Can I use javascript to write xml files, or will I have to learn php/asp/mysql/something else? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I understand this question has been asked before, but I couldn't think of a simple definition of my problem to put in it's place. I am learning to do this informally, so I'm not exactly sure how to phrase questions/search for answers yet.
I'm trying to build a simple checklist program as I learn javascript - I'm doing this by hand without using any libraries (so no jQuery, just basic javascript). I have a functioning DOM interface getting formatted by CSS, all running in and editing the contents of a <div>, so that side of things seems fine.
I'm testing this off of my HDD and have no intention of hosting it anywhere.
Currently, I'm trying to solve my data storage problem without installing php/mysql/apache. I'd like to have each task list nested "subtasks" when selected, with one level of nesting.
To do this I'd like to create a new XML file every time I create a new task, and then append it's information to a list file (list.xml) so that I can navigate list.xml to dynamically display all the current primary tasks.
I've since learned that you cannot simply create new .xml files with javascript alone, for security reasons. While this makes sense, I'm now looking for other solutions.
What is the simplest way to store this information as it's entered? One solution I've considered is having just one XML file (so I always know what to point the script to), and using "<id>" nodes to slave subtasks to their respective primaries. This would, however, create a very long and disorganized XML file that would become cumbersome and annoying to traverse, forcing me to write a tricky method for looping through it.
Should I continue as I am to simply complete the project and help lock in my skills (it will be my first complete "program" with a gui of any kind that wasn't dictated by a guide or lesson), or should I bite the bullet and go through the annoying php install (I did this on my last tower and it was a frustrating time-consuming mess) and learn php/mysql/apache for all the server-side nonsense?
sry about tl;dr please help my pynchonesque code masters will kill me

You can't do much in web programming with only user side. Sooner or later you will have to learn also server side. And installing PHP is not so annoying. You can use wamp server. It has very simple installation.

If you're learning Javascript, I'd recommend staying with Javascript (don't jump over to PHP or some such just because it'll save you 5 minutes in configuration).
There are a number of really nice Javascript serverside frameworks that will happily write files to the file system or talk to a database for you. Node.js is currently the most popular. I don't want to start a flame war about how or why Node is superior to PHP, I'm simply saying that if you're a beginner, I wouldn't mix apples and oranges and just stay within one language.


Convert a Qt C++ application to a web app [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wrote an application which connects to a MySQL database and queries/adds/deletes data in Qt Framework. I want to convert to a web application run inside a browser. I have some experience in PHP and I could code the whole app in it, but I have a problem: I would be forced to reload the page every time when I want to do something with the database. I want to make something like Facebook/GMail/Facebook Messenger where accessing a database is achieved without reloading the whole page. This is the part which I never done before.
I have some questions about this:
What are the JavaScript libraries out there which I could use?
What is the appropriate way to do this: create a backend which is between the web app and the database, or connect to the database directly?
I don't necessarily need to stick to that languages, I'm open to new technologies, programming languages.
Based on suggestions and my own research I found two technologies which I think I could use: AJAX and PHP(thanks to Hugo Dias) or NodeJS. I didn't wrote any code yet, so which of them would be better for my app? A little more information: this app will used by only the small number of users at the same time, like max 10.
You need to use a web server, for eg. Apache Tomcat. If you want to keep your code in c++, you could convert it into a CGI. Otherwise, you can use java servlets or JSP along with JDBC. You can set it up so that when a button is clicked the CGI script is triggered and the database queries are run.
Short answer:
Yes,there are libraries that helps you with that.
JQuery and PrototypeJS are some of them.
There are some ways of do this, but in any way,you need of a Backend. It's inherent in architecture of Web(Client-Server).
Long answer:
Yes,there are ways of do that. What you're looking for is called AJAX(and stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).
AJAX is a technics that gathers some technologies like XHR and Javascript, mainly.
It allows you work with asynchronous requests,what basically lets you update your page without reload it.
You'll find extensive documentation here about it,and here a simple example with PHP.
The architecture of App is of your choice. Under the Client-Server architecture,you can apply what is best for you,since a monolithic system until a MVC or MVVM pattern.

