Search for "id" and return all the relevant information - javascript

I have a log file called test.log (for demo purposes - which I have simplified by a lot!) which looks like this:
2016-16-03 16:23:22,030 INFO [session] RESPONSE {api=GetSession, URL="http://testing/123ab-1234-abc/123ab-1234-abc.m3u8"}
2016-16-03 16:23:23,879 INFO [session] RESPONSE {api=KeepAlive, Ip=, result=success}
2016-16-03 16:23:23,879 INFO [info] REQUEST {httpMethod=PUT,result=false}
I have a simple web UI which has an "ID" field, and a search button.
So If the user searches for ID = 123-ab-123-abc
They front end UI will return this log event (as it contains the ID they are looking for):
2016-16-03 16:23:22,030 INFO [session] RESPONSE {api=GetSession, URL="http://testing/123ab-1234-abc/123ab-1234-abc.m3u8"}
This may seem like a simple concept, however I am not sure how to achieve this using Node.js - how do I search the log file and return the whole log event which contains that specific ID/string the user inputted?
I have tried:
transforming the log file into a json object, however that did not work as some numbers would end up as string, and some parts of the log file would loose their values.
Separating the log file into separate String values- as every event starts from a date - and then just returning the whoel string which contains the ID - however code wise I did not get far with this option
Any other ideas/ tips on how to achieve this?


Add parameter to rails3-jquery-autocomplete (now rails-jquery-autocomplete) in addition to "term"

When autocomplete sends the query string it contains a parameter of term. See here:
Started GET "/nodes/autocomplete_user_first_name?term=Mi" for
Processing by NodesController#autocomplete_user_first_name as JSON
Parameters: {"term"=>"Mi"}
I need to add a parameter to a value that's available in my view to yield something like this, using node as the parameter and 27 as the value:
Started GET "/nodes/autocomplete_user_first_name?term=Mi&node=27"
Processing by NodesController#autocomplete_user_first_name as JSON
Parameters: {"term"=>"Mi", "node" => 27}
If I have to add via jQuery is a javascript file, please tell me where it should go. I'm new to js/JQuery, but I understand it. Thanks!
The reason I need the node param is because I need to restrict the scope based on its value.
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = active_record_get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = items.where(:id => current_user.family_tree.memberships.pluck(:user_id))
.where.not(:full_name => node.user_tags.pluck(:name))

How to display 100K XML based DOM data on a JSP client page?

I need some help in understanding what to do next.
I need to write a web based search function to find medical records from an XML file.
The operator can enter either part or all of a patient name and Hit Search on the JSP web page.
The server is suppose to then return a list of possible patient names with the opportunity for the operator to go to next page until a possible patient is found. They can then select the person and view more details.
On the Server side
I have an XML file with about 100,000 records. There are five different types of records in the file. (This is roughly about 20,000 x 5 = 100,000).
I have a java class to source the xml file and create a DOM to traverse the data elements found on the file.
-- XML File Begin
100k - XML file outline
<infant key="infant/0002DC15" diagtype="general entry" mdate="2015-02-18">
<patient>James Holt</patient>
<physician>Michael Cheng</physician>
<physician>David Long</physician>
<injury key="injury/0002IC15" diagtype="general entry" mdate="2015-03-14">
<patient>Sara Lee</patient>
<physician>Michael Cheng</physician>
<terminal key="terminal/00X2IC15" diagtype="terminal entry" mdate="2015-05-14">
<patient>Jason Man</patient>
<physician>John Hoskin</physician>
<aged key= xxxx ... >
<sickness key= xxxx ... >
approx 5 ( )x 20,000 = 100K records.
Key and patient are the only mandatory fields. The rest of the elements are Optional or multiple elements.
-- XML File End
Here is where I need help
Once I have the DOM how do I go forward in letting the client know what was found in the XML file?
Do I create a MAP to hold the element node links and then forward say 50 links at a time to the JSP and then wait to send some more links when the user hits next page?
Is there an automated way of displaying the links, either via a Java Script, Jquery, XSLT or do I just create a table in HTML and place patient links inside the rows? Is there some rendering specific thing I have to do in order to display the data depending on the browser used by client?
Any guidance, tutorials, examples or books I can refer to would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I don't know an automatic way to match the type in jQuery, but you can test the attributes, something like verify if a non optional attribute in the object is present:
// Non optional Infant attribute
if(obj.nonOptionalAttribute) {
// handle Infant object
Or you may add an attribute to differentiate the types (something like a String or int attribute to test in your Javascript).
if(obj.type == 'infant') {
// handle Infant object
You can try to bind the XML to a list of objects (something like Injure implements MyXmlNodeMapping, Terminal implements MyXmlNodeMapping, Infant implements MyXmlNodeMapping and go on and have a List) to iterate and search by the value at the back end or you can pass this XML file to a Javascript (if you are using jQuery you can use a get or a post defining the result type as XML) and iterate over the objects to find what the user is trying to find...
Your choice may be based on the preference to use processor time in the server side or in the client side...

how can I access to a specific json value in my returned data

I send a http GET request which returns JSON data in the following form. I am finding it impossible to access this data despite having no problems with example json that I create. I want to ideally take the array under wifi, and use this data to create a html table, but I think I can work out how to create the table if I could just access the actual elements of the data.
I have tried multiple methods to try and reach the first timestamp. I have tried:
var element = result.undefined.clients.wifi[0].timestamp;
but this returns an error that 'clients' can't be found.
I also tried:
var element = result.clients.wifi[0].timestamp; //and
var element = result.wifi[0].timestamp;
The JSON data returned to a variable is shown below:
result = undefined
The JSON data is invalid. If it is returned from a server, you need to go there and correct the data source, (if you have access to that).
Otherwise, perhaps notify the backend guy(s) about it.
If it is from a REST API, and you are "sure" that the server code should be error free, then check that you have supplied all the required parameters in the API request you are making.
I think your JSON is messed up. I ran it through JSONLint, and having the undefined at the beginning causes things to break.

