Pass an HTML file object from one <input type = file> to another - javascript

I want to implement a multiple file uploader in a form wherein I want the files so that the user may sort the priority of the files (I am using draggable and sortable Jquery tool).
Therefore I have added a multiple file input as:
<input type = "file" multiple>
Now when I select some files, it shows say 3 files selected.
But when I select 3 files, I wish to split the file uploader in 3 parts so that the user may set the priority ordering accordingly.
For that I have used the following kind of code:
var filesSelected =;
if(filesSelected.length > 1){ //if user selects multiple files, then automatically split the files into multiple divs so that he/she may do the ordering of files
//Here I want to create a list of all the files and implement the draggable and sortable thing.
The situation is, that I am not able to split the array of objects of FileList and assign each object to another input.
Hope I am clear in my doubt and the question is understandable, as it is the first time I am posting in any such forum.

You cannot set value for <input type="file"> programmatically. It would be a major security flow. Imagine some website automatically uploading arbitrary files from your computer.

You can try to iterate through the selected files and then create a div dynamically with jquery that contains the data from the file like this
var filesSelected =;
if(filesSelected.length > 1){
for(var i=0;i<filesSelected.length;i++) { // We iterate through the selected Files
$("#idFromParentElement").append('<div> id=File'+i+'</div'); // Then we create and append the new div to the parent element of our choice
var fileId = 'File'+i;
$("#fileId").data("file",filesSelected[i]); //After that we include a data into the div with the selected file.

From the posts I received and the brief discussions, it is evident that setting file values programmatically will pose security threat and so is not a good option. As far as solving my issue is concerned, best would be to find a way to create multiple divs/fields containing the filenames of the files that are being uploaded and then applying the drag/drop/sort feature in that set of divs. This way the user can easily prioritize the files and while saving the form the array/field containing the priority shall be considered before saving the files data in the database.
Thanks to the responders for their quick response.


Generate Table/Grid from script in Adobe InDesign

Documentation doesn't help at all,no Table or Grid is specified...(or I cant find it)
I tried to create a grid from inside InDesign and it shows up as TextFrame,but still I dont understand how to manage it.
The tool I need to do takes a file(CSV/JSON) and generates a Table(or whatever is called in Adobe) from it,but the problem is that I can't find anything about Table generation.
Basically you can make a table from a selected text with the method convertToTable() this way:
var doc = app.activeDocument; // your document
var frame = doc.pages[0].textFrames[0]; // first text frame on first page
frame.texts.everyItem().select(); // select all text inside the frame
var table = app.selection[0].convertToTable(); // convert the selection into a table
Text object
As for the rest... it's need more details about your workflow. JSON and CSV are quite different beasts, it would be different parsing algorithms for each of the formats. Will you copy the contents of the files manually or the script should read all csv or json files from some predefined folder? Or there should be some interface to select a file(s). Or a folder? How it supposed to handle a page size and formatting of the table? Etc...

How to display 100K XML based DOM data on a JSP client page?

I need some help in understanding what to do next.
I need to write a web based search function to find medical records from an XML file.
The operator can enter either part or all of a patient name and Hit Search on the JSP web page.
The server is suppose to then return a list of possible patient names with the opportunity for the operator to go to next page until a possible patient is found. They can then select the person and view more details.
On the Server side
I have an XML file with about 100,000 records. There are five different types of records in the file. (This is roughly about 20,000 x 5 = 100,000).
I have a java class to source the xml file and create a DOM to traverse the data elements found on the file.
-- XML File Begin
100k - XML file outline
<infant key="infant/0002DC15" diagtype="general entry" mdate="2015-02-18">
<patient>James Holt</patient>
<physician>Michael Cheng</physician>
<physician>David Long</physician>
<injury key="injury/0002IC15" diagtype="general entry" mdate="2015-03-14">
<patient>Sara Lee</patient>
<physician>Michael Cheng</physician>
<terminal key="terminal/00X2IC15" diagtype="terminal entry" mdate="2015-05-14">
<patient>Jason Man</patient>
<physician>John Hoskin</physician>
<aged key= xxxx ... >
<sickness key= xxxx ... >
approx 5 ( )x 20,000 = 100K records.
Key and patient are the only mandatory fields. The rest of the elements are Optional or multiple elements.
-- XML File End
Here is where I need help
Once I have the DOM how do I go forward in letting the client know what was found in the XML file?
Do I create a MAP to hold the element node links and then forward say 50 links at a time to the JSP and then wait to send some more links when the user hits next page?
Is there an automated way of displaying the links, either via a Java Script, Jquery, XSLT or do I just create a table in HTML and place patient links inside the rows? Is there some rendering specific thing I have to do in order to display the data depending on the browser used by client?
Any guidance, tutorials, examples or books I can refer to would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I don't know an automatic way to match the type in jQuery, but you can test the attributes, something like verify if a non optional attribute in the object is present:
// Non optional Infant attribute
if(obj.nonOptionalAttribute) {
// handle Infant object
Or you may add an attribute to differentiate the types (something like a String or int attribute to test in your Javascript).
if(obj.type == 'infant') {
// handle Infant object
You can try to bind the XML to a list of objects (something like Injure implements MyXmlNodeMapping, Terminal implements MyXmlNodeMapping, Infant implements MyXmlNodeMapping and go on and have a List) to iterate and search by the value at the back end or you can pass this XML file to a Javascript (if you are using jQuery you can use a get or a post defining the result type as XML) and iterate over the objects to find what the user is trying to find...
Your choice may be based on the preference to use processor time in the server side or in the client side...

