Simple simple content slider - javascript

Can some one help?
I am looking for a content slider that can hold images and text and has dot navigation.
I have searched for so many on the net but nothing that is simple.
Guys honestly I have looked and looked, I looked at Questions that may already have been answered. I have also looked at the Similar Questions on the right hand side.
I have found this but i don't want it to whizz back to the first image i want it to be loop.
Please can someone help?

You can try twitter bootstrap carousel
You can download it from this page
Unzip the file, you can either include the whole bootstrap library, which will be in
or just include the carousel only
You will also need to include the jquery library for the bootstrap js to work


jquery to create sliding page in one page?

this website combines many page in one page with sliding, does any body know which javascript or jquery library used for this site ?
Also if you have jquery code for this, I hope you post it as answer
I doubt you'll get the complete jQuery code for another guys hard work on stackoverflow.
But to get you started, here are a few jQuery libraries, that can accomplish this:
jQuery OnePage Scroll
onePage scroll with animations
I think this one comes closest to what you need:
And my favourite (I know, I shouldn't play favourites but it's just too impressive to ignore): impress.js

Debugging/Reformatting a replacement jquery js plugin

In very basic terms, where does someone experienced in HTML, CSS & JS start looking for errors in the formatting of various JS plugins?
For example, I'm working with a couple of different templates that went in tandem with a youtube tutorial on Expression Web 4 from the Timothy Framework series. Now that I've completed the tutorial site design, which included a basic jquery slider and lightbox effect, I'm trying to replace those slider and lightbox effects with a different version. For the question's sake, let's say I'm trying to replace the Magnific-Popup plugin with a Feature-List plugin.
The file structure has been updated with the needed photos and linked correctly. The CSS and JS files are in place and linked correctly. The script activates more or less correctly in any given browser, but the formatting is all off. My text and various images aren't lining up correctly.
I believe there's probably a conflict in the div that contains the Feature-List plugin between the pages main CSS file and the plugin specific css, but I'm hoping someone can give me some general guidance as to where they would start to look to debug/reformat the plugin.
I can copy my code or be more specific, but I'm really looking for just some general thought process ideas.
Thanks in advance!

Jquery Plugin qTip2 is this what is use on

If you go to this website you will notice qTip2 Jquery Plug (the green template theme) .. It is a project called qTip2 Jquery Plugin. It looks similar to Jquery.
Is this what they used for audio player located on top. It looks like they used this Jquery and and implemented JavaScript into qTip2. I was looking to do something similar I noticed that there is 22 JavaScript, 2 CSS, 2 PHP and HTML. One reason to successfully code this, is because trying to achieve a player that hovers above and users can browse around the site and their music is not interrupted. I seen it done with I-frames but that is not going to be acceptable. If you have an Ajax example that would be terrific. I can't find any useful resources relating to an Ajax MP3 player that could be on the top panel. Do you think this will work , am I on the right track?
If you could please provide source code or any resources I would greatly appreciate. Thank you
If you can use html5 that can then have your player in fixed position block element.

How to create 2 Image rotation carousels on the same page using one jquery script file

new to jquery need help please!!... - I'm trying to create two carousels on the home page using the example below but doesn't seem to work.
I realise that the example is using ids, tried to change them to classes but didnt it do much.
An important philosophy in jQuery is "Don't reinvent the wheel."
Just use a plugin for features like this, such as Easy Slider!
Here's a demo of more than one on a single page
Oh, and in the future, be sure to describe what doesn't work as well as your code if you want people to actually be able to help you with your specific problem.

Anyone know how to use the jQuery Gallery View Plugin?

I found the jQuery Gallery View plugin because I was looking for a good way to cycle through pictures including text and one that was well designed. This plugin does not seem to be updated anymore and does not have much documentation so I am having difficulties implementing it. Does anyone have an idea as to how it works?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Heres the code I have now (of course with the pictures at the right locations just not possible to attach in jsfiddle):
Here's a start.
I'm taking a total guess at what your markup is supposed to be, because you were missing a bunch of </div> (close div) tags.
Things I had to change to get it this far:
Download, and from that file...
Paste in contents of galleryview.css and jquery.galleryview-2.1.1js into the fiddle (normally you'd do this with proper external scripts and stylesheets)
Fix the markup so that all those <div class="panel"> tags are properly closed
Get a copy of jquery.timers-1.1.2.js onto the page
Step 2: got the loader image working by hosting the loader.gif file on imgur and editing the CSS accordingly.
Themes are tougher, because apparently, this genius™ plugin tries to figure out where your themes are hosted based on the location of the <script> tag which was used to load the galleryview plugin code. Absolute genius... </sarcasm>
Check it out →
no more image 404s. Loaded next.gif, prev.gif, panel-nav-next.gif, and panel-nav-prev.gif onto imgur so that jsfiddle can actually get the images.
I had to actually edit the plugin source for this one; if your server has the directory structure that galleryview expects, this should not be necessary.
Now here's the thing
You could keep wrestling with this plugin.
Or, you could use a different one, like Galleria. As far as I can tell from the example you've been trying to assemble, Galleria does all the same stuff. Since Galleria is actively maintained, you should actually be able to use it with a reasonably recent version of jQuery, as well as actually get support for it from the developer.
Get the latest version of jquery gallery view here:
Then following on from that:
$('#photos .filmstrip').galleryView({
panel_width: 800,
panel_height: 300,
frame_width: 100,
frame_height: 100
