Trouble With jquery.matchHeight - javascript

I'm trying to match the height of the content area and sidebar on the following site:
I've added the following line of code to my file js.js
Here is the class for my content area:
<div id="content" class="grid_8 height-page">
And my sidebar:
<aside id="sidebar" class="grid_4">
<div class="content height-page">
The script appear to be loading fine, just they're not matching the height. All I get output for both elements is along these lines:
<div class="grid_8 height-page" id="content" style="">
I did originally target each element in the Js with their individual IDs / classes, but couldn't get that to work either. So then I thought maybe I can only apply the height matching to specific classes, hence me going with .height-page , but of course that doesn't work either
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

From the docs:
$(function() {
Will set all elements with the class item to the height of the
That means that you have to give your sidebar and your content area the same class (at the moment they don't have a common class)
Here's a demo of it working as expected.


Rearrange the order HTML elements appear in with JavaScript or jQuery

I'm building a modular building program and have a side panel where the user can add the code of a module in order to make it appear in the list.
The list is simply span tags with text in. Since they are already in a set order in the HTML, they appear in that default order when they are made visible, rather than appearing at the bottom of the list each time a new one is made visible.
My workaround is to make all of the spans positioned absolute and use some jQuery/JS to do some calculations and move the latest visible-made span to the bottom.
This code works in moving the input field and button to the bottom of the list:
var searchModule = 0;
searchModule = "#" + document.getElementById("add_module_input").value;
$(searchModule).css('display', 'block');
visibleModules = $('.side_module:visible').length * 50 + "px";
$('#add_a_module').css('top', visibleModules);
Is there a better solution out there for re-arranging HTML elements without essentially faking it with absolute positioning?
If I get you right it's actually quite easy. Make use of jQuery.append(). If you use jQuery.append() to append an item to the same container it's already contained in, the item is actually removed from its current location and appended at the end. As far as I read your question that's what you want. The example below shows the basic idea ...
$('#container').append($('#three').css('display', 'block'));
$('#container').append($('#one').css('display', 'block'));
$('#container').append($('#five').css('display', 'block'));
display: none
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container">
<div class="item" id="one">One</div>
<div class="item" id="two">Two</div>
<div class="item" id="three">Three</div>
<div class="item" id="four">Four</div>
<div class="item" id="five">Five</div>

Google Polymer - how to add content to Neon elements

The playground
My goal
I've managed to replicate this animation, but I need it to have content as well (text and images).
The Problem
Inserting content - I've been experimenting with adding just text for now, and I cannot get it working.
What I've tried
Adding content directly to div circle div container in circles-page.html, it doesn't work properly.
<div class="circle">test</div>
Getting position with jQuery, on circles-page.html (at the bottom of the page):
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
var sq_pos = $(".square");
.. and then using that to make an invisible div above that, to display content.
Result: undefined (in Chrome Console)
I also tried using jQuery to add content once Dom is ready, but it didn't work, nor did various properties inside Polymer object I've tried (that I've seen on documentation).
Thank you.
You can use Polymer's layout system to achieve this easily.
To lay out all the circles horizontally, apply horizontal layout to the parent div. Then you just need to use center-center horizontal layout on the child div to center the text.
<div class="horizontal layout">
<div class="circle center-center horizontal layout">test</div>
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="circle"></div>
<div class="circle"></div>
You can read more about this iron-flex-layout from here.

Hiding an element doesn't redraw page correctly in IE8 if the parent elements have a specific combination of display types