Can I make a online game using javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm wondering in making an online easy game that runs on the browser and all I wanna know is: if I want two players to play one against the other one, online, can I make this game using HTML for the front-end and javascript to the backend rules of the gmae or do I have to use a server-side language, such as PHP for the to make one player playing against another one?
Today I know how vague this question is, and I'm trying to fix it.
Actually I was looking for experience with other developers and I was a complete newbie. I would like to close this topic, but I can't. I apologize for wasting your time.
Believe it or not, but Javascript is also a server side language. I suggest looking into node.js. Node.js will allow you to write all of your server-side logic in Javascript, while leaving you to write your front-end logic with whatever you see fit (read: HTML and Javascript)
This tutorial might be of interest to you. It uses web sockets + node.js to create a real-time multiplayer game.
maybe you think creating game is simple especially online game !.
it is not simple ! and you need more than javascript. firstly you need create a framework and you can write by php. also you will need creating a database and graphic designer. if you can do all these you can start to write on a game engine like unity3d unreal game engine or blender. however this job will take too much time. if you create a group and work togather maybe you can create an amazing game shortly

MySQL vs JSON vs Firebase as a database option [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am currently developing a site to track credits gained from exams, and how these stack up against the user's goal credits.
I know JavaScript fairly well, but don't know any PHP.
What would be the best option to use as a database? Please, I am a beginner and I will be getting answers from advanced programmers. To me, your opinions count so please don't close this as asking for opinions.
I could use this on a PHP site, but it would involve me learning PHP. What are the benefits and would they outweigh the hassle of learning a whole new language?
Would it work if I used JSON files for data storage, and used xmlHttpRequest() to read and write information?
Would Firebase work as a fully operating database?
If you know javasript very well and aren't willing to learn a new server side language, I would recommend using Firebase. They way it works is very similar to if you had built your own REST api and just made ajax calls to it.
I wouldnt recommend using json to store data. Anytime you want to read there would be more data sent over the network than necessary and when you get enough data it would be impractical. Databases exist to avoid storing data in a file and simply reading/writing to the file.
Using php wouldnt be the best idea. It is a very powerful language, but it is incredibly easy to write major bugs with it. If you were to use it I would recommend learning a web framework because it would fix most of the bugs that you would write yourself. Heres a list of a bunch of php frameworks I think that there would be more benefits to you actually learning php. For starters, every developer should have more than 1 language in their toolbox. You should be able to approach a problem and know what the best way to solve it is and that starts with the exposure to different languages and technologies. Learning another language will take a decent amount of time, but you will get much more out of it than releasing your site a little bit earlier.
So to sum it up, I would use php(or any other scripting language for that matter) with a web framework. Your site would be more secure with the web framework and you will become a much better, more valuable developer by taking the time to learn something new.

