windows.print results in empty page - javascript

So I'm trying to add a print button to an html page. Most of the page is not supposed to appear in print, so I hide everything in print and then reveal only the one div that is supposed to be printed (or this is what I'm trying to do). But when I try the print button out, the resulting page is completely empty. The html structure of the page looks like this:
<div id="fullpage">
<div class="section">
some stuff that should not be printed
<div class="section">
even more stuff that should not be printed
<div class="section" id="results_page">
<img id="result_image" class="archiv" src="./images/heumarkt/APDC0013.JPG">
<div class="content_wrapper" id="result_text">
<h1 id="result_h1">some stuff</h1>
<h2 id="result_h2">more headlines</h2>
<p id="result_p1">some text</p>
<button class="print_trigger" onclick="javascript:print_stadtarchiv(true)">print</button>
<button class="print_trigger" onclick="javascript:print_stadtarchiv(false)">print without picture</button>
And here is the CSS that is supposed to hide everything except the div with the id "results_page" (of course the buttons in that div are also supposed to be hidden in print).
#media print {
div#fullpage .section, .print_trigger, .unprintable{
div#fullpage #results_page{
#result_text {
float: none;
margin: 50px;
The javascript function is pretty simple, depending on what button the user clicks it adds the "unprintable" class to the picture element and then prints the document (I'm not sure if the html, the css or the js are the culprit here, this is why I include all of this in the question):
function print_stadtarchiv(print_picture){
if(!print_picture) $('#result_image').addClass = 'unprintable';
So, given all of this, what could be causing the empty page my printer spits out?

For anyone who is having this problem(especially if using bootstrap), it may be a CSS issue and NOT a javascript issue.
My dilemma was that we had a print button towards the top of the page that called "window.print()" function. And it resulted in a blank print preview page. The weird part was that is was working completely fine several weeks ago.
So first, like many threads have mentioned, check that this is not a javascript issue indeed. My call to window.print() did truly bring up the print preview window(meaning we weren't accidentally overriding the print function with another variable somewhere.)
The issue was with Bootstrap's container and container-fluids classes not displaying for print modes. Apparently these classes are being told to be not displayable on print styles(presumably from bootstrap style sheet).
All I had to do was add the following CSS print rules:
.container, .container-fluid {
width: auto;
display: block!important;
and it displayed again! This is also hinted at through bootstrap documentation here:
So in a nutshell, check if the CSS is the issue, and stop blaming that poor Javascript.

Here you go:
function print_stadtarchiv(print_picture) {
if(!print_picture) $('#result_image').addClass('unprintable');
return window.print();
It also looks like you have no DOCTYPE or html tags... This is likely to cause all sorts of rendering/not-rendering based issues.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="fullpage">
<div class="section">
some stuff that should not be printed
<div class="section">
even more stuff that should not be printed
<div class="section" id="results_page">
<img id="result_image" class="archiv" src="./images/heumarkt/APDC0013.JPG">
<div class="content_wrapper" id="result_text">
<h1 id="result_h1">some stuff</h1>
<h2 id="result_h2">more headlines</h2>
<p id="result_p1">some text</p>
<button class="print_trigger" onclick="javascript:print_stadtarchiv(true)">print</button>
<button class="print_trigger" onclick="javascript:print_stadtarchiv(false)">print without picture</button>

To anyone having the same problem: I couldn't figure out what was causing it, but I could get it done using the window.frame approach elaborated in this answer.


CSS: How to place a <script> element on the page

I am developing a web application using AngularJS.
I have a problem: in an HTML page I needed to show a table that dynamically show the number of rows based on a user's choice. I achieved this effect using a script and bootstrap rules.
I won't go into details, but I just show you the high-level code and a screenshot of the result:
HTML code:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="custom/pager">
<ul class="pager ng-cloak">
<!-- Code of the element drop down menu.....-->
<ng-form >
<div class="panel panel-default table-panel noborder">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table ng-table-dynamic="$ctrl.tableParams with $ctrl.cols" class="table" template-pagination="custom/pager">
<!-- Code of the table.......-->
The result is something like that:
My problem is that no type of CSS code seems to work to move the dropdown menu position to this position:
I tried to use position (relative, absolute, fixed) and also to encapsulate the <script> element inside <div> or <span> and refer it with CSS rules. But nothing seems to work! The dropdown menu always remains at the bottom and center of the page. I guess it's bootstrap's fault. Can you tell me how I can resolve this issue?
The pagination buttons are working. If the css should also work. You can place the below code into the codepen to see the effect.

Making text align with DIV in div-based HTML page in CSS?

