Wrap link <a> around <div> - javascript

Is it possible to wrap an <a> tag around <div>s like so:
<a href=etc etc>
<div class="layout">
<div class="title">
Video Type
<div class="description">Video description</div>
Eclipse is telling me the div's are in the wrong place?
If this is not allowed. How can I make the entire 'layout' class become a link?

That structure would be valid in HTML5 since in HTML5 anchors can wrap almost any element except for other anchors and form controls. Most browsers nowadays have support for this and will parse the code in the question as valid HTML. The answer below was written in 2011, and may be useful if you're supporting legacy browsers (*cough* Internet Explorer *cough*).
Older browsers without HTML5 parsers (like, say, Firefox 3.6) will still get confused over that, and possibly mess up the DOM structure.
Three options for HTML4 - use all inline elements:
<a href=etc etc>
<span class="layout">
<span class="title">
Video Type
<span class="description">Video description</span>
Then style with display: block
Use JavaScript and :hover:
<div class="layout">
<div class="title">
Video Type
<div class="description">Video description</div>
And (assuming jQuery)
// Do something
.layout:hover {
// Hover effect
Or lastly use absolute positioning to place an a anchor with CSS to cover the whole of .layout
<div class="layout">
<div class="title">
Video Type
<div class="description">Video description</div>
<a class="more_link" href="somewhere">More information</a>
And CSS:
.layout {
position: relative;
.layout .more_link {
position: absolute;
display: block;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
text-indent: -9999px;
z-index: 1000;
This won't work with older versions of IE, of course.

While the <a> tag is not allowed to contain <div> element, it is allowed to contain other inline elements such as <span>.
When I encountered the problem i swapped the div tag with a <span>. Since the span tag is an inline element, you need to apply a display:block to the css of your <span> element, in order to make it behave like the <div> block element.
This should be valid xhtml and does not require any javascript.
Here's an example:
<a href="#">
<span style="display:block">
Some content. Maybe some other span elements, or images.

Another simple solution - just add an onclick event handler to the div thusly:
<div class="layout" onclick="location.href='somewhere'">
<div class="title">
Video Type
<div class="description">Video description</div>
This works great for me but there is one small gotcha. I'm not sure how search engine friendly this is. I fear that google's web crawlers might not find this link so I also tend to include a traditional A HREF link somewhere in the block like this:
<div class="layout" onclick="location.href='destination_url'">
<div class="title">
Video Type
<div class="description">Video description</div>
This is a link

Timothy's solution is correct ... instead of wrapping an anchor around a div ... you simply give layout to the anchor element with display:block and add the size and width of the anchor ...
.div_class { width: 100px; height: 100px; }
.div_class a { width: 100px; height: 100px; display: block; }
<div class='div_class'></div>

HTML provides two general elements, where div is a natural block element, and span is a natural inline element. All other elements are similarly assigned to be a natural block or inline.
Now, while both can be made by css display to be any of inline, inline-block or block, they are still treated for enclosure purposes as their natural selves, hence the warning messages. Leopards and spots sort of thing.
However, css is only meant to be for making what an element looks like (presentation), but not actually be like (functionality), so it doesn't change an element's basic nature, though that gets very fuzzy in practice. A span made block becomes a bully that kicks everything else off the line, which is very un-inline sort of behaviour.
So, to mitigate against possible conflicts between their natural and css-induced behaviours, it is better to allow:
div or any natural block tag to only ever be block or inline-block.
span or any natural inline tag to only ever be inline or inline-block.
This will also mitigate against tending to build page structures that will likely end up churning out error and warning messages.
Basically, NEVER embed a natural block tag inside a natural inline tag, at any depth.
Why there is a really a distinction is perhaps due to a simplistic idea of what HTML was going to be used for when it was first dreamed up.
Certainly, framework makers got around a lot of these what-to-embed-where problems by just using myriads of divs everywhere, and 'divitis' was born, and still alive and well in every framework. Just have to press F12 in a browser on almost any commercial web page and drill down through a dozen divs. This very page has 15 unbroken levels of divs.
It is not hard to see why just settling on divs made sense. For example, a p tag may have a bunch of links to various sites, and that is ok because inline links are allowed in a block p. However, if not wanting to have query variables visible in those urls, then buttons are required. If only one, then the p can be put inside a form, as a p cannot contain a form.
The formaction attribute on a button can be used to target a url other than the form default, but it still does not allow independent forms, each with their own set of hidden inputs. A button can use the form attribute to use it with a form that isn't an ancestor, but it can get messy to keep track of.
For multiple links to different sites to appear as part of one paragraph though, the only way is to use a div instead of the p and then wrap each button in its own form set to inline. Most frameworks have to cope with so much more complex scenarios that nested divs are the only way to go.
It meant that they really only had to manage one tag per purpose and manage it as if it was an isolated environment. So what was meant to be an occasionally-used functional grouping tag became the web's Lego block. And none of them are going to risk breaking their frameworks by converting to HTML5 semantic tags in a hurry. In the end, semantic tags only really work for fairly static content rather than rich interactive sites.

