how to attach click function to multiple divs without ID - javascript

I have a fade in function im trying to understand better. It works fine when I set up the
My question is if I have 8 links that already have the separate ID and class names how can I attach this function to each clickable link?
Is there a function to getElementbyClass or something and then just add the class to all my links?
here is my javascript:
var done = true,
fading_div = document.getElementById('fading_div'),
fade_in_button = document.getElementById('fade_in'),
fade_out_button = document.getElementById('fade_out');
function function_opacity(opacity_value) { = opacity_value / 100; = 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity_value + ')';
function function_fade_out(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'none';
done = true;
function function_fade_in(opacity_value) {
if (opacity_value == 1) { = 'block';
if (opacity_value == 100) {
done = true;
// fade in button
fade_in_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '1') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(i), i * 10);
// fade out button
fade_out_button.onclick = function () {
if (done && !== '0') {
done = false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
setTimeout((function (x) {
return function () {
})(100 - i), i * 10);

Correcting the answer from BLiu1:
var fadeDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('fade');
for (var i=0, i<fadeDivs.length, i++){
// do stuff to all fade-divs by accessing them with "fadeDivs[i].something"

Have you considered using a javascript library like jQuery to manage this. They have some extensive, very easy to use "selectors" that allow you to easily get access to elements in the DOM and animate them with things like "fade ins" and "slides", etc. If you need more animations there are tons of plugins available for this. It also helps to deal with browser compatibility challenges too.
If you want to rely on pure JavaScript, you can use the document.getElementsByClassName() function defined here, but that function is only defined in IE9 and above as well as Safari, Chrome, FF, and Opera.

As said in the comments, there is a getElementsByClassName() method. Here is how you would use it.
for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByClassName("fade").length; i++ ){
/*apply fade in function*/
I'm not sure whether getElementsByClassName() can detect one class name at a time. You might need regex for that.


javascript not working on IE10 / No errors. Works fine on other normal browsers

var depth = 0;
var moving = false;
var answers = new Array();
var qNo = 0;
var rangeCarousel;
var productCarousel;
var ih, iw, orient;
var sidebarOpen = false;
var focused = "range";
var currentRange = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
document.getElementById('intro').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
document.getElementById('q1').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
document.getElementById('q2').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
document.getElementById('q3').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
document.getElementById('q4').addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
document.getElementById('intro').addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', transitionEnd);
document.getElementById('intro').addEventListener('transitionend', transitionEnd);
document.getElementById('intro').addEventListener('transition', transitionEnd);
function clickHandler(e) {
if ((qNo < 4) && ( != 'intro')) {
if (!moving) {
depth -= 100;
document.getElementById('intro') = (depth + '%');
document.getElementById('q1') = (depth + '%');
document.getElementById('q2') = (depth + '%');
document.getElementById('q3') = (depth + '%');
document.getElementById('q4') = (depth + '%');
moving = true;
} else if (qNo == 4) {
var c =[0];
switch (c) {
case 'one':"test.html","_self");
case 'two':"test.html","_self");
case 'three':"test.html","_self");
case 'four':"test.html","_self");
function transitionEnd() {
moving = false;
i m trying to create a quiz where users clicks on the images then loads the answer. It works fine on ie11 but i also need to make it work on ie10. I cant see any errors or anything to show me whats wrong
Any help or suggestion will be great
Some old IE does not support target property. You can use e.srcElement which is an alias of target as an alias of target
(( || e.srcElement).id) === "intro"
& also use it to find the parentNode
Side Note :As mentioned in comment section you can use jquery as which will also reduce the number of lines in your code beside efficiently handling events
You can also use jquery multiple selector instead of writing same lines of code for attaching event to every selector.
$('sel1 ,selector2 , selector 3 ...').click(function(event){.. rest of code})

Casino Roulette Game not working
supposed to click on the spin button and it should start the wheel spinning as well as changed the text on the screen in my displayArea, though when i click spin nothing happens,
getting undefined type error on the following code and not sure as to why
angle: 0,
animateTo: 2520,
duration: 4000
it says it isn't a function... :S
if( == 0 && cellText == 0)
currentGame.setBet(betAmount * 40);
function rouletteGame(num, even, col)
{ = num;
this.isEven = even;
this.colour = col; = 0;
this.hasBet = false;
this.setBet = function(bet)
{ += bet;
this.hasBet = true;
says is undefined
but im initializing it in a for loop and its calling my above function...
for (var i = 1; i < rouletteWheel.length; ++i)
place = i;
if(i % 2 == 1)
isEven = false;
isEven = true;
if( i = red[count])
colour = "red";
colour = "black";
rouletteWheel[i] = new rouletteGame(place, isEven, colour);
}// for ()
.rotate() is not a built-in JQuery plugin. You will need to download or link the plugin in order for it to work. Add the following in your element of the HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
and see if that helps. with the first part of your problem.
As for the second part, I'm not sure if Javascript works this way too (I think it does), but you should create the new roulette game outside of the loop, and only change the values inside. Otherwise you are only creating a new roulette game for use within the scope of the for loop, not outside.
May want to check the documentation for this, as I'm not 100% positive about it. I just know it's how most other languages work.

