how to do css changes only to links that are in side specific div without defining classes to a elements - javascript

i want to add some css changes only to the a(link) elements, that are placed inside divs whose class names are defined as "x". (not to all links in the page)
is there any proper way to do that other than defining classes to each and every "a" elements.
<div class="x"> <a>Home</a></div> <!--to these-->
<div class="x"> <a>contact</a></div><!--to these-->
<div class="x"> <a>about</a></div><!--to these-->
<a>hello</a><!--but not this-->
if what i'm asking is not clear
consider: i want to change the decoration of a that is placed in side a div,and i can do it like this
<div class="x"><a class="m"></a></div>
but i want to know if there are any other methods to do the same without defining a class to element "a".

you can do this like
.x a {text-decoration:none;}
here is the example js fiddle


How to remove div with a particular text in it

I have some div tags which has some text & elements in it & I want to remove those div's, They are looks like this
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">
There are many div's like this & I want to remove them all with using jQuery or javascript
If the elements have nothing in common such as a class, you can remove it by using the :contains and remove() method.
Full example shown below:
<script src=""></script>
If the elements do have something in common you could use the class selector.
Based on Darren's answer, if you want to be extra sure (as :contains will match and delete any div containing the word example), you can make sure it's a div that has an anchor with that same example as children, then go back to the parent and remove it.
If this doesn't work, please paste a few more divs so we can see a common pattern and target it the safest way possible.
<script src=""></script>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Example example</div>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Don't remove example</div>
<div style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;">Example don't remove</div>
<button id="remove">
Remove undesired divs

Clear text inside DIV

I'm using the following HTML structure:
<div id="clock">5:30 AM
<div id="day">Wednesday
<div id="date">14 December
I update the contents of these elements using Javascript. For "day" and "date" I use $("#day").text(day) and $("#date").text(date). Because "clock" is a parent element I had to use $("#clock").prepend(clock) to succesfully add the text.
The problem with the latter function, is that new text is prepended every time the clock is refreshed, i.e. it builds up a list of clock times. For the first two functions the text is just replaced, like it should. Is there a way to make this happen for the "clock" function as well?
EDIT: Sorry, should have been a bit more clear about the clock. Have edited the code, so you understand. BTW, the reason the clock is parent element is that could make the other two elements depend on the clock's position and styling.
I also created a jsFiddle:
I left the list building thing (annoyingly) in!
BTW, I'm not too sure if function(); setInterval('function()', 1000) is the best way to refresh, so if you something better I'd be happy to know :)
What you need to do is change the structure of your html to this.
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="clock"></div>
<div id="day"></div>
<div id="date"></div>
Then for the javascript
This way you can just change/refresh the text of clock instead of prepending values to it.
Another approach, with your current html, which i do not recommend.
<div id="clock">
<div id="day">
<div id="date">
The js
$('#clock').contents().get(0).nodeValue = '12:45';
If you have HTML
<div id="clock">
<div id="day"></div>
<div id="date"></div>
Then you don't have to modify #clock at all. By doing $("#day").text(day) and $("#date").text(date) content of those divs is changed and you don't have to touch #clock.
But in case you want to replace a content of a element then use .html(newContent). See documentation.
You should first add a new element with prepend and then replace it's content, now you just constantly keep prepending new elements instead of working on the same element again.
What do you mean by
Because "clock" is a parent element I had to use
$("#clock").prepend(clock) to succesfully add the text.
It seems redundant. Since $('#day') and $('#date') uniquely address your targeted elements.
My tip:
Do not use clock. $("#day").text(day) and $("#date").text(date) already update the numbers inside your #clock element.
my consideration for your problem is, IF you choose to manipulate the Content of the #clock div you could simply do this:
var newContent="";//in here comes whatever you want to add to your clock div
That's the way I use it most of the time but you could also do this:
var curContent=$('#clock').html();
curContent+="<>put in your code to add</>";
This is I guess a bit slower than the first one, but it works.

How do I target an <a> inside a <div>?

