Is it possible to display same content on different pages in wordpress - javascript

I'm currently trying to display the same content on different pages on a WordPress site.
I do want to change certain words between that content that will be displayed on different pages?
is that possible in wordpress?
I feel like wordpress is very limited.
I just want suggestions from the community please! I'm as well googling my question, no luck yet. I'll keep posted.
Thank You.

I found this and it makes a lot of sense now.


I want edit every single page in wordpress. Is possible?

Sorry if this question sounds stupid but im a noob with wordpress.
I am a javascript developer, and I want make a little game (or games) with wordpress. Opening main page there is a sliding puzzle. After complete, a button appears and clicking there you pass to another page. This is basically the same to all pages.
But I can't find were i put my javascript or HTML code. I create the pages but I can't edit them the way I want, everytime i try to do it i only can edit like word. I cant create, change or edit divs attibutes or tags. To be honest the only thing i can edit is CSS in stylesheet, but is too limited.
I have done the search, try found a solutions or ways to done it but when i look to tutorials is all diferent from what i see.
to give you an ideia I want to do a mix of this:
and this
but i don't know how to edit page to page.
can you help me?
Thanks for everything
PS: I know I can do it without Wordpress, but I want use it anyway to learn more about the CMS (because of work) maintain website structure and later learn how to do my own templates or plugins.
To answer your question directly, yes it is possible (and easy, relatively speaking) to add custom code to every page / post of a Wordpress site.
More generally, you’re talking about creating a custom Wordpress theme, which you can find out more about here:
and here: (Good suggestion from #ItsGeorge)
Regarding adding custom JavaScript to a theme, your files will need to be enqueued as per these instructions.
Outlining the steps involved in Wordpress theme development would go beyond the scope of your question, but there are plenty of resources online and answers to Wordpress specific questions on You will need to familiarise yourself with php as well as JavaScript, to take full control of Wordpress.
I would say that developing a game feels like an odd fit... If learning Wordpress is your objective, a blog or personal website might be a better place to start, then you could move onto a game once you are familiar with the concepts involved, e.g. the loop, which plays a huge part in how Wordpress works
Good luck!
The primary focus of WordPress is to put HTML code and JS out of the user. You might manage your extra JavaScript files with your theme customization. If you want to get more control about how your pages are rendering, you should use action hooks and filters. The simplest way for you is to override each page template like this
The preferable resource to ask Wordpress related questions is

how to do HTML google multilevel entry?

I wanted to ask a maybe dumb question but how do you guys set up an html website to look like this when searched on google?
Ive tried adding anchor tags to the meta tags, yes maybe quite dumb idea , well it didn't work, does anybody know how to? Thank you in advance
With Sitelinks
As Google Webmaster Tools explains:
Sitelinks are automatically generated links that may appear under your
site's search results
This means you can't add them via some tool or code. The best you can do is to structure your correctly. See Google's page about this
It's generated automatcally by Google, but you can help the robots to show the right things using a sitemap: also it allows you to make a link preview.
PS: There is lots of tools to do that, like this one

How to make different paragraphs show up after clicking on something

This is my first question here, I'm very new to coding so please forgive me any mistakes.
So i started learning html/css/some basic javascript recently and I'm trying to build a website just for practice. So one page on it looks like this:
And right now i have different html files for each article (linked under the site navigation: Shauna, The First One etc.), so each name of the article takes you to a different page.
What i want to do is to have multiple articles in just one html file, and make them show up/disappear when the name of the article is clicked.
I tried to figure it out somehow in jquery, but i only managed to wrap the article in a div and make it appear when the invisible div is clicked... which isn't much useful.
So is it posibble to do with simple javascript/jquery? If so, the how do i do this?
Thank you all in advance, Michal.
The most easy and practical way is to have one HTML file for each article. It makes your files more organized and easier to find. Otherwise, if your client just want to look at one article the page has to load all articles which may take longer if the client happens to have a slow internet connection.

How do i hide my wordpress site page source like (

Can i hide my wordpress blog site's page source like this? I have to ask this question because there are many plugins which can disable page source and right-click. but after typing manually "view-source:url" in browser it instantly shows the source-code of wordpress site.If any body knows answer please write down . this is very important for all bloggers 'I think' .
TLDR: No, you can never hide the soure code of your page. There is NO way.
For a browser to render a web site you need to send it the HTML, CSS, and javascript code. Even though you can make it "harder" to see the code by disabling right click, anyone with just a little bit of understanding of the web will be able to read it easily (F12 in most browsers).
As a website designer it is important for you to understand this concept as it is very important in deciding on how to design your web site. Things the user should not see need to happen on the server side (where no user can reach it). Only things which dont matter if anyone can see should be sent to the user.
I think you cannot hide the whole code. Or do you want to hide a specific part of the code? For example, you can hide/encrypt the URL of an iframe in which you can display more sensitive content. However, I also don't really know how to do it in WordPress (I searched for a solution many times) but I heard it's possible.
I'm curious what about the answers.
I wouldn't even consider doing this. Not only does it ruin the end-user's experience, it can actually stop people with disability copying text from your site or using other right-click menu items.
You can't hide your code, but you can obfuscate some of it.
CSS Obfuscater.
JSS Obfuscater.

want to make better content display

We are developing a social networking project, in this project we are adding content , e.g. images , video,audio,link(html).
Currently we are using shadowbox.js to show it.But for better and effectiveness we want to use some other better plugin, or want to make own window for showing images and link.
Please help , what is the best solution for this project.
I want to know this is the white board quesion means programmer.stackexchange question or stackoverflow quesion?
There are 31 here:
You should find one or more that suits your needs.
I would suggest using colorbox.js it can be found here :
It is easily styled, comes with a pleathera of options including an image slideshow, can handle iFrames, Ajax content, Images, etc, and comes with a few options for styling to begin with.
Made my own div and use that for displaying content :)