Convert a Json Object to a file Object

I have some java-script functions. I am using input type file for selecting multiple files. In the on-change event I am getting a list files objects which were uploaded and then I am storing those objects in a hidden field. I want to retrieve those objects as file objects only. How can i accomplish that?
The code I am using is as follows:-
<input type="file" multiple onchange="ehDisplayFileNames(event);" />
function ehDisplayFileNames(event) {
myFilesList = $('#' +[0]; // $('#chooseFiles')[0] gives the DOM element of the HTML Element as opposed to $('#store-input') which gives the jQuery object
function getAllFiles(){
var filesToUpload = [];
filesToUpload = $.parseJSON($("#FilesToUpload").val()); // returns json objects instead i need file objects
Thank you for the help.
I was looking for a similar thing.. I ended up using the solution provided here as there is no way to serialize API object...
Here is another source i found useful for image/file storage:
Hope it helps!
whats a file Object? You mean JSON string to JS Object?
If yes just use:
var myObject = jQuery.parseJSON( jsonString ) ;
and it will be a object
<input type="file" multiple onchange="ehDisplayFileNames(event);" />
add ID to it
<input type="file" id="myFile" multiple onchange="ehDisplayFileNames(event);" />
then you have your object:
Here is the solution you are looking for. :-)
I assume what you are ultimately trying to do is to store the values (of which there may be multiples). In addition, you may be trying to display them to the user instead of showing the default text that says "4 files selected" for example. And also, as you had indicated, you want to be able to programmatically manipulate the list of selected files.
The problem is that can't be done in the way you are approaching it. That's because the <input type="file" /> element is protected, and the full file path will never be accessible. Therefore, when you attempt to grab the values, they would only be the filenames themselves but not the full file path. For example, if you selected a file called dog.jpg from your desktop, the browser knows the path is "file:\c:\windows\users\someuser\desktop\dog.jpg" but when you programmatically try to retrieve it - you will only get the value "dog.jpg". With just the filename, you can not reconstruct the full file paths and so you can't do anything meaningful with them in regards to eventually sending them to be processed by the server.
Therefore, I have crafted a solution for you which uses a single file upload button. When a user selects a file, it will add another as needed. In addition, when there are more than one files selected, the user can choose to remove any of them as needed.
You would process the selected files on your server in the following way... When the form data is sent to the form action (in this case "/sendfiles"), your server side code would process the incoming data for each form element. In the example below, the input elements of type files (having the name attribute "myFiles") would be sent as an array, where each array element would contain the file data of each one that was specified by the user.
jQuery code:
var getUploadFragment = function(){return $('<div class="files-cont"><input type="file" name="myfiles" class="files" /></div>')};
.on("change", "input[name=myfiles]:last", function(){
var lastFileContainer = $(".files-cont:last");
if($(".files-cont").length > 1){
.on("click", ".remove", function(){
if($(".files-cont").length > 1){
with the following form defined in the body:
<form id="my_form" action="/sendfiles" method="post"></form>

No-Flash multiple images uploader script with options for every upload

I need a no-flash images uploader script that supports:
Multiple Uploads
Drag & Drop
Progress bar for every upload
Small preview for every upload
Resumable downloads
Selectable preferences for every upload
So something like this script: jQuery-File-Upload
A screenshot:
But I need to add some options for every upload, for example: "Title" and "Category", than I need to run a function for every upload that takes the submitted datas e puts them into my database, is there any way I can do it?
If you use the templates that come with jQuery-File-Upload, you can add in your own fields that appear when each item is added to the queue. The plugin will need to know about these fields, so you can use the callback to add more data:
$('#fileupload').bind('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) {
// get content from the new input fields
var inputs = data.context.find('select'); // or whatever inputs you added
// assign values to data.formData
// you can simply $.extend() the new inputs with $(this), and $.serializeArray() both
data.formData = $.extend(inputs.serializeArray(), $(this).serializeArray());
See this for more information.

Create a textfile from the input of an html-form with the browser (client-side)

I have an html site with a form in it and I want the user to be able to create a text/xml file depending on the input. But I wan't to avoid setting up a webserver only for this task.
Is there a good way, to do that, e.g. with Javascript? I think you can't create files with Javascript, but maybe create a data url and pass the text, so the user can save it to file?
Or is there another way to achieve this simple task without a webserver?
Solved it, somehow. I create a data url data:text/xml;charset=utf-8, followed by the XML.
function createXML() {
var XML = 'data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,<MainNode>';
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'),i;
for (i in elements) {
if (elements[i].checked == true) {
XML += elements[i].value;
XML += '</MainNode>';;
So the url looks like data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,<MainNode><SubNode>...</SubNode>...</MainNode>
Unfortunately this doesn't work for me on Chromium(Chrome) and on Firefox. It just displays the XML instead of showing a save dialog. But I think that's because of my settings and at least you can save it as a XML-file manually.
I haven't tried this but it should work.
After getting form data, system will call page A.
page A will have javascript that gets query strings and builds the page accordingly.
After finishing page build, user can save current page with following statement in javascript
