Is there a way to short circuit async/await flow? - javascript

All four functions are called below in update return promises.
async function update() {
var urls = await getCdnUrls();
var metadata = await fetchMetaData(urls);
var content = await fetchContent(metadata);
await render(content);
What if we want to abort the sequence from outside, at any given time?
For example, while fetchMetaData is being executed, we realize we no longer need to render the component and we want to cancel the remaining operations (fetchContent and render). Is there a way to abort/cancel these operations from outside the update function?
We could check against a condition after each await, but that seems like an inelegant solution, and even then we will have to wait for the current operation to finish.

The standard way to do this now is through AbortSignals
async function update({ signal } = {}) {
// pass these to methods to cancel them internally in turn
// this is implemented throughout Node.js and most of the web platform
try {
var urls = await getCdnUrls({ signal });
var metadata = await fetchMetaData(urls);
var content = await fetchContent(metadata);
await render(content);
} catch (e) {
if( !== 'AbortError') throw e;
// usage
const ac = new AbortController();
update({ signal: ac.signal });
ac.abort(); // cancel the update
OLD 2016 content below, beware dragons
I just gave a talk about this - this is a lovely topic but sadly you're not really going to like the solutions I'm going to propose as they're gateway-solutions.
What the spec does for you
Getting cancellation "just right" is actually very hard. People have been working on just that for a while and it was decided not to block async functions on it.
There are two proposals attempting to solve this in ECMAScript core:
Cancellation tokens - which adds cancellation tokens that aim to solve this issue.
Cancelable promise - which adds catch cancel (e) { syntax and throw.cancel syntax which aims to address this issue.
Both proposals changed substantially over the last week so I wouldn't count on either to arrive in the next year or so. The proposals are somewhat complimentary and are not at odds.
What you can do to solve this from your side
Cancellation tokens are easy to implement. Sadly the sort of cancellation you'd really want (aka "third state cancellation where cancellation is not an exception) is impossible with async functions at the moment since you don't control how they're run. You can do two things:
Use coroutines instead - bluebird ships with sound cancellation using generators and promises which you can use.
Implement tokens with abortive semantics - this is actually pretty easy so let's do it here
Well, a token signals cancellation:
class Token {
constructor(fn) {
this.isCancellationRequested = false;
this.onCancelled = []; // actions to execute when cancelled
this.onCancelled.push(() => this.isCancellationRequested = true);
// expose a promise to the outside
this.promise = new Promise(resolve => this.onCancelled.push(resolve));
// let the user add handlers
fn(f => this.onCancelled.push(f));
cancel() { this.onCancelled.forEach(x => x); }
This would let you do something like:
async function update(token) {
if(token.isCancellationRequested) return;
var urls = await getCdnUrls();
if(token.isCancellationRequested) return;
var metadata = await fetchMetaData(urls);
if(token.isCancellationRequested) return;
var content = await fetchContent(metadata);
if(token.isCancellationRequested) return;
await render(content);
var token = new Token(); // don't ned any special handling here
// ...
if(updateNotNeeded) token.cancel(); // will abort asynchronous actions
Which is a really ugly way that would work, optimally you'd want async functions to be aware of this but they're not (yet).
Optimally, all your interim functions would be aware and would throw on cancellation (again, only because we can't have third-state) which would look like:
async function update(token) {
var urls = await getCdnUrls(token);
var metadata = await fetchMetaData(urls, token);
var content = await fetchContent(metadata, token);
await render(content, token);
Since each of our functions are cancellation aware, they can perform actual logical cancellation - getCdnUrls can abort the request and throw, fetchMetaData can abort the underlying request and throw and so on.
Here is how one might write getCdnUrl (note the singular) using the XMLHttpRequest API in browsers:
function getCdnUrl(url, token) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url);
var p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
xhr.onload = () => resolve(xhr);
xhr.onerror = e => reject(new Error(e));
token.promise.then(x => {
try { xhr.abort(); } catch(e) {}; // ignore abort errors
reject(new Error("cancelled"));
return p;
This is as close as we can get with async functions without coroutines. It's not very pretty but it's certainly usable.
Note that you'd want to avoid cancellations being treated as exceptions. This means that if your functions throw on cancellation you need to filter those errors on the global error handlers process.on("unhandledRejection", e => ... and such.

You can get what you want using Typescript + Bluebird + cancelable-awaiter.
Now that all evidence point to cancellation tokens not making it to ECMAScript, I think the best solution for cancellations is the bluebird implementation mentioned by #BenjaminGruenbaum, however, I find the usage of co-routines and generators a bit clumsy and uneasy on the eyes.
Since I'm using Typescript, which now support async/await syntax for es5 and es3 targets, I've created a simple module which replaces the default __awaiter helper with one that supports bluebird cancellations:

Unfortunately, there is no support of cancellable promises so far. There are some custom implementations e.g.
Extends/wraps a promise to be cancellable and resolvable
function promisify(promise) {
let _resolve, _reject
let wrap = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
_resolve = resolve
_reject = reject
let result = await promise
wrap.resolve = _resolve
wrap.reject = _reject
return wrap
Usage: Cancel promise and stop further execution immediately after it
async function test() {
// Create promise that should be resolved in 3 seconds
let promise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('our resolved value'), 3000))
// extend our promise to be cancellable
let cancellablePromise = promisify(promise)
// Cancel promise in 2 seconds.
// if you comment this line out, then promise will be resolved.
setTimeout(() => cancellablePromise.reject('error code'), 2000)
// wait promise to be resolved
let result = await cancellablePromise
// this line will never be executed!
In this approach, a promise itself is executed till the end, but the caller code that awaits promise result can be 'cancelled'.

