using document.querySelector with complex CSS selectors - javascript

In JavaScript I want to use document.querySelector to "grab" the last div (<div class="widget-footer">) in below HTML. However after many tries, I still can't figure out the correct CSS selector syntax to use.
The following code does not work:
document.querySelector (".skin-grid-widgets.ui-sortable.gridWidgetTemplatePositie.AgendaStandaard.disablesorting.hoogte-1-knoppen-0.breedte-1.widget-footer")
Here is the HTML I am working with
<div class="skin-grid enkeleKolom" id="Infobalk">
<div class="skin-grid-widgets ui-sortable">
<div class="gridWidgetTemplatePositie AgendaStandaard disablesorting hoogte-1-knoppen-0 breedte-1">
<div class="widget-header">
here comes the header text
<div class="widget-body">
some body text
<div class="widget-footer">
here comes the footer text
I've surfed everywhere to find example of complex CSS selectors used with querySelector, but to no avail. Any help would be really appreciated.

Your issue is you need a space in between each child element you are trying to select. If you do not have spaces in between your class selectors, by CSS specification, it will look for both classes on the same element.
Change your selector to look like the following:
var footer = document.querySelector(".skin-grid-widgets.ui-sortable .gridWidgetTemplatePositie.AgendaStandaard.disablesorting.hoogte-1-knoppen-0.breedte-1 .widget-footer");
.highlight {
background-color: yellow;
<div class="skin-grid enkeleKolom" id="Infobalk">
<div class="skin-grid-widgets ui-sortable">
<div class="gridWidgetTemplatePositie AgendaStandaard disablesorting hoogte-1-knoppen-0 breedte-1">
<div class="widget-header">
here comes the header text
<div class="widget-body">
some body text
<div class="widget-footer">
here comes the footer text

try this:
document.querySelector (".skin-grid-widgets .gridWidgetTemplatePositie .widget-footer");
You don't need to add adjacent classes like "skin-grid-widgets ui-sortable" in querySelector, if you do so then query selector assumes that "skin-grid-widgets" is parent of "ui-sortable". Use just one of the classes at one DOM level.

The selector ain't complex, your thoughts are.
Listen to yourself, to the description you provide of what you want to select:
"grab" the last div in below HTML
Not grab the node with the class widget-footer inside of a node that has all these classes: gridWidgetTemplatePositie AgendaStandaard disablesorting hoogte-1-knoppen-0 breedte-1, inside a node ...
//a utility, because DRY.
//and because it's nicer to work with Arrays than with NodeLists or HTMLCollections.
function $$(selector, ctx=document){
return Array.from(ctx.querySelectorAll(selector));
//and the last div in this document:
var target = $$('div').pop();
"grab" <div class="widget-footer"> in below HTML
var target = document.querySelector("div.widget-footer");
or the combination: grab the last div.widget-footer in the HTML
var target = $$('div.widget-footer').pop();


How to get nested DOM

How to get nested DOM.
I want to get the nested DOM by Jquery.
For example.
<div id="red">
<div id="member">A</div>
<div id="blue">
<div id="member">B</div>
<div id="yellow">
<div id="member">C</div>
Is it possible to get the each memver id like, yellow.member
I want to do like this.
The way you wanted to access the child element of #yellow was real close to be correct.
$("#yellow .member").removeClass("myclass");
Notice the added space. The space means to look for another matching element in the descendant tree of the element matched by the previous selector.
Now it's your markup that is wrong. You just cannot use the same id more than once. The concept of id comes from long before the computer age... An "identification" is unique per definition!
Here is how your markup should look like... in a working example where the interval is just for fun:
$("#yellow .member").toggleClass("myclass");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="red">
<div class="member">A</div>
<div id="blue">
<div class="member">B</div>
<div id="yellow">
<div class="member">C</div>
You can use nested selectors with jQuery:
$('#yellow #member').removeClass('myclass');
Removes .myclass from the #member element inside #yellow.
Also, your HTML isn't valid. You can use an ID only once per document, so change all <div id="member"> ... </div> to <div class="member"> ... </div>. Then the selector passed to jQuery changes to
$('#yellow .member')
What you're after is the .find() method.
Or children()
EDIT: Also don't have duplicate id's. Use class attribute instead.