My page for a clone script can be found at
The problem is getting the text and image for a DIV to align next to the image with a small amount of space between the top and next to the image, like this example.
This is my code, taken from the JSFiddle above:
<div class="card">
<img class="listing-main-image" src="">
<div class="card-info">
<h2 class="listing-title title-wrap">Audi A6 Allroad Sport 55 TFSI 340PS 3.0</h2>
<p class="listing-attention-grabber ">BRAND NEW 2020 CAR</p>
<ul class="listing-key-specs ">
<li>2020 (20) reg</li>
<li>40 miles</li>
<li>1 owners</li>
<ul class="listing-extra-detail">
<p class="listing-description">2020 (20) reg, black, 40 miles £46,796</p>
<div class="seller-info ">
<div class="phone-code">
Tel: (0114) 49600000
<div class="seller-type">
Trade seller
<div class="seller-location">
<span class="seller-town">Sheffield</span> -
43 miles away
<section class="price-column">
<div class="vehicle-price">£46,795</div>
Although my code works properly, getting it to look similar to the page I linked to - at least for the DIV part of my code is the main problem. This relates to where I have .
There is also a second problem; I want to include smaller images and allow the user to scroll through them with jQuery or javascript, but the main image in remains the first one; also, how to include a logo after the images at the end like in the linked-to page (if there's one needed; not every div will need a logo).
Like this:
This is the intended end result:
I should add, the JSFiddle linked to has one large CSS file in there, when I've actually got three separate files - one for the layout, one for basics, and one for webfonts. For JSFiddle, I had to condense it into one CSS file there; the original file has CSS links in the header.
I would really appreciate any advice or guidance on making this look better.
Try using overflow: hidden in .layout{}. Also use "white-space: nowrap" in unordered list.It will not wrap your content on next line.For example:
//rest of the styling here ....
overflow: hidden;
//rest of the styling here ....
white-space: nowrap
padding: 1rem;
font-size: 0.9rem;
In Your CSS Change the padding of card-price from 2rem to 1rem
check the space in the image

Hiding DataTable div

So I'm trying to remove multiple divs with content inside one div and I'm getting to a point that I'm about to give up because I can't do nothing,
<!--this div loads when the page is loaded, I can't find this code in my file) I extracted this from google dev tools) -->
<div id="table_wrapper">
<div class="table-header">//filters</div>
<div class="table">//table info</div>
<div class="table-footer">//more filters</div>
I just want this
<div id="table_wrapper">
<div class="table">//table info</div>
I already tried some solutions but the result is the same (nothing happens)
div#table_wrapper .table-header, .table-footer {
display: none!important;
I don't know what can I do more, I use
console.log("script #2: %o", document.getElementById("table_wrapper"));
to see if there are many changes but everything stays the same.
Try this in your style.css
.no-footer .datatables-header, .datatables-footer {
display: none;

nav going below content on browser resize

I have a strange problem I can't figure out. I'm developing some navigation (that is responsive) independent from the rest of my site, and all is going well, except for one thing. If you load the page at a normal desktop size, the navigation is correctly above the placeholder image. But if you resize the browser window skinnier to where it switches to tablet size, and then resize it wider again, the navigation goes below the placeholder image.
Maybe it's something simple or maybe it's not. I can't figure it out.
My html structure is
<div id="page">
<div id="wrapper">
<section id="content"></section>
So I'm not sure how the content section is getting above the nav, but if you inspect the code and look at the html after doing the resize I describe above, the code becomes
<div id="page">
<div id="wrapper">
<section id="content"></section>
I'm not sure if it's the javascript I'm using or what the deal is that is juggling that and not resetting it. Surely it's not a missing CSS declaration...
EDIT: Resolved! Thanks Chris!
Looking at the code beginning on line #2619, the destroy function expects there to be an element #header, which doesn't exist. Add the element #header as the first element within your #wrapper and the issue will resolve. I'm assuming this isn't your JavaScript, so I wouldn't recommending changing it; instead, adjust your markup to give it what it expects.
Try changing the navigation.js line

jQuery Simple Collapsible Div?

I am looking for the proper, simple, small code to do the following things:
Click on Element with Class Applied to it.
DIV.CLASS - Which expands and shows hidden content. (slideDown - Toggle)
DIV.CLASS - Which collapses and hides the previously show content. (slideUp - Toggle)
<div class="sitesection">
<p class="expand-one">Click Here To Display The Content <img src="images/arrow.png" width="5" height="7" /></p>
<p class="content-one">This is the content that was hidden before, but now is... Well, visible!"</p>
So to be vague and easy, I need to know how to get a DIV CLASS to become hidden and visible once an element on the same page has a CLASS applied to it, in which would activate and deactivate the HIDDEN and or VISIBLE HTML Content. And I need it to be hidden by default.
I have looked all over the internet and have only found very complex scripts, but nothing simple. I have found Simple Accordians... But those never close, they just open another one.
I was looking at this and wanted a collapsible div that was already styled for me. Then I realized what I wanted was a single pane jquery-ui accordion.
<div id="collapse">
<h3>Collapse and Expand</h3>
$( "#collapse" ).accordion({
collapsible: true,
active: false
I wanted to do this with multiple divs, each with their own trigger. Building on AlienWebguy's answer above:
<p class="expand" id="expand-1">more 1...</p>
<div class="expandable" id="expandable-1">
<p>1. This is the content that was hidden before, but now is... Well, visible!"</p>
<p class="expand" id="expand-2">more 2...</p>
<div class="expandable" id="expandable-2">
<p>2. This is the content that was hidden before, but now is... Well, visible!"</p>
target_num = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1];
content_id = '#expandable-'.concat(target_num);
.expand {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
cursor: pointer;
.expandable {
div {
margin: 10px;
Bad idea to use accordion.
Better is to create your own collapsible block.
function InitSpoilBlock(idClicked)
$(idClicked).on('click', function(e){
var textArray = ['blind','slide'];//here you can add other effects
var randomEffect = textArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length)];
so when you write such html:
<div class="HiderContainer">
<div class="HiderPanel">
Spoiled block of html
and after page load you will call
all blocks will be possible to collapse and hide with random animation. Or you can use one exact animation also.