I have this code :
<div class="step"><-- this is darned wrong
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div class="step"><-- this works fine
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a>
The first block is three links inside three separate divs inside a surrounding div
The bottom block has the links inside one parent div
I am trying to change the background of an active link, but it won't turn off in the upper block.
The script works well with the bottom links but not working as expected with the upper ones
PS : The active class should be toggled only from the Links i have a lot of other scripts in the page that uses the .active links from this list.
For starters, do what JamesJohnson said and remove the multiple IDs. They can only cause you problems down the road.
In the upper links, the a tags aren't siblings because you put each one in its own div. So you need to do this to remove classes from the other as:
Unfortunately, that breaks the functionality on the lower links. You can achieve success in both places by adding andSelf to the parent siblings:
It's not working on the upper ones because you're assigning the same id to the divs. You should probably use the class attribute instead:
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
After making the above changes, you should be able to do this:
$(".step2 a").text("Hello World!");
maybe this:
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
Using radio inputs you can create this effect without any JS at all, which degrades gracefully from its intended appearance (a red backgrounded "damn") to damn with radios next to it (sending the same information).
ironically, this example at JSfiddle:
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work in older versions of IE without some finagling.

Closest previous element with certain ID (with prev())?

I have a big div wit a lot of smaller divs within it. Say,
<div id="parent">
<div id="child1">
<div id="child1">
<div id="child2">
<div id="child1">
<div id="child1">
If I'm currently at the last 'child1', how dow I get to the top most child1 with prev()? For me it breaks when it reaches 'child2'.
First of all your HTML markup is invalid. There shouldn't be more that one element with the same ID in a document.
Read Element identifiers: the id and class attributes
This attribute assigns a name to an
element. This name must be unique in a
This attribute assigns a class name or
set of class names to an element. Any
number of elements may be assigned the
same class name or names. Multiple
class names must be separated by white
space characters.
You can use the parent and :firstchild to get the first element inside your current parent element.
You can use something like this if you are currently at any child of element 'parent'
I think you want this:
I changed to classes, because you really should only ever have one element of any given ID in a page

Referring to a div inside a div with the same ID as another inside another

How can I refer to a nested div by id when it has the same id as a div nested in a similarly named div
<div id="obj1">
<div id="Meta">
<div id="obj2">
<div id="Meta">
I want to get the innerHTML of meta
doesn't work
IDs should only be used when there is one of that item on the page, be it a SPAN, DIV or whatever. CLASS is what you should use for when you may have a repeating element.
Code there doesn't work because you're referring to an element by unique ID, but have more than one on the page.
Id is supposed to be unique.
Hate to point out the obvious, but in your example, obj1_Meta and obj2_Meta are unique id's, so if it's the case in your working code:
would work as described. As a double check, did you over think this?
If not, bummer...
As "bad" or "wrong" as your code is, an option that will work is to use a JavaScript framework like jQuery. Once you've included it, you can get elements by passing it a CSS selector (even a semantically incorrect one) like so:
$('#obj1 #obj1_Meta meta').html()
$() is jQuery's way of saying document.getElementById() ...on steroids.
.html() is its equivalent of .innerHTML
Other frameworks, like PrototypeJS and MooTools also provide similar functionality.
Prototype for example:
$$('#obj1 #obj1_Meta meta').innerHTML;//note the double $'s
Frameworks save lots of time and trouble with regard to browser compatibility, "missing" JavaScript methods (like getElementsByClassName) and coding AJAX quickly. These things make them a good idea to use to anyway.
IDs are meant to be unique, use classes intelligently.
<div id="obj1" class="obj">
<div id="obj1_Meta" class="obj_Meta">
<div id="obj2" class="obj">
<div id="obj2_Meta" class="obj_Meta">
.obj = targets both elements
#obj1.obj = targets only the first
#obj1.obj_Meta = targets obj1 inner DIV
#obj2.obj = targets only the second
#obj2.obj_Meta = targets obj2 inner DIV
You may also run into problems with this markup because the "meta" tag is only legal inside the head tag, not the body tag. As far as I can tell from looking at Firebug, Firefox will even go so far as to pull those meta tags out of the body and toss them into the head (and, in this case, put any text content inside the parent div), so you won't see them in the DOM at all.
For the HTML you've given, this should work:
Just ignore the bogus id on the inner div and get it by tag name. You should also be able to ignore the inner div completely, since getElementsByTagName searches the entire subtree:
As the id attribute is a unique document-wide identifier, you should probably namespace your ids.
<div id="obj1">
<div id="obj1_Meta">
<div id="obj2">
<div id="obj2_Meta">