Unfortunately, no, you can't control execution flow of default async/await behaviour – it does not mean that the problem itself is impossible, it means that you need to do change your approach a bit.
First of all, your proposal about wrapping every async line in a check is a working solution, and if you have just couple places with such functionality, there is nothing wrong with it.
If you want to use this pattern pretty often, the best solution, probably, is to switch to generators: while not so widespread, they allow you to define each step's behaviour, and adding cancel is the easiest. Generators are pretty powerful, but, as I've mentioned, they require a runner function and not so straightforward as async/await.
Another approach is to create cancellable tokens pattern – you create an object, which will be filled a function which wants to implement this functionality:
async function updateUser(token) {
let cancelled = false;
// we don't reject, since we don't have access to
// the returned promise
// so we just don't call other functions, and reject
// in the end
token.cancel = () => {
cancelled = true;
const data = await wrapWithCancel(fetchData)();
const userData = await wrapWithCancel(updateUserData)(data);
const userAddress = await wrapWithCancel(updateUserAddress)(userData);
const marketingData = await wrapWithCancel(updateMarketingData)(userAddress);
// because we've wrapped all functions, in case of cancellations
// we'll just fall through to this point, without calling any of
// actual functions. We also can't reject by ourselves, since
// we don't have control over returned promise
if (cancelled) {
throw { reason: 'cancelled' };
return marketingData;
function wrapWithCancel(fn) {
return data => {
if (!cancelled) {
return fn(data);
const token = {};
const promise = updateUser(token);
// wait some time...
token.cancel(); // user will be updated any way
I've written articles, both on cancellation and generators:
promise cancellation
generators usage
To summarize – you have to do some additional work in order to support canncellation, and if you want to have it as a first class citizen in your application, you have to use generators.

Here is a simple exemple with a promise:
let resp = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// simulating time consuming process
setTimeout(() => resolve('Promise RESOLVED !'), 3000);
// hit a button to cancel the promise
$('#btn').click(() => resolve('Promise CANCELED !'));
Please see this codepen for a demo

Using CPromise (c-promise2 package) this can be easily done in the following way
import CPromise from "c-promise2";
async function getCdnUrls() {
await CPromise.delay(1000);
async function fetchMetaData() {
await CPromise.delay(1000);
function* fetchContent() {
// using generators is the recommended way to write asynchronous code with CPromise
yield CPromise.delay(1000);
function* render() {
yield CPromise.delay(1000);
const update = CPromise.promisify(function* () {
var urls = yield getCdnUrls();
var metadata = yield fetchMetaData(urls);
var content = yield* fetchContent(metadata);
yield* render(content);
return 123;
const promise = update().then(
(v) => console.log(`Done: ${v}`),
(e) => console.warn(`Fail: ${e}`)
setTimeout(() => promise.cancel(), 2500);
Console output:
Fail: CanceledError: canceled

Just like in regular code you should throw an exception from the first function (or each of the next functions) and have a try block around the whole set of calls. No need to have extra if-elses. That's one of the nice bits about async/await, that you get to keep error handling the way we're used to from regular code.
Wrt cancelling the other operations there is no need to. They will actually not start until their expressions are encountered by the interpreter. So the second async call will only start after the first one finishes, without errors. Other tasks might get the chance to execute in the meantime, but for all intents and purposes, this section of code is serial and will execute in the desired order.

This answer I posted may help you to rewrite your function as:
async function update() {
var get_urls = comPromise.race([getCdnUrls()]);
var get_metadata = get_urls.then(urls=>fetchMetaData(urls));
var get_content = get_metadata.then(metadata=>fetchContent(metadata);
var render = get_content.then(content=>render(content));
await render;
// this is the cancel command so that later steps will never proceed:
But I am yet to implement the "class-preserving" then function so currently you have to wrap every part you want to be able to cancel with comPromise.race.

I created a library called #kaisukez/cancellation-token
The idea is to pass a CancellationToken to every async function, then wrap every promise in AsyncCheckpoint. So that when the token is cancelled, your async function will be cancelled in the next checkpoint.
This idea came from tc39/proposal-cancelable-promises
and conradreuter/cancellationtoken.
How to use my library
Refactor your code
// from this
async function yourFunction(param1, param2) {
const result1 = await someAsyncFunction1(param1)
const result2 = await someAsyncFunction2(param2)
return [result1, result2]
// to this
import { AsyncCheckpoint } from '#kaisukez/cancellation-token'
async function yourFunction(token, param1, param2) {
const result1 = await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => someAsyncFunction1(param1))
const result2 = await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => someAsyncFunction2(param2))
return [result1, result2]
Create a token then call your function with that token
import { CancellationToken, CancellationError } from '#kaisukez/cancellation-token'
const [token, cancel] = CancellationToken.source()
// spawn background task (run async function without using `await`)
CancellationError.ignoreAsync(() => yourAsyncFunction(token, param1, param2))
// ... do something ...
// then cancel the background task
await cancel()
So this is the solution of the OP's question.
import { CancellationToken, CancellationError, AsyncCheckpoint } from '#kaisukez/cancellation-token'
async function update(token) {
var urls = await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => getCdnUrls());
var metadata = await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => fetchMetaData(urls));
var content = await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => fetchContent(metadata));
await AsyncCheckpoint.after(token, () => render(content));
const [token, cancel] = CancellationToken.source();
// spawn background task (run async function without using `await`)
CancellationError.ignoreAsync(() => update(token))
// ... do something ...
// then cancel the background task
await cancel()

