How to create horizontal div moving [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to know please, how to create a div moving horizontal.
For ex:
Are there many prepered div which moving by .animate() function?
I want to understand how does it works.
Thanks guys.

animate function simply changes continually css values.
left: '+=500', // move 500px to the right
}, 5000, function() {
// Animation complete.


how to change class name at run time for particular div [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i need to change the class name at the run time for the particular div and this one is also supports for image preview using JQuery. . .
$("#YourDivID").attr('class', 'NewClassName');
Try This One
$('.button').click(function () {
$("#Div").attr('class', 'CssName');

Show ribbon banner on scroll [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any way to display an image when the user has scrolled, say 100 pixels down on your webpage? We'd like something similar to the 'request a quote ribbon' here and we want that image to show up only when the user has scrolled a little bit down the page, is this possible?
Thanks in advance
Try this fiddle:
window.onscroll = function (e) {
var Wposition = window.pageYOffset
var Dposition = document.getElementById('red').offsetTop;
var diff=Dposition-Wposition;

Autoexpand vertically when user scrolls down [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want a site that adds square div boxes sized 100px x 100px when the user scrolls down on the page. Inspiration:
Just code along these lines
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
$('body').append($('<div class="b100x100"/>'));
//append more here
this handler should be put in your page initialization code.
For better approaches, look here:
There are also plenty of different answers to similar questions on SO.

Image fade-in when webpage finishes loading [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to have the elements (all in div and img tags) fade in when the webpage loads.
Right now I have the images set to change to a different image onmouseover so I don't want the code for the fade in to interfere with this at all.
If you can help with the code for the fade-in it would be great if you could help identify what parts of the code I can change to change the speed of the fade-in or anything like that.
Thank you so much!!
If you use jQuery it would be something like this:
$("myElement").show("fade", 400);
In jQuery do something simple like :
In your CSS doe something like this:
opacity: 0;

Script throws confirmation window which not needed. How to delete? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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Good day developers. I have script right here: [].
This script always throws confirmation window, it every time pop up on the middle of the screen when I select something. How to prevent window to pop up???
Remove the alert...
remove it from your code:
