Display firefox extension popup programmatically - javascript

I'm developing a Firefox extension and I've been looking for a way to display it automatically (with JavaScript) under certain conditions, as if the user had clicked on the icon.
I know it is possible because some extensions already do it (like Wanteeed, see image below)
I have my javascript getting all the informations that I want, I know when my condition is okay the only thing that I need now is a way to make my little extension's 'popup' magically appear
I've looked for answers as I could, I hope that I didn't miss an already existing post, sorry if I did and thank you very much for your answers !

Are you using the latest WebExtensions format? If so, then you can't just open the popup page programmatically, this is for security reasons. From the MDN web docs:
When the user clicks the button, the popup is shown. When the user clicks anywhere outside the popup, the popup is closed. The popup can be closed programmatically by calling window.close() from a script running in the popup. However, you can't open the popup programmatically from an extension's JavaScript: it can only be opened in response to a user action.
An alternative is to use content scripts to append a position:fixed div to the current page, and then to style it with CSS to match the popup style. This is probably what the extension you referenced is doing.


How did the popup of this chrome extension open from bottom?

I know about chrome extensions and I built one.
As far as I know, popup can only be opened from the button action (page action too) and will be closed once they lose focus (i.e. if users clicks somewhere on the webpage).
But how did this extension - barc manage to
1) open from bottom
2) refrain from closing even after losing focus
I looked at my chrome://flags/#enable-panels and found panels to be disabled. So, this ain't the cause.
I'll be happy if some one can point me to the underpinnings of this implementation or API?
It's injecting custom UI into pages via content scripts, not showing it in a panel.
You can test it by minimizing/moving the Chrome window.

How to disable maximize,mimimize and close button for a new window open

I am using window.open() method to open a page as a pop-up window for a link button click event.
But the poup-up window is having minimize,maximize,close(x) button.
I dont want those buttons. How can remove these buttons?
This is the method i am using,
Tell me how can do this.
Chirag Jain.
You can't.
If you want a popup style window without full window decorations you'd have to create a new overlay <div> on top of the existing content and fill that with content, perhaps using an <iframe>.
You can't do it from javascript alone. Think about it, if you could, then people could put it into code on web-pages and cause other people's computers to open windows they couldn't easily close.
Instead you'll have to look for an answer specific to whichever browser you're using to host this application, and change it on the computers of your users appropriately. Even then though I don't think you'll be in luck (with Firefox for example, I can see how to get rid of them on all browser windows, but not on just one).

Keep Chrome extension popup open while navigating to a new page

I'm developing a Google Chrome extension with a popup (it's a browser action), and it changes the location of the page, which makes the popup disappear. How can I make it stay between page reloads?
You can't. browserAction popups are closed on any activity outside of the popup. You could potentially use Desktop Notifications though.
You'll need to use Background Page, and pull information from it every time you load the popup. Background pages run whether or your extension is currently being used or not.
Not sure if this helps, but from the FAQ:
Can extensions keep popups open after the user clicks away from them?
No, popups automatically close when the user focuses on some portion of the browser outside of the popup. There is no way to keep the popup open after the user has clicked away.
I had to implement a workaround for this as well. In my case, I was trying to use auth0's loginWithPopup. When the popup closed, it returned focus to the chrome window instead of the extension which caused the extension to close before authorization fully completed. I worked around it by opening a new window which acts as a barrier of sorts to prevent chrome's focus from going back to the window the extension was opened from. Anyway, just wanted to put it out there in case it helps someone in the future.

disable onclick ads with a content-script in Google Chrome

There are some video streaming sites that pop up an ad anytime you click anywhere on the page. The problem is, you have to click on the page to press play! So I was thinking of making a UserScript that disables the script that does this. The only problem is, I already disable all the scripts on the site and when I do it still pops up. Is there a way that I can disable them ? I'm also using jQuery, so if I can do it through their interface, that would be great.
edit: Two perfect examples of such sites are daclips.in and gorrilavid.in
I have Adblocker Plus, and it seems like it is not recognizing "on Click" events as pop-ups, rather normal clicked links. And the logic is simple, no Adblocker will block you from clicking something intentionally and it (the link) opening in another window/tab.
The problem is the new window contains your clicked Url, while the original window/tab "Refreshes" (i.e. redirects) to another url.
Advertising companies seem to use this trick to bypass adblocking software.
Just ditch Chrome and use Firefox. Firefox already have built-in mouse-click popups. I think all addons like Adguard or Adblock can not disable mouse-click popups. If you use Firefox, these are the steps:
Type about:config in the browser's address bar and hit the enter key.
First time users need to confirm that they be careful on the next page.
Type or paste dom.popup_allowed_events into the search field.
The value of the preference highlights all events that are allowed to spawn popups.
Edit the value to remove some or all of the items here.
Why not just use a browser extension such as AdBlock?
My go-to is right click and open in new tab. onClick events only happen with a left click. It's cumbersome but it still ends up being less work than closing the pop-up and whatever annoying prompts it may have.
I do not there's a practical solution for this.
Moreover, I think some of the answers here are missing the specific case in OP, where clicking anywhere on the page will cause the pop up to happen, not just clicking on links. According to this, neither right-clicking then choosing "open", nor noticing and blocking the target URL will help. I do not know of an add blocker that helps here either, because it's not trivial to meaningfully filter a click event that is taking place on the whole page object.
Only the solution provided by #Monkey would work, at the drawback of possibly breaking other things.

Popup a message upon exiting a webpage

We'd like to have a message popup when a visitor to specific webpages leave those webpages. So we could tie some Javascript to the links on those webpages, but then we can't control if the user exited the webpage by typing in a URL, using a bookmark or just closing the window...
I assume we have limited options if the user tries closing the browser window... but I do know it's possible because Google Docs' Documents offers the chance to cancel closing the window if you have unsaved work while closing the browser.
What are my options? Can I have Javascript called upon going to another webpage? Can I control the text in the popup when trying to close the window?
I'm using jQuery, so if there are good solutions implemented with jQuery that's perfectly fine.
jQuery UI Dialog OnBeforeUnload
There is onunload event you can bind to, first example:
