Onclick my 'button' opens all buttons of the same type - javascript

So this is what I have right now
The first part of the javascript is just calling in the jQuery lib. Since I don't have acces to the original files I use a custom css, js plugin (mind this all in done in wordpress).
In the fiddle if you click on one the the 'meer' it only opens the one you've clicked. If you press 'minder'it nicely closes the one you've clicked.
Now to the issue, on my testing area if I click one of these buttons the other 5 open as well, which ofcource is not the intended use.
Is there any solution which could fix this? I'mn not able to link to the testing enviroment since it's about a product which isn't released yet, so sadly I do not have permissions to do so.
Possibly the issue:
$('.wrapper').find('a[href="#"]').on('click', function (e) {
$(this).closest('.wrapper').find('.small, .big').toggleClass('small big');
I think the issue is in one of those two. Since I look for the wrapper class which all the 'buttons'have in common.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(structure of the element on the test area)
<div class="column withimage ">
<div class="column-inner">
<div class="image" style="background-image: url(http://eperium.com.testbyte.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Icoon_orientatie_v02.png)"></div>
<div class="txtwrap"><h4><center>ORIËNTATIE</center></h4>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="small">
<p style="text-align: center;">
<span style="color: #000000; font-size: 16pt;">title</span><br>
<span style="color: #000000; font-size: 12pt;">text<br>more text week. </span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a class="btn" href="#">Meer informatie</a></p>

What are you doing inside this function ?
$('.wrapper').find('a[href="#"]').on('click', function (e) {
You need to toogle your class on $(this) element, not to select all element with jquery again.

As closest doesn't seem to be reliable (maybe only in your test area) it is worth a try to navigate to the desired element with .parent()
$(this).parent().parent().find('.small, .big').toggleClass('small big');
If anyone is interested in the differences:
Difference between jQuery parent(), parents() and closest() functions.
According to this, closest should actually work but parent seems to be the saver way.

You can use Jquery's findByClass.
This will find all the elements use className.


How to click on text in Puppeteer?

Is there any method (didn't find in API) or solution to click on element with text?
For example I have HTML:
<div class="_5THWM1">flex
<span class="_2i7N3j">Sort By</ span>
<div class="_10UF8M 3LsR0e>Relevance</div>
<div class="_10UF8M">Popularity</div>
<div class-"_10UF8M'>Price -- Low to High</div>
<div class="_10UF8M>Price -- High to Low</div>
<div class="_10UF8M" >Newest First</div>
I want to click on Price -- Low to high but with the same classes I don't know how to click and I don't know how to click on text. Can anyone help me with this, please?
I am using Puppeteer and please write code to this.
Not really but you can use xpath or you can use find:
page.$$eval('div', divs => divs.find(div => div.innerText.match(/some text')).click())

Remove style attribute from all descendants in jquery

I'm brand new to javascript/jquery, but have been going okay so far (though you'd hate to see my code), but I've hit a wall with trying to strip out style tags from some HTML I'm trying to clone.
The reason for cloning is that the CMS I'm forced to use (which I don't have access to code behind, only able to add code over the top) automatically builds a top nav, and I want to add a duplicate sticky nav once the user scrolls, but also add a couple of elements to the scrolled version.
The original HTML of the top nav looks a bit like like:
<nav id="mainNavigation" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index">
<div class="index" style="margin-right: 80px;">
<div class="index active" style="margin-left: 80px;">
<a class="active" href="/about/">About</a>
<div class="external">
<div class="index">
I had mild success (other than those style tags I want to remove) with the following, even though it doesn't seem to make sense to me, as I expected some of the elements would be repeated (the whole < nav >…< /nav > tag should have been within the #mainNavigation clone, no?):
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().html();
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
' + originalNavItems + '
<div class="newItem">
<a href="http://www.externalsite.com">
View on External Site
I've tried to use a few answers from related questions on here, but I keep getting incorrect results. Can you help me?
You can strip the style elements like so:
var el = $('#mainNavigation'); // or whatever
You can use
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().find("*").removeAttr("style");
Then you can use .append() to add that html elements
You can clone into an imaginary div and then fetch the mainNavigation also. You can also remove the style attributes along with that. Hope this works for you...
var temp = $('<div />').html($('#mainNavigation').clone());
originalNavItems = temp.html();
The nav is cloned but the html() function only returns the HTML for the contents and that's why it disappears. You can avoid some string manipulation by adding the cloned element directly before a target element.
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
<div class="newItem">
<a href="http://www.externalsite.com">
View on External Site
.insertBefore('#newScrolledNav .newItem');
In the previous case find('[style]') matches elements that have a style attribute.
I'm new to Stack Overflow (and js in general), so this might be really bad ettiquette, but I seem to have accidentally fixed it myself trying to debug my implementation of the first upvoted answer that #Anoop Joshi gave above. Please comment and let me know if it would have been better to just edit my question!
I decided to break the process down into separate steps – similar to #Kiran Reddy's response actually, but I hadn't got to trying his yet.
I tried:
var styledHTML = $('#mainNavigation').clone();
var originalNavItems = styledHTML.html();
$("#site").prepend('<div… etc.
with a console.log(styledHTML) etc under each line to check what I had at each stage – and it worked! (The code did, console.log didn't?)
I was just doing this to try and log the value of the variables at each stage, but whatever I did fixed it…
Now I need to figure out why I can't even make console.log(variable); work :-/
Try this code
Hope this will help you.