I have a problem when hiding/showing certain elements in IE8. If an element with display:inline-block has any child (including nested children) with display:block, then any child of that element has problems when hiding/showing. The page does not redraw correctly, and other elements position do not change to reflect the newly hidden/shown elements.
The minimal markup that shows the problem is below. In the example, when you click 'Clickable element', then the three divs directly below are hidden. However, the Footer Div does not change position - a large gap is left. If you do something to force a page redraw, such as selecting all text on the page, then the footer jumps to the correct position.
Something similar happens when showing the elements. Instead of the footer div being pushed to the bottom, it is overlapped by the newly shown elements.
<div style="display:inline-block">
<!-- Any number of other HTML elements -->
<div style="display:block">
<div class = "clickable" >Clickable element.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 1.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 2.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 3.</div>
<div>Footer Div</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
I've been trying to break this down for a fair while now, and I'm almost certain that I've got the minimal problem down (inline-block element followed by block element, and perform a show/hide on a child element). Has anybody encountered this before - or any suggestions on how to work around this?
This should do the trick. As the answer below states, inline-block isn't supported in older browsers and shows some quirky behaviour in certain versions of IE8. I've remembered this fix from something I did a while back, but I'm sorry, I can't give you a full explanation as to why this is happening. Anyhow, add a float to your main div, and clear your footer and, fingers crossed, it should work.
<div style="display:inline-block;float:left">
<!-- Any number of other HTML elements -->
<div class="div-2" style="display:block">
<div class = "clickable" >Clickable element.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 1.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 2.</div>
<div class = "toggleable">Hideable element 3.</div>
<div style="clear:left">Footer Div</div>
Seems to be working fine in here... But note that IE8 have some problems rendering jquery, and the css property 'inline-block' is not really supported by old browser versions (ie7, doesn't work, ie8, i'm not sure). Try adding the "zoom:1;" fix to the css of your tags that have the inline-block going on. Hope that helps somehow.

How do I target an <a> inside a <div>?

I have this code :
<div class="step"><-- this is darned wrong
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div class="step"><-- this works fine
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a>
The first block is three links inside three separate divs inside a surrounding div
The bottom block has the links inside one parent div
I am trying to change the background of an active link, but it won't turn off in the upper block.
The script works well with the bottom links but not working as expected with the upper ones
PS : The active class should be toggled only from the Links i have a lot of other scripts in the page that uses the .active links from this list.
For starters, do what JamesJohnson said and remove the multiple IDs. They can only cause you problems down the road.
In the upper links, the a tags aren't siblings because you put each one in its own div. So you need to do this to remove classes from the other as:
Unfortunately, that breaks the functionality on the lower links. You can achieve success in both places by adding andSelf to the parent siblings:
It's not working on the upper ones because you're assigning the same id to the divs. You should probably use the class attribute instead:
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
After making the above changes, you should be able to do this:
$(".step2 a").text("Hello World!");
maybe this:
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
Using radio inputs you can create this effect without any JS at all, which degrades gracefully from its intended appearance (a red backgrounded "damn") to damn with radios next to it (sending the same information).
ironically, this example at JSfiddle:
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work in older versions of IE without some finagling.

Adding Additional Div breaks Existing Jquery Code

I have a very simple div with an image inside:
<div class="stack4">
<img src="images/002m.jpg" width=200>
And a very simple Jquery function for when you hover over the image:
$(function () {
This all works fine. However, I'm trying to add additional content to the page, and so put the following HTML directly after the end of the first div:
<div id="menucontainer" class="menuContainer">
<div id="menu" class="menuContent">
<img src="images/003m.jpg" />
<img src="images/004m.jpg" />
After I add this, the jquery prompt no longer works. Why would adding anothing div break my existing javascript command like that?
There has to be a script error in the page that is causing a failure. Or there is a very slight chance that your new html in some way introduces an invisible element that covers your stack4 image. If you can provide a link somebody could debug it for you.
It breaks because the selector no longer matches any elements (because the class selector .stack4 does no longer match any element).
<div id="menucontainer" class="menuContainer">
<div id="menu" class="menuContent">
<img src="images/003m.jpg" />
<img src="images/004m.jpg" />
$(function () {
If you look at your javascript, it will:
match any child image of an element with class name stack4
Add a hover listener to each image
Display a prompt on hover.
IF you look at your updated DOM structure, class stack4 no longer exists. To make it work again, you have to replace this selector with your new equivalent, which would be the div with id=menu and class=menuContent.
Now, depending on your needs, you can target either #menu>img or .menuContent>img. If you go with the first one, the javascript fragment will only work for a single menu, with the id of menu. However, if you choose the second approach, any content with the class menuContent will have this functionality. So I'd go with:
$(function () {