Scraping with Nokogiri and Ruby before and after JavaScript changes the value

I have a program that scrapes value from
My current code is:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(source_url))
puts doc.css('span.indexDate').text
date = doc.css('span.indexDate').text
date = Date.parse(date)
puts date
values = doc.css('table#CdsIndexTable td.col2 span')
puts values
This scrapes the date and values of the second column from the "CDS Indexes" table correctly which is fine. Now, I want to scrape the similar values from the "Bond Indexes" table where I am facing the problem.
I can see a JavaScript function changes it without loading the page and without changing the URL of the page. The difference between these two tables is their IDs are different which is exactly that it should be. But, unfortunately when I try with:
values = doc.css('table#BondIndexTable')
puts values
I get nothing from the Bond Indexes table. But I get values from CDS Indexes table if I use:
values = doc.css('table#CdsIndexTable')
puts values
How can I get the values from both tables?
You can use Capybara with the Poltergeist driver to execute the Javascript and format the page. Poltergeist is a wrapper for the PhantomJS headless browser. Here's an example of how you can do it:
require 'rubygems'
require 'capybara'
require 'capybara/dsl'
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist
Capybara.run_server = false
module GetPrice
class WebScraper
include Capybara::DSL
def get_page_data(url)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page.html)
doc.css('td.col2 span')
scraper =
puts scraper.get_page_data('').map(&:text).inspect
Visit here for a complete example using
If you don't want to use PhantomJS you can also use the network sniffer on Firefox or Chrome development tools, and you will see that the HTML table data is returned with a javascript POST request to the server.
Then instead of opening the original page URL with Nokogiri, you'd instead run this POST from your Ruby script and parse and interpret that data instead. It looks like it's just JSON data with HTML embedded into it. You could extract the HTML and feed that to Nokogiri.
It requires a bit of extra detective work, but I've used this method many times with JavaScript web pages and scraping. It works OK for most simple tasks, but it requires a bit of digging into the inner workings of the page and network traffic.
Here's an example of the JSON data from the Javascript POST request:
Here's the quick and dirty solution just so you get an idea. This will grab the cookie from the initial page and use it in the request to get the JSON data, then parse the JSON data and feed the extracted HTML to Nokogiri:
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
# Open the initial page to grab the cookie from it
p1 = open('')
# Save the cookie
cookie = p1.meta['set-cookie'].split('; ',2)[0]
# Open the JSON data page using our cookie we just obtained
p2 = open('',
'Cookie' => cookie)
# Get the raw JSON
json =
# Parse it
data = JSON.parse(json)
# Feed the html portion to Nokogiri
doc = Nokogiri.parse(data['html'])
# Extract the values
values = doc.css('td.col2 span')
=> ["0.02%", "0.02%", "n.a.", "-0.03%", "0.02%", "0.04%",
"0.01%", "0.02%", "0.08%", "-0.01%", "0.03%", "0.01%", "0.05%", "0.04%"]
PhantomJS is a headless browser with a JavaScript API. Since you need to run the scripts on the page you are scraping, a browser will do that for you; and PhantomJS will allow you to manipulate and scrape the page after the script execution.

Auto populate text_fields based on selected item from another collection_select in Rails 3

Hello people
I'm trying to figured this out, but I still can't do it.
I have a rails 3 app, I'm working with invoices and payments. In the form for payments I have a collection_select where I display all the invoices number (extracted from a postgres database), and what I'm trying to do is when i select an invoice autopopulate others text_fields (provider, address, etc.) without reloading the page, in the same form.
I know I should use ajax, js, jquery, but I'm a beginner in these languages, so i don't know how or where to start
hope you can help me... thanks
What you are going to want to do is route an ajax call to a controller, which will respond with json containing the information. you will then use jquery to populate the different fields.
In your routes:
get "invoice/:id/get_json", :controller=>"invoice", :action=>"get_json"
In your invoice_controller:
def get_json
invoice = Invoice.find(params[:invoice_id])
render :text => invoice.to_json
In your invoice model (if the default to_json method is not sufficent):
def to_json
json = "{"
json += "id:'#{}'"
json += ",date_created:'#{}'"
... //add other data you want to have here later
json += "}"
In your javascript file,
$("#invoice_selecter").change(function(){ //calls this function when the selected value changes
$.get("/invoice/"+$(this).val()+"/get_json",function(data, status, xhr){ //does ajax call to the invoice route we set up above
data = eval(data); //turn the response text into a javascript object
$("#field_1").val(data.date_created); //sets the value of the fields to the data returned
You are probably going to run into a few issues, i would highly recommend downloading and installing fire bug if you are not on google chrome.. and if you are, make sure you are using the development tools. I believe you can open them up by right clicking and hitting inspect element. Through this, you should be able to monitor the ajax request, and whether or not it succeeded and things.