Example written in Node with Typescript of a call which can be aborted from outside:
function cancelable(asyncFunc: Promise<void>): [Promise<void>, () => boolean] {
class CancelEmitter extends EventEmitter { }
const cancelEmitter = new CancelEmitter();
const promise = new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
cancelEmitter.on('cancel', () => {
try {
await asyncFunc;
} catch (err) {
return [promise, () => cancelEmitter.emit('cancel')];
const asyncFunction = async () => {
// doSomething
const [promise, cancel] = cancelable(asyncFunction());
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
(async () => await promise)();


Await not working even when whole stack is async [duplicate]

I wrote this code in lib/helper.js:
var myfunction = async function(x,y) {
return [variableA, variableB]
exports.myfunction = myfunction;
Then I tried to use it in another file :
var helper = require('./helper.js');
var start = function(a,b){
const result = await helper.myfunction('test','test');
exports.start = start;
I got an error:
await is only valid in async function
What is the issue?
The error is not refering to myfunction but to start.
async function start() {
const result = await helper.myfunction('test', 'test');
// My function
const myfunction = async function(x, y) {
return [
// Start function
const start = async function(a, b) {
const result = await myfunction('test', 'test');
// Call start
I use the opportunity of this question to advise you about an known anti pattern using await which is : return await.
async function myfunction() {
console.log('Inside of myfunction');
// Here we wait for the myfunction to finish
// and then returns a promise that'll be waited for aswell
// It's useless to wait the myfunction to finish before to return
// we can simply returns a promise that will be resolved later
// useless async here
async function start() {
// useless await here
return await myfunction();
// Call start
(async() => {
console.log('before start');
await start();
console.log('after start');
async function myfunction() {
console.log('Inside of myfunction');
// Here we wait for the myfunction to finish
// and then returns a promise that'll be waited for aswell
// It's useless to wait the myfunction to finish before to return
// we can simply returns a promise that will be resolved later
// Also point that we don't use async keyword on the function because
// we can simply returns the promise returned by myfunction
function start() {
return myfunction();
// Call start
(async() => {
console.log('before start');
await start();
console.log('after start');
Also, know that there is a special case where return await is correct and important : (using try/catch)
Are there performance concerns with `return await`?
To use await, its executing context needs to be async in nature
As it said, you need to define the nature of your executing context where you are willing to await a task before anything.
Just put async before the fn declaration in which your async task will execute.
var start = async function(a, b) {
// Your async task will execute with await
await foo()
console.log('I will execute after foo get either resolved/rejected')
In your question, you are importing a method which is asynchronous in nature and will execute in parallel. But where you are trying to execute that async method is inside a different execution context which you need to define async to use await.
var helper = require('./helper.js');
var start = async function(a,b){
const result = await helper.myfunction('test','test');
exports.start = start;
Wondering what's going under the hood
await consumes promise/future / task-returning methods/functions and async marks a method/function as capable of using await.
Also if you are familiar with promises, await is actually doing the same process of promise/resolve. Creating a chain of promise and executes your next task in resolve callback.
For more info you can refer to MDN DOCS.
When I got this error, it turned out I had a call to the map function inside my "async" function, so this error message was actually referring to the map function not being marked as "async". I got around this issue by taking the "await" call out of the map function and coming up with some other way of getting the expected behavior.
var myfunction = async function(x,y) {
.... => { // <- This was the function giving the error
return await someFunction(someVariable);
I had the same problem and the following block of code was giving the same error message:
repositories.forEach( repo => {
const commits = await getCommits(repo);
The problem is that the method getCommits() was async but I was passing it the argument repo which was also produced by a Promise. So, I had to add the word async to it like this: async(repo) and it started working:
repositories.forEach( async(repo) => {
const commits = await getCommits(repo);
If you are writing a Chrome Extension and you get this error for your code at root, you can fix it using the following "workaround":
async function run() {
// Your async code here
const beers = await fetch("");
Basically you have to wrap your async code in an async function and then call the function without awaiting it.
The current implementation of async / await only supports the await keyword inside of async functions Change your start function signature so you can use await inside start.
var start = async function(a, b) {
For those interested, the proposal for top-level await is currently in Stage 2:
async/await is the mechanism of handling promise, two ways we can do it
.then(result => {
.cathc(err => {
or we can use await to wait for the promise to full-filed it first, which means either it is rejected or resolved.
Now if we want to use await (waiting for a promise to fulfil) inside a function, it's mandatory that the container function must be an async function because we are waiting for a promise to fulfiled asynchronously || make sense right?.
async function getRecipesAw(){
const IDs = await getIds; // returns promise
const recipe = await getRecipe(IDs[2]); // returns promise
return recipe; // returning a promise
If you have called async function inside foreach update it to for loop
Found the code below in this nice article: HTTP requests in Node using Axios
const axios = require('axios')
const getBreeds = async () => {
try {
return await axios.get('')
} catch (error) {
const countBreeds = async () => {
const breeds = await getBreeds()
if ( {
console.log(`Got ${Object.entries(} breeds`)
Or using Promise:
const axios = require('axios')
const getBreeds = () => {
try {
return axios.get('')
} catch (error) {
const countBreeds = async () => {
const breeds = getBreeds()
.then(response => {
if ( {
`Got ${Object.entries(} breeds`
.catch(error => {
In later nodejs (>=14), top await is allowed with { "type": "module" } specified in package.json or with file extension .mjs.
This in one file works..
Looks like await only is applied to the local function which has to be async..
I also am struggling now with a more complex structure and in between different files. That's why I made this small test code.
edit: i forgot to say that I'm working with node.js.. sry. I don't have a clear question. Just thought it could be helpful with the discussion..
function helper(callback){
function doA(){
var array = ["a ","b ","c "];
var alphabet = "";
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
alphabet += key;
if (index == array.length - 1){
function doB(){
var a = "well done!";
return a;
async function make() {
var alphabet = await doA();
var appreciate = doB();
A common problem in Express:
The warning can refer to the function, or where you call it.
Express items tend to look like this:'/foo', ensureLoggedIn("/join"), (req, res) => {
const facts = await db.lookup(something)
Notice the => arrow function syntax for the function.
The problem is NOT actually in the db.lookup call, but right here in the Express item.
Needs to be:'/foo', ensureLoggedIn("/join"), async function (req, res) {
const facts = await db.lookup(something)
Basically, nix the => and add async function .
"await is only valid in async function"
But why? 'await' explicitly turns an async call into a synchronous call, and therefore the caller cannot be async (or asyncable) - at least, not because of the call being made at 'await'.
Yes, await / async was a great concept, but the implementation is completely broken.
For whatever reason, the await keyword has been implemented such that it can only be used within an async method. This is in fact a bug, though you will not see it referred to as such anywhere but right here. The fix for this bug would be to implement the await keyword such that it can only be used TO CALL an async function, regardless of whether the calling function is itself synchronous or asynchronous.
Due to this bug, if you use await to call a real asynchronous function somewhere in your code, then ALL of your functions must be marked as async and ALL of your function calls must use await.
This essentially means that you must add the overhead of promises to all of the functions in your entire application, most of which are not and never will be asynchronous.
If you actually think about it, using await in a function should require the function containing the await keyword TO NOT BE ASYNC - this is because the await keyword is going to pause processing in the function where the await keyword is found. If processing in that function is paused, then it is definitely NOT asynchronous.
So, to the developers of javascript and ECMAScript - please fix the await/async implementation as follows...
await can only be used to CALL async functions.
await can appear in any kind of function, synchronous or asynchronous.
Change the error message from "await is only valid in async function" to "await can only be used to call async functions".