Is it worth of learning cfclient API for mobile application development? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am ColdFusion developer working in ColdFusion since last 2 years. Recently before few weeks i have started learning cfclient API of ColdFusion Splendor as I am always interested in Mobile application development. But today after reading comments on the blog
I am in big dilemma, Is it worth of spending time for learning cfclient. Some of conclusions that I found after reading the comments on the blog are.
Adobe never have a good track record on generating JS. They generate very ugly looking js.
cfform and cfgrid were introduced with some client side functionality.But now a days no one loves to use it because they have not been updated since long and we can get more flexibility using custom js library.The same may happen to cfclient.
It's a crappy decision from Adobe to focus on mobile application development instead of making the server side language more robust and fixing old bugs.
cfclient inspires the developers not to learn JavaScript.
Adobe is trying to solve a problem that does not exist.
I think you've answered your own question here, to be honest: don't waste your time.
Basically <cfclient> is, by Adobe's own admission, just a hook into the language to tell how the compiler should treat the code: translating it into JavaScript instead of compiling it to bytecode like with normal CFML. And it's a really crap way of achieving that.
The other reason is that they couldn't work out how to implement the hooks into ColdFusion Builder to make all its mobile-dev workflow work.
Another problem is that the Adobe guys are just... not any good at writing anything other than Java. This has been borne out by every single foray into anything other than Java that they write (this includes CFML, incidentally: they can't even write that).
So do you really want journeymen developers who aren't comfortable in the language writing wizards to write your JS for you? No.
Do yourself a favour, and just learn to do it properly. <cfclient> is just an example of Adobe having not learned their lessons over the years after all the <cfform>, AJAX-enabled layout widgets like <cfpod>, and Flash forms. They have never had the skillset to do this work properly, so don't put yourself at their mercy.
Oh, and I'm also voting to close the question as it's not one that can be answered objectively.
This is my take on it
Even if it were good approach today, it is not future proof. New browsers will come, new javascript features will come. I fear that this won't move ahead.
I could not agree more
And some of the existing bugs really need to be addressed.
<cfclient> asserts that client side development should be in cfml. IMHO, Coffeescript covers some of those concerns.
There is a demand for Mobile friendly websites. If I had to pick ONE thing to move ColdFusion forward in this arena it would be: Can we get the JSON functions to work right
There are many ways that Adobe could have moved forward on the mobile application front. If they promoted various community based solutions that would be useful. I know Bootstrap + FW/1 + ColdFusion. But I don't know PhoneGap/Cordova + ColdFusion. I would be good to see those work together.
True, But if you're using CFClient, you're not wanting to write JS anyway, so what do you care what it looks like on the client.
I believe Adobe has promised that we would be able to update the core underpinnings of CFClient (probably PhoneGap/Cordova) and other JS libraries.
I don't know about inspires.
I disagree here. I'd love for a way to quickly deploy to mobile.
PS> I'm sure since this question isn't code related, it will get downvoted / deleted; Might be a better topic for the CF-Talk mailing list or some ColdFusion forum somewhere.

What type of data management system should I use for a OOP Javascript web application? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm in the process of building and designing my first Javascript OOP web application and I'm wondering what kind of data structure / management system would be best to use. I know the interaction between Javascript and XML is good and fairly easy, but XML isn't meant to be used as a database.
Is it better to form a combination of both? Have a server-side language (PHP) generate XML and have it then be read by JS?
Or am I heading in the wrong direction with this?
Javascript itself doesn't do needs a helper like PHP, .net, or Java. It can traverse XML or JSON just fine like you say, but sending colossal XML documents with all possible data when only small amounts of the data is actually required will lead to massive overhead that will bring your app to its knees. It's the definition of lack-of-scalability.
My personal preference is JQuery Ajax talking to a PHP backend (transactions via JSON). If I'm dealing with the presentation of large datasets I'll always page the information server-side and pipeline it (load data ahead of and behind the current view to reduce transactions), and usually present in via jQuery DataTables. Grids are always your friend with large amounts of data. Again, personal preference, but I make heavy use of jQuery UI for layout and presentation, and I do write custom Javascript for the "nifty" one-off type things that come up. Again, any server language you have access to and are comfortable with will suffice, as Javascript is language agnostic.
Javascript can get out of hand in a hurry. I'd recommend that unless you have a ton of time on your hands that you focus on clean presentation via something baseline like HTML with judicious use of Javascript and CSS for progressive enhancement. Think about the user before you go crazy with motion, dynamic elements, etc. Don't forget the old adage, "80% of the people only use 20% of the functionality" Nail that 20% cleanly before going to town on flashy javascript fluff. Your users will thank you!
JSON is by far the fastest to parse, since it IS JavaScript.
Application frameworks like EXT.JS are already doing this with great success.
