How to get the new size of a dynamically sized div? - javascript

I have a div that slides up from the bottom of my pagewhen a button is clicked. i do this using a css transition and changing the css "top" attribute of the div. works fine if the div size never changes. So for example if the div is 400px high, i just move it up 400px and it's now in position. cool.
BUT... what if the div has dynamically generated content and will be a different height every time? how can i figure out how much to move the div up in order to be 100% showing?
so in pseudo code i want something like
function movemydiv() {
var howMuchToMoveIt = ??? (somehow getting the dynamic containers height)
document.getelementbyId("mydiv") = bottomOfScreen - howMuchToMoveIt
any tips on most straightforward way to do this??

You can use either clientHeight or offsetHeight to measure the height of your div.
Both clientHeight and offSetHeight include padding , but offsetHeight will also take into account borders and horizontal scrollbars (if rendered) - see MDN link.
So your js would be something like:
var howMuchToMoveIt = document.getElementById('mydiv').clientHeight;
The var will then contain the height of your element.
Hope this helps


clearfix / JavaScript, absolute position, changeable height

Ok, so I have relative div, and inside it I have two absolute divs, rights and left. Under relative div I want sticky footer, or something like that, but relative div has not children's height, because children is absolute. I know that, I should use javaScript (because of absolute divs it's impossible with css, clearfix), but what is the best way to keep parent's height like children using JavaScript? I do not prefer to set div's height permanently, because it could be uncomfortable with future content changes.
Maybe someone has some ids how to set parent's height like children's without setting height permanently and when it's impossible to use clearfix trick?
I will be really grateful for every suggestion.
You can get the height of your parent container using .outerHeight() or .height(). Then you can use the .on() function to fire the SetHeight function on screen resize and load.
function SetHeight(div){
var x = $(div).outerHeight();
// to get the height
$(div).children().css('height', x);
// set the childrens height
$(window).on('load resize', function(){
// fire the function

How to automatically set the div container adaptively towards the content length?

I want to make the div container can automatically resize its div-size (height) along side with the content, instead of going out of the area when the text is more than container area. Can anyone help me out to fix this instead of editing up the css for div-container? When I tried to change the div-size even it fits up the content, but while it is more than the div-area, I have to edit it manually again through CSS code.
Is it possibly to make it automatically? or maybe using JavaScript function?
height : auto;
min-height: 100% !important;
Set your div height to auto. It will take height automatically as per your contents.
The behaviour you want is just what a div - or other so-called block-level-element - naturally does unless you give it a defined height. So just remove any fixed heights you apply to the container and you're done.
In case you want your div to be of a certain minimum/maximum height, use min-height/max-height instead of height for that.

I want to set height of container according to contained images in it

I want to set height of the container after analyzing height of images. There is a container with two images in it:
if the orientation of both images is horizontal then its container should get particular height(110px)
if one image is horizontal and one is vertical then some other height(130px) to container
if both images are vertical then another height(160px)
I have written code, where I will first analyze orientation of each image then another function which will give height to container accordingly. Here is the jsfiddle of what I have tried so far.
I want to know, how can I set height to container?
First, note that you have multiple elements with the same ID; frame. Change that to a class, otherwise this isn't valid HTML.
To set the height of the container with the class frame, do something like this:
if($(this).width() > $(this).height()) {
//do other stuff
$(this).parents(".frame").height(110); //this sets to 110px, can be anything
else {
$(this).parents(".frame").height(130); //this sets to 130px, again, can be anything
I hope that helped you in any manner!