AWS Lambda and Promises: Callbacks not being called

I'm assuming that I'm lacking some fundamentals on promises. I have a process that is within a AWS Lambda that downloads three files, then produces an output that is sent via email.
module.exports.test = async (event) => {
var p = download1();
var c = download2();
var h = download3();
await Promise.all([p, c, h]).then(() => {
... bunch of logic manipulating the data
customers.forEach(i => {
buildFile().then(data => {
sendEmail(data).then(response => {
console.log('Email sent successfully');
}, errHandler);
Both the buildFile and sendEmail functions return a Promise, but I never get to the 'Email sent successfully' message. It runs the code, but never actually returns before the Lambda completes (at least that's what I think is happening).
My understanding was that the Promise would fulfill the callback, but now I'm thinking I need to do something similar to how I did the downloads within the original Promise.all(). Is that the right direction?
The process should get the files, then it loops through customers to create each file and send via SES.
You're looking for
module.exports.test = async (event) => {
var p = download1();
var c = download2();
var h = download3();
try {
await Promise.all([p, c, h]);
// ... bunch of logic manipulating the data
var promises = (i) => {
var data = await buildFile();
var response = await sendEmail(data);
console.log('Email sent successfully');
await Promise.all(promises);
} catch(e) {
Your test function didn't wait for the promises that you created in the forEach loop, so the lambda completes before everything is done.
#Bergi answer is correct, however I would like to expand it a little bit and give you some resources to increase or strength your Promises knowledge. I'll use the next snippet of code, it's a bit cumbersome because I wrote it on Google Chrome snippets so feel free to paste it there and play around with it:
(function() {
const promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
const promise2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
function buildFile(type) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
function sendMail(customer, answer) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(`Sent test to: ${customer}, he/she is a ${answer}`);
}, 300);
let customers = ['Rob Batty', 'Rachel', 'Deckard'];
async function myFunc() {
const [a, b, c] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise1, promise2]);
const answers = [a, b, c];
// const promises = (name, index) => {
// const file = await buildFile(answers[index]);
// const mail = await sendMail(name, file);
// console.log(mail);
// });
const promises =, index) => {
.then(file => sendMail(name, file))
.then(sent => console.log(sent))
// If you're going to use Promises this is important! :D
.catch(err => console.log(err))
const [m1, m2, m3] = await Promise.all(promises);
console.log(m1, m2, m3);
As pointed out in the answer, the problem is related to the use of forEach, why? Well, simply because you're executing asynchronous code on a synchronous type of method, the don't get along very well :), so, the solution is to create an Array of Promises, like a Factory. After the map function the Promises are Pending nor Fullfiled or Rejected it's when you call the Promise.all() method that you await for their results and they give you the values or in your use case, generate the file and then send the email to the user. I hope this helps you to get a better understanding on how Promises works. I'll leave at the end two very important links, at least for me, that helped me out at some point with Promises. Cheers, sigfried.
Nolans Lawson's Article
MDN Promises