How to remove div with a particular text in it

I have some div tags which has some text & elements in it & I want to remove those div's, They are looks like this
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">
There are many div's like this & I want to remove them all with using jQuery or javascript
If the elements have nothing in common such as a class, you can remove it by using the :contains and remove() method.
Full example shown below:
<script src=""></script>
If the elements do have something in common you could use the class selector.
Based on Darren's answer, if you want to be extra sure (as :contains will match and delete any div containing the word example), you can make sure it's a div that has an anchor with that same example as children, then go back to the parent and remove it.
If this doesn't work, please paste a few more divs so we can see a common pattern and target it the safest way possible.
<script src=""></script>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Example example</div>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Don't remove example</div>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Example don't remove</div>
<button id="remove">
Remove undesired divs

jQuery: Select grandparent's h1 tag

I'm working within a really rigid framework (NetSuite) and there's a small section that I have direct control over which is the h3 and p text below. The structure is similar to this:
<div class="grandparent">
<h1>Title Text</h1>
<div class="otherstuff">Some text</div>
<div class="parent">
<h3>Text I have control over</h3>
<p>More text I have control over</p>
I want to hide the title text and the contents of '.otherstuff' for this page. There are multiple pages similar to this so I'm looking for a clean way of getting it done.
I've tried giving the h3 tag a class, then the following:
and variations of that but without any luck. I've looked into the .parentUntil() function but I run into the same problem. I have no problem grabbing ancestor elements but run into trouble when trying to grab elements of those ancestors.
Can anyone help me out?
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your time and effort in answering my question. I really appreciate it!
Use closest() to traverse up to the grandparent
Use find() to select the desired elements
You can use hide() in place of css('display', 'none') as they are equivalent
var grandparent = $('.myclass').closest('.grandparent');
grandparent.find('h1, .otherstuff').hide();
<script src=""></script>
<div class="grandparent">
<h1>Title Text</h1>
<div class="otherstuff">Some text</div>
<div class="parent">
<h3 class="myclass">Text I have control over</h3>
<p>More text I have control over</p>
I can think of two selectors that might work assuming you put .myclass back in.
have direct control over which is the h3
Try utilizing .parent() , .siblings()
$("h3").parent().siblings().hide(); // `$(".parent").siblings().hide();` ?
<script src="">
<div class="grandparent">
<h1>Title Text</h1>
<div class="otherstuff">Some text</div>
<div class="parent">
<h3>Text I have control over</h3>
<p>More text I have control over</p>
You may use:
> is for direct descendant element.
closest() selects ancestors, what you want is siblings().
will return an array of h1 siblings of the parent div, and in your case the first item of that array is your h1.
And you can iterate through those and hide them (in case there is ever more than one)
If the title is always immediately before the div with the "otherstuff" class, then you could use this:
$('.otherstuff').prev('h1').css('display', 'none');
Documentation here:

How to select leaf tags of an html document using jsoup

I am using jsoup to parse an html document. I need to extract all the child div elements. This is basically div tags without nested div tags. I used the following in java to extract div tags,
Elements bodyTag ="div:not(div>div)");
Here is an example:
<div id="header">
<div class="container">
<div id="header-logo">
<a href="/" title="">
<div id="logo">
</div> </a>
<div id="header-banner">
<div data-type="ad" data-publisher="" data-zone="ron">
I need to extract only the following:
<div id="logo">
<div data-type="ad" data-publisher="" data-zone="ron">
Instead, the above code snippet is returning all the div tags. So, could you please help me figure out what is wrong with this selector
This one is perfectly working
Elements innerMostDivs ="div:not(:has(div))");
Try it online
add your html file
add css query as div:not(:has(div))
check resulted elements
If you want only div leafs that do not have any children then use this
Elements emptyDivs ="div:empty");
The selector you are using now means fetch me all the divs that are not direct children of another div. It is normal that it brings the very first parent div, because the div id="header" is not a direct child of a div. Most likely its parent is body.

from parent to child without traversing the full path

My divs are nested like this.
<div id="top">
<div class="child1">
<div class="child-child">
<div class="child-child-child">
<div class="child2">
<div class="child-child">
<div class="child-child-child">
Right now I'm going from #top to .child-child-child by doing this.
Do I have to specify the full path like this? I want to omit the middle divs if there's a syntax that would let me do that. But I probably still need to specify whether I want to go through .child1 or .child2.
You do need to specify which path to take, but you could make it a little shorter:
$('#top > .child1').find('.child-child-child');
This will give you the '.child-child-child' that is a descendant of .child1.
Or you could write it like this, using only selectors:
$('#top > .child1 .child-child-child');
Or this, using only traversal methods:
You can just use a descendant selector (a space) to find the child anywhere beneath (as .find() does), like this:
$('#top .child-child-child');
Or, a bit more specific:
$('#top > .child1 .child-child-child');
To simplify this, you can use the selector:
$('#top .child1 .child-child-child');
This selector says "an element with a class of .child-child-child that is inside an element with a class of .child1 that's inside an element with an id of top".