Get height of div dependent on text inside

I have a DIV with some text inside. But the height of the DIV starts at 0px, it also has an 'overflow:hidden'. After that i'm using an animation system to increase the height of the DIV. But i can't give the DIV a fixed height because the length of the text inside the DIV varies.
Is there a way to tell what the height of the DIV will be when its big enough to fit all content inside it?
I have done a horrible hack but see if this is good enough.
Basically you get the content height by setting the height to auto, then resetting it to zero and finally using your animation function, like this :
var tempHeight = $(".sample").css({"height" : "auto"}).height();
$(".sample").css({"height" : "0px"}).animate({
height : tempHeight
Where .sample is the reference to the div with the variable text content. Check out the demo for a better understanding.
Pure Javascript Version :
document.getElementById("sample").style.height = "auto"; //The id of this div is 'sample'
var tempheight = document.getElementById("sample").offsetHeight;
document.getElementById("sample").style.height = "0px";
Custom Animation function, Use tempheight to get the full content
DEMO For The Jquery Version
Maybe you can try this:
Put the text inside another DIV like...
<div>some text</div>
Then animate the outer div (which as an hidden overflow) according to the height of the inner div (which has not an hidden overflow).
Hope this helps
Depending on what you're doing/using you don't need to know the height because setting it to "auto" will ensure it expands to fill the content.
However, you could also not set the heights to 0 until you know the height by using javascript to get it. For example in jQuery:
$(this).attr("data-height", $(this).height()).css({"height": "0", "overflow": "hidden");
Now each div has an attribute called "data-height" that has the value of it's original height. You can then use this to expand the div when you need to.
Just before animating the showing of the div, clone the div and get rid of the height:0px constraint (change the height to auto, for example). Then grab the height of that cloned div for use in your animation.
In jQuery, this would look something like:
var myDiv = $('div');
var myDivClone = div.clone().insertAfter(myDiv).css('height','auto');
var myDivHeight = myDivClone.outerHeight();
myDiv.animate({height: myDivHeight}, 250);
Note the importance of actually cloning the element in question as opposed to just creating a new one and filling it with the same contents. You need to recreate the element exactly (other than the height modification you do afterwards), including classes, etc.
ALSO note the importance of injecting it into the DOM immediately after myDiv. This is so that the same CSS will affect it as affects myDiv at time of height calculation. The only potential exception to this is if you're using a :last-child selector in your CSS, and the clone ends up becoming the last child of the parent element. But that kind of issue should be easy enough to get around.
how about dropping the text in a off screen div first and getting the dimensions from that?
if(el.scrollHeight > el.offsetHeight || el.scrollWidth > el.offsetWidth)
//keep making element bigger = parseInt( + 2 + "px"
You could stick this snippet inside some sort of recursive function or while loop. Essentially you are checking to see if there is more content outside of the viewable area that a scroll-bar would show.

Scrollable div show content outside of window?

I have this jsfiddle where i'm trying to understand why does the scroll goes beyond de window size :/
If I remove the "height: 100%" from the rightpane class, I don't have a scroll; if I add it, I have a scroll but that goes beyond the window. Any way I can limit the scroll to the window?!
Thanks in advance!
Just a quick update...
I updated the fiddle to reflect the actual problem. I have an image that takes space as a header and it looks like that image size isn't accounted for. (I really suck at CSS :P )
You have to define a height for an element to scroll. That's why the scrollbar disappears when you remove the height. You're also adding padding to the div along with the 100% height. That adds to the element's height so it ends up being taller than the window. Reduce the height to something less than 100%, maybe 90% and play with it. That will allow you to keep the scrollbar and keep it inside the window. I have a fiddle set up for you here.
The total height (or "outer height") of an element equals inner height (which you can specify in css) + padding + border.
If you use height: 100% but then also add padding and/or borders then the total height will be bigger than 100%. There's a css property called box-sizing that can help you but it's not cross-broswer (you guessed it, IE<9).
If you drop the borders and paddings, it'll be fixed. But then to have borders and padding on outer elements... you'll need to get creative (or come back here with a specific question)
OK, I solved the problem, just not sure if it was the "right way". Anyway, here's how I did it:
added this right before the tag:
Then, I created the function that will calculate the right size for the "rightpane":
function setRightPaneHeight(){
var pic = document.getElementById("headerPic");
var pic_h = pic.offsetHeight;
var total_h = window.innerHeight;
var right_pane = document.getElementById("rightpane")
$(".rightpane").height(total_h - pic_h - 30);
That being done, now after the page loads, the right height is calculated for the rightpane DIV. And it works :)
Thanks for all the answers as they made me understand what the problem was!