Async/Await not waiting for response, and returns Promise object

Using ES6, Classes, and Aync/Await...
The goal is to have an "Api" class that does async calls with fetch, and returns some data.... but even the basic foundation isn't working.
in the main js these snippet runs, which starts the chain of events:
let api = new Api();
let api_data = api.getLocation();
getLocation method is the following, which would return some response/data. However, that data would theoretically be a fetch call to an API, which is "getTestVariable" for example that waits some time...
class Api {
getLocation = async () => {
var response = await this.getTestVariale();
return response;
getTestVariale = () =>{
console.log("timeout done...");
return "this is the test variable";
However, 1) the console.log(response) gives "undefined" because its not awaiting... and 2) back in the main js, api_data when logged, is some Promise object rather than the variable response
As the comment above states, setTimeout does not return a Promise, so getTestVariable has no return value.
Here's a slightly modified version of your code that will hopefully put you on the right track:
class Api {
getLocation = async () => {
var response = await this.getTestVariale();
return response;
getTestVariale = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (thereIsError)
reject(Error('Error message'));
resolve({foo: 'bar'});
Drop a comment if I need to explain further I'd be happy to.
In getLocation you await for a value that will come from this.getTestVariable. In order for this to work this.getTestVariable must return a Promise; it can be done in two ways - making getTestVariable an async function or explicitly returning a Promise.
Since you're using setTimeout (which is not an async function) you're bound to use Promise. Here you go:
class Api {
async getLocation() {
return await this.getTestVariable();
getTestVariable() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => res('test'), 2000)
async function main() {
let api = new Api;
console.log('Trying to get the location...');
console.log('Voila, here it is: ', await api.getLocation());
Looks quite ugly but there's no way you can achieve it if you use set timeout.
The main point is in resolution of getTestVariable with value you want it to return.
Quite an important remark: you can mark getTestVariable as an async function, it will ad an extra Promise level, but you still will have the desired result.

How to return a Promise from async function?

When I try to return a promise from an async function, it's impossible to distinguish the status of the returned Promise and the function.
I think, the simplest solution is to put the promise to be returned in an array. The following is a stupid example, but I hope it demonstrates the problem:
function loadMetaData(id) {/*...*/} // Returns Promise<MetaData>
function loadSingleData(name) {/*...*/} // Returns Promise<SingleData>
async function startLoadingSingleData(id, object) {
const metaData = object.metaData = await loadMetadata(id);
const singleDataPromise = loadSingleData(metaData.dataToLoad);
singleDataPromise.then(metaData => object.metaData = metaData);
return [singleDataPromise];
async function logData(id) {
const object = new SomeUsefulClassWhatTakesAdvantageOfMetadataProp();
somePromise = (await startLoadingSingleData(id))[0];
// Now metadata surely loaded, do something with it
// But somedata will be loaded only in future
somePromise.then(singleData => console.log(singleData));
// And maybe: (depends of use-case)
await somePromise;
When executing logData(/*...*/), first the metaData of the given ID of the given data after a short period, and after a little waiting the full singleData is expected.
But this is kinda hackish.
What is the intended way to overcome this situation?
This problem occurs too, when I try to return a Promise which resolves with the promise.
Yes, unfortunately JS promises are not algebraic and you cannot fulfill a promise with another promise. There's no way around that (other than not using native promises, and not using async/await).
The easiest and most common solution is indeed using a wrapper object. It comes naturally to your problem:
// takes an id, returns a Promise<{metaData: Data, singleDataPromise: Promise<Data>}>
async function startLoadingSingleData(id) {
const object = new SomeUsefulClassWhatTakesAdvantageOfMetadataProp();
object.metaData = await loadMetadata(id);
// ^^^^^
object.singleDataPromise = loadSingleData(object.metaData.dataToLoad);
// ^ no await here
return object;
async function logData(id) {
const object = await startLoadingSingleData(id));
// Now metadata surely loaded, do something with it
// But some singleData will be loaded only in future
const singleData = await object.singleDataPromise;
Notice that this potentially leads to problems with unhandled rejections if there is an exception in your code and you never get to await the singleDataPromise.
The (probably much better) alternative is to restructure your functions so that you don't create any promises before using (i.e. awaiting) them, like #Paulpro also suggested. So you'd just write a single strictly sequential function
async function logData(id) {
const object = new SomeUsefulClassWhatTakesAdvantageOfMetadataProp();
object.metaData = await loadMetadata(id);
// Now metadata surely loaded, do something with it
// But some singleData will be loaded only in future
object.singleData = await loadSingleData(object.metaData.dataToLoad);
Your problem is that startLoadingSingleData has too many responsibilities. It is responsible for both loading the metadata and triggering loading of singledata.
Your logData function uses await startLoadingSingleData(id) as a way to make sure that metadata is available, which does not seem very intuituve. It is not obvious that startLoadingSingleData(id) returns a Promise that resolves when the metadata has loaded, and would be quite confusing for a coder looking at it for the first time (or yourself after a few months). Code should be self-documenting as much as possible so that you don't need to explain every line with comments.
My recommendation is to completely remove the startLoadingSingleData function and just do this inside logData:
async function logData(id) {
const metaData = await loadMetadata(id);
const singleData = await loadSingleData(;
or if you don't want logData to await the SingleData Promise:
async function logData(id) {
const metaData = await loadMetadata(id);
loadSingleData( singleData => {
} );
If you really want to keep using the function startLoadingSingleData instead then I think you should make it return an array or an object containing two Promises:
function startLoadingSingleData(id) {
const metaDataLoaded = loadMetadata(id);
const singleDataLoaded = metaDataLoaded.then(
metaData => loadSingleData(metaData.dataToLoad)
return { metaDataLoaded, singleDataLoaded };
Then your usage would look something like:
async function logData(id) {
const { metaDataLoaded, singleDataLoaded } = startLoadingSingleData(id);
const metaData = await metaDataLoaded;
const singleData = await singleDataLoaded;