Hiding columns in Dynatable

I'm hoping to replace my tables with Dynatable, but I need to be able to hide and show certain groups of columns to do so. I do this in the existing, regular html table by giving a group to each , for example:
<td class = "group1">cell value</td>
Then I have some hide and show javascript functions:
function hideCol(columnClass){
$('table .'+columnClass).each(function(index) {
$('ul#hiddenCols').append('<li id="'+columnClass+'">Show '+columnClass+'</li>');
function showCol(columnClass){
$('table .'+columnClass).each(function(index) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#radio1').click(function() {
Is there a reasonably straight forward way I can adapt Dynatable to do something similar? Is there a way I can assign classes to each and in a Dynatable?
Thanks a lot,
There is a setting that makes the data in each column inherit the class of the column's header. However, when doing this there appears to be a bug when sorting hidden columns, as I mention in this question.
I couldn't make this work with Dynatable, so I switched to Datatables, where hiding/sorting columns seems to be much more stable.
You can edit the source code of dynatable.js as follows and then use show() and hide() methods...
function DomColumns(obj, settings) {
this.hide = function(indexOrId) {
var columns = settings.table.columns;
if (typeof indexOrId == "number")
columns[indexOrId].hidden = true;
else {
for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (columns[i].id == indexOrId) {
columns[i].hidden = true;
obj.$element.find(settings.table.headRowSelector).children('[data-dynatable-column="' + indexOrId + '"]')
}; = function(indexOrId) {
var columns = settings.table.columns;
if (typeof indexOrId == "number")
columns[indexOrId].hidden = false;
else {
for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (columns[i].id == indexOrId) {
columns[i].hidden = false;
obj.$element.find(settings.table.headRowSelector).children('[data-dynatable-column="' + indexOrId + '"]')

Show/Hide & Mouseover Javascript

I been researching on Show/Hide javascript and pushed it further with a mouseover effect to achieve what I want. I've set up a Fiddle for better accessibility. However, I now want to push it by having up to 4 different text areas ("Click here for more information"), and each text area would have more hover text as I tried to show in the HTML code itself. The javascript that I used and edited now has "ID"s corresponding to "0" and "1" which wouldnt work for my current HTML code as it has funky names like "uu3308-10" (made with Adobe Muse). Now, I'm wonder what variables would I have to change within the Javascript to make it function properly and is there a way to compile this code so it works with at least 11 other "Click here for more information" points?
Note: The current javascript makes showMoreText2 appear under both showMoreText areas (would like to make only one hover text appear at a time).
Thanks, I hope this was helpful enough. =)
kinda hackish: (see )
window.onload = function() {
var elems1 = document.getElementsByClassName("expander");
for (i = 0; i < elems1.length; i++) {
elems2 = elems1[i].childNodes;
for (x = 0; x < elems2.length; x++) {
if (elems2[x].className == "toggle") elems2[x].onclick = function() {
showMore(0, this);
else if (elems2[x].className == "showMoreText") {
elems2[x].onmouseover = function() {
showChilds("block", this);
elems2[x].onmouseout = function() {
showChilds("none", this);
function get_nextsibling(n) {
x = n.nextSibling;
while (x.nodeType != 1) {
x = x.nextSibling;
return x;
function showChilds(disp, elem) {
get_nextsibling(elem).style.display = disp;
function showMore(disp, elem) {
var children = elem.parentNode.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (disp == 0 && children[i].className == "showMoreText") {
children[i].style.display = children[i].style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";

Clear a non-global timeout launched in jQuery plug-in

I try to set a timeout on an element, fired with a jQuery plugin. This timeout is set again in the function depending on conditions. But, I want to clear this element's timeout before set another (if I relaunch the plug-in), or clear this manually.
<div id="aaa" style="top: 0; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: #ff0000;"></div>
Here's my code (now on
$(function() {
(function($) {
$.fn.myPlugin = function(loops) {
loops = loops === undefined ? 0 : loops;
this.each(function() {
var el = $(this),
loop = loops,
i = 0;
if (loops === false) {
var animate = function() {
var hPos = 0;
hPos = (i * 10) + 'px';
el.css('margin-top', hPos);
if (i < 25) {
} else {
if (loops === 0) {
i = 0;
} else {
if (loop === 0) {
} else {
i = 0;
el.timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000/25);
//$('<img/>').load(function() {
// there's more here but it's not very important
return this;
If I make $('#element').myPlugin();, it's launched. If I make it a second time, there's two timeout on it (see it by doing $('#aaa').myPlugin(0);
in console). And I want to be able to clear this with $('#element').myPlugin(false);.
What am I doing wrong?
SOLVED by setting two var to access this and $(this) here :
try saving the timeout handle as a property of the element. Or maintain a static lookup table that maps elements to their timeout handles.
Something like this:
el.timer = window.setTimeout(...);
I assume you need one timer per element. Not a single timer for all elements.
