
name: "item4",
description: "item4",
group: "groupB",
dtype: "str",
value: ""
const [inputItems, setInputItems] = useState(INITIAL_STATE);
function handleChange(event, index) {
const newValue = event.target.value;
setInputItems(prevState => {
const aux = Array.from(prevState);
aux[index].value = newValue;
return aux;
function handleReset() {
console.log("Reseting Form to INITIAL_STATE ...");
function handleSubmit() {
inputItems.forEach(item =>
"I will submit input: " + item.name + ", which value is: " + item.value
return (
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
import React from "react";
function FormV2(props) {
const formInputItems = props.inputItems.map((item, index) => (
<div key={item.name}>
{item.name + ": "}
onChange={event => props.handleChange(event, index)}
return (
<button onClick={props.handleSubmit}>Submit</button>
<button onClick={props.handleReset}>Reset</button>
<div>State: {JSON.stringify(props.inputItems)}</div>
export default FormV2;
In order to control the values of the child components (Items) which I presume are input fields you need to be passing down their values from their parent component. So each of your items will have an item.value which is stored in the parent component's state.
That means that in the parent component you will be able to define a method which clears all of the item values it is storing in its state.
That will probably look something like
resetInputs = () => {
inputFields: this.state.inputFields.map(inputField => {
value: ''
Also you'll need to write what kind of tag you want for your code to work, like input.
So what you'll end up with for the code of the child component you shared is something like:
const Form = (props) => {
return (
{props.Items.map(item => (
onChange={e => props.onChangeText(e)}
export default Form
You want to manage the state of unknown number N of items, one way to achieve it is by managing a single object which contains all states, for example, setValuesManager manages N inputs and clicking the button reset its state:
function TextAreaManager() {
const [valuesManager, setValuesManager] = useState([...items]);
return (
{valuesManager.map((value, i) => (
onChange={e => {
valuesManager[i] = e.target.value;
onClick={() =>
Reset All