Promise - is it possible to force cancel a promise

I use ES6 Promises to manage all of my network data retrieval and there are some situations where I need to force cancel them.
Basically the scenario is such that I have a type-ahead search on the UI where the request is delegated to the backend has to carry out the search based on the partial input. While this network request (#1) may take a little bit of time, user continues to type which eventually triggers another backend call (#2)
Here #2 naturally takes precedence over #1 so I would like to cancel the Promise wrapping request #1. I already have a cache of all Promises in the data layer so I can theoretically retrieve it as I am attempting to submit a Promise for #2.
But how do I cancel Promise #1 once I retrieve it from the cache?
Could anyone suggest an approach?
In modern JavaScript - no
Promises have settled (hah) and it appears like it will never be possible to cancel a (pending) promise.
Instead, there is a cross-platform (Node, Browsers etc) cancellation primitive as part of WHATWG (a standards body that also builds HTML) called AbortController. You can use it to cancel functions that return promises rather than promises themselves:
// Take a signal parameter in the function that needs cancellation
async function somethingIWantToCancel({ signal } = {}) {
// either pass it directly to APIs that support it
// (fetch and most Node APIs do)
const response = await fetch('.../', { signal });
// return response.json;
// or if the API does not already support it -
// manually adapt your code to support signals:
const onAbort = (e) => {
// run any code relating to aborting here
signal.addEventListener('abort', onAbort, { once: true });
// and be sure to clean it up when the action you are performing
// is finished to avoid a leak
// ... sometime later ...
signal.removeEventListener('abort', onAbort);
// Usage
const ac = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), 1000); // give it a 1s timeout
try {
await somethingIWantToCancel({ signal: ac.signal });
} catch (e) {
if ( === 'AbortError') {
// deal with cancellation in caller, or ignore
} else {
throw e; // don't swallow errors :)
No. We can't do that yet.
ES6 promises do not support cancellation yet. It's on its way, and its design is something a lot of people worked really hard on. Sound cancellation semantics are hard to get right and this is work in progress. There are interesting debates on the "fetch" repo, on esdiscuss and on several other repos on GH but I'd just be patient if I were you.
But, but, but.. cancellation is really important!
It is, the reality of the matter is cancellation is really an important scenario in client-side programming. The cases you describe like aborting web requests are important and they're everywhere.
So... the language screwed me!
Yeah, sorry about that. Promises had to get in first before further things were specified - so they went in without some useful stuff like .finally and .cancel - it's on its way though, to the spec through the DOM. Cancellation is not an afterthought it's just a time constraint and a more iterative approach to API design.
So what can I do?
You have several alternatives:
Use a third party library like bluebird who can move a lot faster than the spec and thus have cancellation as well as a bunch of other goodies - this is what large companies like WhatsApp do.
Pass a cancellation token.
Using a third party library is pretty obvious. As for a token, you can make your method take a function in and then call it, as such:
function getWithCancel(url, token) { // the token is for cancellation
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
xhr.onload = function() { resolve(xhr.responseText); });
token.cancel = function() { // SPECIFY CANCELLATION
xhr.abort(); // abort request
reject(new Error("Cancelled")); // reject the promise
xhr.onerror = reject;
Which would let you do:
var token = {};
var promise = getWithCancel("/someUrl", token);
// later we want to abort the promise:
Your actual use case - last
This isn't too hard with the token approach:
function last(fn) {
var lastToken = { cancel: function(){} }; // start with no op
return function() {
var args =;
return fn.apply(this, args);
Which would let you do:
var synced = last(getWithCancel);
synced("/url1?q=a"); // this will get canceled
synced("/url1?q=ab"); // this will get canceled too
synced("/url1?q=abc"); // this will get canceled too
synced("/url1?q=abcd").then(function() {
// only this will run
And no, libraries like Bacon and Rx don't "shine" here because they're observable libraries, they just have the same advantage user level promise libraries have by not being spec bound. I guess we'll wait to have and see in ES2016 when observables go native. They are nifty for typeahead though.
With AbortController
It is possible to use abort controller to reject promise or resolve on your demand:
let controller = new AbortController();
let task = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// some logic ...
const abortListener = ({target}) => {
controller.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortListener);
controller.signal.addEventListener('abort', abortListener);
controller.abort('cancelled reason'); // task is now in rejected state
Also it's better to remove event listener on abort to prevent memory leaks
And you can later check if error was thrown by abort by checking the controller.signal.aborted boolean property like:
const res = task.catch((err) => (
? { value: err }
: { value: 'fallback' }
If you would check if task is aborted and just return, then the Promise will be in pending status forever. But in that case you also will not get .catch fired with any error if that's your intension:
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(controller.signal.aborted) return;
Same works for cancelling fetch:
let controller = new AbortController();
fetch(url, {
signal: controller.signal
or just pass controller:
let controller = new AbortController();
fetch(url, controller);
And call abort method to cancel one, or infinite number of fetches where you passed this controller
Standard proposals for cancellable promises have failed.
A promise is not a control surface for the async action fulfilling it; confuses owner with consumer. Instead, create asynchronous functions that can be cancelled through some passed-in token.
Another promise makes a fine token, making cancel easy to implement with Promise.race:
Example: Use Promise.race to cancel the effect of a previous chain:
let cancel = () => {};
input.oninput = function(ev) {
let term =;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
let p = new Promise(resolve => cancel = resolve);
Promise.race([p, getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
if (results) {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`,results);
