Vimeo API GET request in javascript - javascript

I'm trying to get information about videos hosted by Vimeo (from my client's channel, so no rights issues). I'm using Javascript, specifically d3.js.
The request works fine when using the old API, with this type of url :
For instance, this works in d3.js :
d3.json("", function(error,data){
But I can't get the new API to work as easily in a simple request, using this type of url for instance :
What do I need to do ? Authenticate ? If so, how ? I'd be grateful to get examples in either jQuery of d3.

Vimeo's API documentation is not the best, so you have to dig a little around to actually get the information you need. In your case, you do not need to go through the whole OAuth2 loop if you are simply requesting data from endpoints that do not require user authentication, such as retrieving metadata of videos, as per your use case.
First, you will need to create a new app, by going to
You can simply generate a Personal access token from your Vimeo app page under the section that says Generate an Access Token:
Remember that this token will only be visible once (so copy it when it is generated): and you have to keep it secure! The access token should be part of the Authorization header's bearer token. If you are using cURL, it will look like this:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YourPersonalAccessToken>"
Therefore, while you can do the following on your page to retrieve video metadata on the clientside, note that you are actually exposing your private token to the world:
.header("Authorization", "Bearer <YourPersonalAccessToken>")
.get(function(error, data) {
However, I strongly recommend that you proxy this request through your own server, i.e. create a custom endpoint on your server, say /getVimeoVideoMetadata. This API endpoint will receive the video ID, and will add the secretly stored access token you have on your server before making the request. This will mask your access token from your website visitors.


Correct way to store this token

I'm writing my first flask app and using the spotify api. I want to pass the access token from this api into java script like so
var token = "{{ token }}";
playing', {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
I'm doing this outside the flask app so I can frequently update the json data to the webpage easier. This method doesn't seem secure so I was wondering what is the perferred method in a situation like this.
Since your example is almost literally straight out of the Spotify Authorization Documentation and it is in relation to accessing the Web API, you're good.
If you were auth'ing on behalf of a user for more serious actions then you wouldn't be making client side requests.
Since the token you're using can be revoked and does in fact expire, you can store it in your db in plaintext.
You can store keys/secrets using Microsoft's Azure Software. Once you register you'll have access to those resources. You can set the secret in the secrets file in your azure portal and reference the secrets from there in your application source code.

Access and Refresh Tokens

I am using caspio rest api to authenticate my users in a mobile app. Upon authenticating, I was given an access token to which I included in my AJAX call under the parameter 'Authorization' : Bearer [access token].
I understand that I can renew the token with the refresh token given to me where I can use the POST call.
My question is: prior to using the POST call for a new token, must I store the access token?
Also, the Caspio website advised this format for the POST call:
Method: POST
URL: Token Endpoint
Body: grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token= [token value]
Header parameters:
Authorization: Basic [string "Client_ID:Client_Secret" encoded in Base64]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Should I also include the client ID and client secret in the parameters? Upon using Firefox's rest client, I'm getting a bad request (400) error.
Thank you for the help!
I never using caspio rest api before. The answer base on my OAuth experiences.
My question is: prior to using the POST call for a new token, must I store the access token?
YES! The OAuth 2.0 using the access token to switch the refresh token at first time.
Should I also include the client ID and client secret in the parameters? Upon using Firefox's rest client, I'm getting a bad request (400) error.
According to the api document. You should include the client ID and client secret in your request, like most OAuth 2.0 do.
The bad request (400) error you may see the rfc6749 to find further information.

Search video with vimeo Api using javascript

I want to use the new vimeo api to fetch videos based on a query, but I getting a 401 Authorization Required with this message "error": "A valid user token must be passed."
I'm using this code :
var urlX = ''+VIMEO_API_KEY;
$.getJSON(urlX, function(data){
So obviously I have an authentication problem.
As client_id I'm using my "Client Identifier" from my app created in Vimeo's dashboard.
The error I keep getting mention "user token", do I have to generate one via Vimeo's dashboard or via php ?
I'm a bit lost here.
client_id through the querystring is not a valid method of making API calls against the Vimeo API.
First you must request an access token either through the oauth2 redirect worfklow:, or by generating it on your app page.
Second you must provide that access token with your api request either through the Authorization header:
Authorization: bearer <your_token>
or the querystring<your token>.
The authorization header is more secure, and will continue to work indefinitely. Some changes will be made soon to the querystring form which could cause problems with your application.

Google OAuth2 - Exchange Access Code For Token - not working

I am currently in the process of implementing a server-side OAuth2 flow in order to authorize my application.
The JS application will be displaying YouTube Analytics data on behalf of a registered CMS account to an end user (who own's a channel partnered with the CMS account). As a result of this, the authorization stage needs to be completely hidden from the user. I am attempting to authorize once, then use the 'permanent' authorization code to retrieve access tokens as and when they're needed.
I am able to successfully authorize, and retrieve an access code. The problem begins when i attempt to exchange the access code for a token.
The HTTP POST Request to achieve this needs to look like this...
POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I am using this code to achieve this:
var myPOSTRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '', true);
myPOSTRequest.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
myPOSTRequest.send('code=' + myAuthCode + '&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FCMSAuth3.html&{my_client_secret}&grant_type=authorization_code');
I can successfully get a 200 OK response to this Request however no access token is returned, and myPOSTRequest.responseText returns an empty string.
I have played with Google's OAuth Playground - and can successfully get a token using my own credentials.
Am i missing something here?
You cannot do this, because there is the same origin policy. This is a security concept of modern browsers, which prevents javascript to get responses from another origin, than your site. This is an important concept, because it gives you the ability, to protect you against CSRF. So don't use the code authorization flow, use instead the token authorization flow.
Try and build up the full URL. Then dump it in a webbrowser. If its corect you will get the json back. You have the corect format.<myAuthCode>&redirect_uri=<FromGoogleAPIS>&client_id=<clientID>&client_secret={my_client_secret}&grant_type=authorization_code
Other things to check:
Make sure that you are using the same redirect_uri that is set up in google apis.
How are you getting the Authcode back? If you are riping it from the title of the page i have had issues with it not returning the full authcode in the title try checking the body of the page. This doesnt happen all the time. I just ocationally.

How can I get an oauth access token in sharepoint 2013?

I have this site here:
the text in some part says:
The following JavaScript code demonstrates how to make this GET request that returns a JSON representation of all of a site’s lists by using JQuery. It also assumes that you have a valid OAuth access token that is stored in the accessToken variable. You do not need the access token if you make this call from inside an app web, as you would in a SharePoint-hosted app.
url: http:// site url/_api/web/lists,
type: "GET",
headers: {
"Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken
the specific question is how can I get the access token??
There doesn't seem to be a way to get the access token only using JavaScript. You need to use an app to generate the access token. See the Sharepoint OAuth Tips and FAQs for more information about how to get the token.
Your entire approach is incorrect. When it comes to accessing the REST services of a sharepoint 2013 server using javascript you don't need an Access Token. You have to use the Sharepoint 2013 cross-domain library instead.
The page at explains after showing a classic REST request using an oauth token:
This request would look a little different if you are writing your app in JavaScript but using the SharePoint 2013 cross-domain library. In this case, you don’t need to provide an access token. The following code demonstrates how this request would look if you are using the cross-domain library and want to receive the OData representation of the lists as XML instead of JSON. See How to: Access SharePoint 2013 data from remote apps using the cross-domain library for more information about using the cross-domain library.
This is currently the url to that article
This should be your correct answer
This answers the question for sharepoint online.
It should be similar
for any SharePoint list with OAuth2
This talks about Postman or Fiddler, but we can modify this for JavaScript / JQuery
