Is there a way to move the vertical scrollbar to a location other than the left or right side? - javascript

I have a modal that has a horizontal scrollbar when the modal is resized on small screens. When that horizontal scrollbar appears, the vertical scrollbar disappears because it is stuck to the right. I would like the vertical scrollbar to stay at the right side of the modal while I scroll horizontally to the right. A picture of this behavior is show below. I want the vertical scrollbar stuck on the right while I horizontally scroll to the right rather than only being present when I finish horizontally scrolling to the right.
Is there a way to accomplish this? I believe another issue is that on Windows devices the scrollbar takes up space unlike in Mac devices.

You can customize the scrollbar a bit (see, however, I don't know if you can change the position.
I did find a javascript scrollbar-plugin, which I haven't tried, but maybe it is worth a try? You can find it at


overflow-x: scroll and overflow-y:visible nightmare with x-scrolling and dropdown menu

Before i start, I wanted to let you know that I have been searching high and low for a solution to my issue but the closest thread I've found is unfortunately without the answer to the actual problem - Position absolute inside div with overflow-x scroll and overflow-y visible
Essentially I got main page where I am dynamically loading some other pages and on some of them I used dropdown listboxes. It happened that I haven't noticed it earlier as content any of the pages wasn't wide enough for me to spot the problem.
The problem I face is absolutely positioned div (which contain dropdown) and visible horizontal scroll bar on the parent of this div. When I scroll my page horizontally the dropdown div stays in the same place on the screen. I read about "popping out" absolute divs under this link: but even there, I can observe similar issue I am currently facing, which is appearing of the vertical scroll on the parent element. I am trying to achieve similar effect like here: but stop vertical scroll bar to appear when the listbox is expanded - instead it should overflow the box and party cover horizontal scroll bar. Here I've found another prompt example how can I achieve it but when i try to play with it and make red boxes scrollable with content as well as overflowing outside of the content vertically, without creating vertical scrollbar, I am failing... I am also fine with using JS if CSS on it's own can't deliver such effect.
In the end after 3 days battle, the CSS won and I need to ask for a help...
Any support will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Vaadin. Grid. Horizontal scrollbar disappears on browser window resize

I face the following issue when using the latest Vaadin version.
I have a grid w/ some columns. I resize the browser window in a way to make the horizontal scroll bar appear.
After that i move the scrollbar to the rightmost position.
After that i maximize browser window and then minimize it back.
And after that step the horizontal scroll bar disappears.
is it a bug in vaadin or anything else?
Thank you.

Completely disable ANY kind of vertical scroll in a DIV

I need to disable ANY kind of vertical scrolling within an overflown DIV (I would still be able to scroll it horizontally).
overflow:hidden with CSS won't work since you can still scroll with the mouse wheel click / smartphone touch scroll. The only thing this does is hide the scroll bar, not disable it.
Is there any way to do this with Javascript or jQuery?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried reducing the height of the div so there is no where to scroll.
You could put the screen height into a variable (or slightly less) and then make the div the same height therefore cutting off any content with the overflow hidden.

For mobile webkit, how can I make the horizontal menu bar scrollable when you touch/drag it?

Let's say I'm on the standard iPhone 4.
My menu bar is 2000px in width. When the user touches and holds on the menu div, he can move his finger left/right, and the menu bar will move. This allows the user to browse all of the menu's items using his finger. (Scrolling left/right)
How can I make that in javascript/jquery?
It's like the Google Images webview (go there on your phone). You're able to swipe left and right to navigate each image.
Except...I want it to be a menu bar, with no "snapping".
Here's a very very basic example. It should get you moving in the right direction though.
'touchmove': function(e){
'left': e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX
To get where you're headed you'll need to also store the touchstart coordinates, the .menu_bar start position and then use a bit of math to move the bar relative to it's position rather than just snapping to the finger position each time like the example above will do.
Hope that helps :)
I'm still a little confused by the question but I believe the answer is just to use
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
This will work for iOS5 devices and give you a small scroll bar when active (i.e. when scrolling)
Otherwise you could try this plugin:
(which is multi-device)

fullscreen IE javascript

I need what this...
$('#gatewayDimmer').css('display','block'); controlling to occupy the full screen/scrollable window. In FireFox, it does except for maybe...11px thats initially under the vertical scrollbar(when you use the horizontal scrollbar and scroll right, you can see the area under the vertical scrollbar was never occupied). In IE(7 at least), it occupies everything in the initial window, even the area underneath the vertical & horizontal scrollbars, but after scrolling down past the area the horizontal scrollbar would've covered, it doesn't occupy anything(it stops). I need every inch, pixel, etc. covered, from head to toe. To lock it, if you will. Is there something I can add, change here? Thanks in advance
The following seems to have worked:
$('#gatewayDimmer').css({display:'block', position:'fixed'});