function getSearchResults(term) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let timeout = 100 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1900);
setTimeout(() => resolve([term.toLowerCase(), term.toUpperCase()]), timeout);
Search: <input id="input">
Here we're "cancelling" previous searches by injecting an undefined result and testing for it, but we could easily imagine rejecting with "CancelledError" instead.
Of course this doesn't actually cancel the network search, but that's a limitation of fetch. If fetch were to take a cancel promise as argument, then it could cancel the network activity.
I've proposed this "Cancel promise pattern" on es-discuss, exactly to suggest that fetch do this.
I have checked out Mozilla JS reference and found this:
Let's check it out:
var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "one");
var p2 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, "two");
Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(function(value) {
console.log(value); // "two"
// Both resolve, but p2 is faster
We have here p1, and p2 put in Promise.race(...) as arguments, this is actually creating new resolve promise, which is what you require.
For Node.js and Electron, I'd highly recommend using Promise Extensions for JavaScript (Prex). Its author Ron Buckton is one of the key TypeScript engineers and also is the guy behind the current TC39's ECMAScript Cancellation proposal. The library is well documented and chances are some of Prex will make to the standard.
On a personal note and coming from C# background, I like very much the fact that Prex is modelled upon the existing Cancellation in Managed Threads framework, i.e. based on the approach taken with CancellationTokenSource/CancellationToken .NET APIs. In my experience, those have been very handy to implement robust cancellation logic in managed apps.
I also verified it to work within a browser by bundling Prex using Browserify.
Here is an example of a delay with cancellation (Gist and RunKit, using Prex for its CancellationToken and Deferred):
// by #noseratio
const prex = require('prex');
* A cancellable promise.
* #extends Promise
class CancellablePromise extends Promise {
static get [Symbol.species]() {
return Promise;
constructor(executor, token) {
const withCancellation = async () => {
// create a new linked token source
const linkedSource = new prex.CancellationTokenSource(token? [token]: []);
try {
const linkedToken = linkedSource.token;
const deferred = new prex.Deferred();
linkedToken.register(() => deferred.reject(new prex.CancelError()));
resolve: value => deferred.resolve(value),
reject: error => deferred.reject(error),
token: linkedToken
await deferred.promise;
finally {
// this will also free all linkedToken registrations,
// so the executor doesn't have to worry about it
super((resolve, reject) => withCancellation().then(resolve, reject));
* A cancellable delay.
* #extends Promise
class Delay extends CancellablePromise {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Promise; }
constructor(delayMs, token) {
super(r => {
const id = setTimeout(r.resolve, delayMs);
r.token.register(() => clearTimeout(id));
}, token);
// main
async function main() {
const tokenSource = new prex.CancellationTokenSource();
const token = tokenSource.token;
setTimeout(() => tokenSource.cancel(), 2000); // cancel after 2000ms
let delay = 1000;
console.log(`delaying by ${delay}ms`);
await new Delay(delay, token);
console.log("successfully delayed."); // we should reach here
delay = 2000;
console.log(`delaying by ${delay}ms`);
await new Delay(delay, token);
console.log("successfully delayed."); // we should not reach here
main().catch(error => console.error(`Error caught, ${error}`));
Note that cancellation is a race. I.e., a promise may have been resolved successfully, but by the time you observe it (with await or then), the cancellation may have been triggered as well. It's up to you how you handle this race, but it doesn't hurts to call token.throwIfCancellationRequested() an extra time, like I do above.
I faced similar problem recently.
I had a promise based client (not a network one) and i wanted to always give the latest requested data to the user to keep the UI smooth.
After struggling with cancellation idea, Promise.race(...) and Promise.all(..) i just started remembering my last request id and when promise was fulfilled i was only rendering my data when it matched the id of a last request.
Hope it helps someone.
$ npm install promise-abortable
You can make the promise reject before finishing:
// Our function to cancel promises receives a promise and return the same one and a cancel function
const cancellablePromise = (promiseToCancel) => {
let cancel
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
cancel = reject
return {promise, cancel}
// A simple promise to exeute a function with a delay
const waitAndExecute = (time, functionToExecute) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeInMs = time * 1000
console.log(`Waited ${time} secs`)
}, timeInMs)
// The promise that we will cancel
const fetchURL = () => fetch('')
// Create a function that resolve in 1 seconds. (We will cancel it in 0.5 secs)
const {promise, cancel} = cancellablePromise(waitAndExecute(1, fetchURL))
.then((res) => {
console.log('then', res) // This will executed in 1 second
.catch(() => {
console.log('catch') // We will force the promise reject in 0.5 seconds
waitAndExecute(0.5, cancel) // Cancel previous promise in 0.5 seconds, so it will be rejected before finishing. Commenting this line will make the promise resolve
Unfortunately the fetch call has already be done, so you will see the call resolving in the Network tab. Your code will just ignore it.
Using the Promise subclass provided by the external package, this can be done as follows: Live demo
import CPromise from "c-promise2";
function fetchWithTimeout(url, {timeout, ...fetchOptions}= {}) {
return new CPromise((resolve, reject, {signal}) => {
fetch(url, {...fetchOptions, signal}).then(resolve, reject)
}, timeout)
const chain= fetchWithTimeout('http://localhost/')
.then(response => response.json())
.then(console.log, console.warn);
//chain.cancel(); call this to abort the promise and releated request
Using AbortController
I've been researching about this for a few days and I still feel that rejecting the promise inside an abort event handler is only part of the approach.
The thing is that as you may know, only rejecting a promise, makes the code awaiting for it to resume execution but if there's any code that runs after the rejection or resolution of the promise, or outside of its execution scope, e.g. Inside of an event listener or an async call, it will keep running, wasting cycles and maybe even memory on something that isn't really needed anymore.
Lacking approach