Protractor - How to find an element inside an element when sub element is also a main element somewhere else in a page

<div class="base-view app-loaded" data-ng-class="cssClass.appState">
<div class="ng-scope" data-ng-view="">
<div class="ng-scope" data-ng-include="'partial/navigation/navigation.tpl.html'">
<div class="feedback-ball feedback-ball-show feedback-ball-big" data-ng-class="feedback.cls" data-ng-click="outside($event)" data-feedback-ball="">
<span class="close-button"></span>
<h2 class="ng-binding">Welcome to Garbo</h2>
<div class="ng-scope ng-binding" data-ng-bind-html="feedback.html" data-ng-if="feedback.html">
<p>Here you can play in style in a safe and secure environment.</p>
<a class="btn" href="/account">My Account</a>
<a class="btn" href="/deposit">Deposit</a>
I want to find and click /account button inside data-ng-bind-html="feedback.html", I can find data-ng-bind-html="feedback.html" but I could not find account button inside it. when I try to find account button, it gives me error that page has multiple account button so be more specific.
I tried element.().element() but it didnt work, please help
The problem is that webDriver is finding more than one element that matches. You have element for finding just one, and element.all for taking an array of elements, then you can use .get() and the index of the element, or first() or last(). You can do,
.element(by.cssContainingText('.btn', 'My account'));
If it doesn't work then you might have more than one, if so, you can use,
.all(by.cssContainingText('.btn', 'My account')).first();
But there you will have more than one button in your HTML, webDriver will get only one,
another thing, is to use the count() that gives you the length of the array of elements, and you can know how much you have.
element calls can be chained to find elements inside other elements, so your element().element() solution should work.
Alternatively, you can construct an xpath expression to reach the link inside the appropriate div:
element(by.xpath('//div[#data-ng-bind-html = "feedback.html"]//a[#href = "/account"]'))

Need a more elegant way of finding an element in the dom tree with jQuery

I have a few elements flying around in an element that need to be altered when the window finishes loading ($(window).load...)
When the script loads, I've been struggling to find a more elegant way of finding a string.
Noticeably below, you can also see the rampant re-use of parent and next operators...
I've tried closest but it only goes up the dom tree once (from what I understand) and parents has never really worked for me, but I could be using it wrong.
$(window).load( function(){
if($(".postmetadata:contains('Vancity Buzz')").length){
$(this).parent().parent().next().next().next().next('.articleImageThumb img').hide();
HTML output this runs through looks like this:
<div class="boxy">
<div class="read">
<div class="postmetadata">Vancity Buzz</div>
<div class="articleTitle"></div>
<div class="rightCtrls"></div>
<div class="initialPostLoad"></div>
<div class="ajaxBoxLoadSource"></div>
<div class="articleImageThumb">
<a href="#">
<img src="image.png" class="attachment-large wp-post-image" alt=""/>
I think you want to do this:
$(".postmetadata:contains('Vancity Buzz')")
.closest('.read') //Closest will get you to the parent with class .read
.siblings('.articleImageThumb').hide(); //this will get you all the siblings with class articleImageThumb
this refers to window there not the element you are checking in the if condition.
I don't know if your intention is to have the empty anchor tag just by hiding the image. if so just add a find to it.
You can just do this
$('.articleImageThumb img').toggle($(".postmetadata:contains('Vancity Buzz')").length)
If there are multiple divs and you do need to traverse then there are multiple ways
$(".boxy:has(.postmetadata:contains('Vancity Buzz'))").find('.articleImageThumb img').hide()
$('.postmetadata:contains("Vancity Buzz")').closest('.boxy').find('.articleImageThumb img').hide()
$(".boxy:has(.postmetadata:contains('Vancity Buzz')) .articleImageThumb img").hide()
Have you looked into parents http://api.jquery.com/parents/ you can pass a selector like so:
Careful though, If there is a parent boxy to that boxy, parents() will return it and thus you find multiple .articleImageThumb.

jQuery: get a reference to a specific element without using id

I'm tinkering a bit with jquery to show a hidden div when a link is clicked. This should be fairly simple, but there's a flaw to it in this case. I have the following markup:
<div class="first-row">
<div class="week">
<p>Uge 2</p>
<div class="destination">
<p>Les Menuires</p>
<div class="days">4</div>
<div class="transport">Bil</div>
<div class="lift-card">3 dage</div>
<div class="accommodation">
<p><a class="show-info" href="#">Hotel Christelles (halvpension)</a></p>
<p>4-pers. værelse m. bad/toilet</p>
<div class="order">
<p class="old-price">2249,-</p>
<div class="hotel-info">
<!-- The div I want to display on click -->
When I click the "show-info" link I want the "hotel-info" div to display.
My backend devs don't want me to use ids (don't ask me why..) and the above markup is used over and over again to display data. Therefore I need to be able to access the "hotel-info" div in the "first-row" div where the link is clicked.
I've tried to do something like:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.show-info').click(function() {
var parentElement = $(this).parent().parent();
var lastElementOfParent = parentElement.find(".show-hotel");
But without a result :-/ Is this possible at all?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Try this:
$('.show-info').click(function() {
Even better imo, as it would be independent from where the link is in a row, if every "row div" has the same class (I assume only the first one has class first-row), you can do:
Reference: .closest, .siblings
Explanation why your code does not work:
gives you the div with class .accommodation and this one has no descendant with class .hotel-info.
It is not a good idea to use this kind of traversal for more than one level anyway. If the structure is changed a bit, your code will break. Always try to use methods that won't break on structure changes.
You're right in not using an ID element to find the DIV you want :)
Use closest and nextAll
Live demo here : http://jsfiddle.net/jomanlk/xTWzn/