When executing the snippet below, after 2 seconds, the console will contain the output derived from the execution of the promise rejection, and any output derived from the pending work. The promise will be rejected and the work awaiting for it can continue, but the work will not, which in my opinion is the main point of this exercise.
let abortController = new AbortController();
new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
let abortHandler = () => {
reject( 'Aborted' );
abortController.signal.addEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
setTimeout( () => {
console.log( 'Work' );
console.log( 'More work' );
resolve( 'Work result' );
abortController.signal.removeEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
}, 2000 );
} )
.then( result => console.log( 'then:', result ) )
.catch( reason => console.error( 'catch:', reason ) );
setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), 1000 );
Which leads me to think that after defining the abort event handler there must be calls to
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
in sensible points of the code that is performing the work so that the work doesn't get performed and can gracefully stop if necessary (Adding more statements before the return in the if block above).
This approach reminds me a little about the cancellable token proposal from a few years back but it will in fact prevent work to be performed in vain. The console output should now only be the abort error and nothing more and even, when the work is in progress, and then cancelled in the middle, it can stop, as said before in a sensible step of the processing, like at the beginning of a loop's body
let abortController = new AbortController();
new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
let abortHandler = () => {
reject( 'Aborted' );
abortController.signal.addEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
setTimeout( () => {
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
console.log( 'Work' );
if ( abortController.signal.aborted ) return;
console.log( 'More work' );
resolve( 'Work result' );
abortController.signal.removeEventListener( 'abort', abortHandler );
}, 2000 );
} )
.then( result => console.log( 'then:', result ) )
.catch( reason => console.error( 'catch:', reason ) );
setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), 1000 );
I found the posted solutions here a little hard to read, so I created a helper function that is in my opinion easier to use.
The helper function gives access to to the information whether the current call is already obsolete or not. With this information the function itself has to take care of things accordingly (usually by simply returning).
// Typescript
export function obsoletableFn<Res, Args extends unknown[]>(
fn: (isObsolete: () => boolean, ...args: Args) => Promise<Res>,
): (...args: Args) => Promise<Res> {
let lastCaller = null;
return (...args: Args) => {
const me = Symbol();
lastCaller = me;
const isObsolete = () => lastCaller !== me;
return fn(isObsolete, ...args);
// helper function
function obsoletableFn(fn) {
let lastCaller = null;
return (...args) => {
const me = Symbol();
lastCaller = me;
const isObsolete = () => lastCaller !== me;
return fn(isObsolete, ...args);
const simulateRequest = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 2000 + 1000));
// usage
const myFireAndForgetFn = obsoletableFn(async(isObsolete, x) => {
console.log(x, 'starting');
await simulateRequest();
if (isObsolete()) {
console.log(x, 'is obsolete');
// return, as there is already a more recent call running
console.log(x, 'is not obsolete');
document.querySelector('div').innerHTML = `Response ${x}`;
<div>Waiting for response...</div>
So I have an async function that I needed to cancel on user input, but it's a long running one that involves mouse control.
I used p-queue and added each line in my function into it and have an observable that I feed the cancellation signal. Anything that the queue starts processing will run no matter what but you should be able to cancel anything after that by clearing the queue. The shorter the task you add to the queue, the sooner you can quit after getting the cancel signal. You can be lazy and throw whole chunks of code into the queue instead of the one liners i have in the example.
p-queue releases Version 6 works with commonjs, 7+ switches to ESM and could break your app. Breaks my electron/typescript/webpack one.
const cancellable_function = async () => {
const queue = new PQueue({concurrency:1});
async () => await move_mouse({...}),
async () => await mouse_click({...}),
for await (const item of items) {
async () => await do_something({...}),
async () => await do_something_else({...}),
const {information} = await get_information();
async () => await move_mouse({...}),
async () => await mouse_click({...}),
cancel_signal$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
await queue.onEmpty()
Because #jib reject my modify, so I post my answer here. It's just the modfify of #jib's anwser with some comments and using more understandable variable names.
Below I just show examples of two different method: one is resolve() the other is reject()
let cancelCallback = () => {};
input.oninput = function(ev) {
let term =;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
cancelCallback(); //cancel previous promise by calling cancelCallback()
let setCancelCallbackPromise = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// set cancelCallback when running this promise
cancelCallback = () => {
// pass cancel messages by resolve()
return resolve('Canceled');
Promise.race([setCancelCallbackPromise(), getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
// check if the calling of resolve() is from cancelCallback() or getSearchResults()
if (results == 'Canceled') {
console.log("error(by resolve): ", results);
} else {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`, results);
input2.oninput = function(ev) {
let term =;
console.log(`searching for "${term}"`);
cancelCallback(); //cancel previous promise by calling cancelCallback()
let setCancelCallbackPromise = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// set cancelCallback when running this promise
cancelCallback = () => {
// pass cancel messages by reject()
return reject('Canceled');
Promise.race([setCancelCallbackPromise(), getSearchResults(term)]).then(results => {
// check if the calling of resolve() is from cancelCallback() or getSearchResults()
if (results !== 'Canceled') {
console.log(`results for "${term}"`, results);
}).catch(error => {
console.log("error(by reject): ", error);
function getSearchResults(term) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let timeout = 100 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1900);
setTimeout(() => resolve([term.toLowerCase(), term.toUpperCase()]), timeout);
Search(use resolve): <input id="input">
<br> Search2(use reject and catch error): <input id="input2">