I had tried to create custom solution using jQuery, which would imitate same behavior as a tag does, for parent DIV.
As per W3C standard, you cannot do this:
<div class="boxes">
<a href="http://link1.com" target="_blank">
<div class="box">
<h3>Link with _blank attr</h3>
You must follow this:
<div class="boxes">
<div class="box">
Link with _blank attr
But by following above code, you wouldn't get the whole DIV clickable :).
Correct structure should be something like this, which also allows you to click over the DIV to redirect on the given href value:
<div class="boxes" data-href="http://link1.com" data-target="_blank">
<div class="box">
Link with _blank attr
Simple Solution:
$(function() {
$('.boxes a').each(function(){
var aTag = $(this).attr('href');
$("[data-href]").click(function() {
window.location.href = $(this).attr("data-href");
return false;
Dynamic Solution:
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.dataURL = function() {
// variables
var el = $(this);
var aTag = el.find('a');
var aHref;
var aTarget;
// get & set attributes
aTag.each(function() {
var aHref = $(this).attr('href');
aTarget = $(this).attr('target');
// imitation - default attributes' behavior on "data-" attributes
$(el).delegate('[data-href]','click', function() {
var loc = window.location.href;
loc = $(this).attr("data-href");
aTarget = $(this).attr('data-target');
if(aTarget == "_blank"){
} else {
window.location = loc;
return false;
//removing attributes from selector itself
// css
}( jQuery ));
Final call:
Hope this would be helpful :)

You would just want to style the "a" tag as display: block;
Eclipse is appropriately telling you that your HTML is not to spec (as a div tag is not allowed in an anchor tag).
But, since you seem to want to be visually making the anchor look like a big-ol-box, then simply style it as such :)

One easy way to make the div a link/clickable is by using html javascript onclick attribute:
<div class="clickable-div" onclick="location.href='#';"><div> ... </div></div>


After appending content from localStorage to div scripts doesn't work anymore

When page loads my code reads LocalStorage and retrieves saved value. Then it appends that value to DIV element within page.
Thus far it works, but clicking on sort-link-css elements won't trigger script. If I remove appended DIV and use original code, then all scripts work perfectly.
HTML in beginning:
<div id="thisclone">
// Lot of code
Setting variable in LocalStorage:
$('.region-checkboxes').click(function(e) {
var menu = $("#thisclone").html();
localStorage.menu = menu
HTML that is saved in LocalStorage:
<div class="row select-row" style="margin-bottom:5px !important;">
<div class="sort-link-css" id="to-hide" style="background: url("/assets/blue-up.png") 93px 11px no-repeat;">
<a class="sort_link desc" data-method="get" data-remote="true" href="http://www..eu/lv?q%5Bs%5D=height+asc">AUGUMS</a>
<span class="num">1</span>
<div class="sort-link-css" style="background: url("/assets/down.png") 93px 11px no-repeat;">
<a class="sort_link" data-method="get" data-remote="true" href="/lv?q%5Bs%5D=age+desc">VECUMS</a>
<span class="num">0</span>
<div class="sort-link-css" style="background: url("/assets/down.png") 93px 11px no-repeat;">
<a class="sort_link" data-method="get" data-remote="true" href="/lv?q%5Bs%5D=votes_for.size+desc">PATĪK</a>
<span class="num">0</span>
Then at the top of page I am reading localStorage and appending it to DIV:
var fromstorage = localStorage.getItem('menu');
Visually, newly appended div looks exactly like the starting one. But functionally, simple scripts doesn't work anymore.
Script example:
$('.sort-link-css > a').click(function(e) {
This is just one script that doesn't work.But basically, every script associated to newly appended div doesn't work anymore. Script start to working again if I remove newly appended div and use original div.
I tried:
var fromstorage = localStorage.getItem('menu');
$(fromstorage).clone().appendTo( ".menu-dupl" );
But still the same problem.
Thanks in advance for any help.
After briefly reviewing your question, I've noticed the following:
I'm not overly concerned about this particular line because you stated that the menu renders correctly but I didn't notice this class while inspecting your code snippets
Potential issue with your script
$('.sort-link-css > a').click(function() { alert("Test") })
It is possible that jQuery is not able to find the right elements on the DOM
When you do this $('sort-link-css > a), you're stating that you want to bind this event on <a></a> elements that are direct children of .sort-link-css
Now the potential issue might come into play when you append the menu on to another element. It is possible that this operation is making it difficult for jQuery to correctly identify the correct selectors
Could you try to log out the jQuery expression after you append the menu?
In chrome debugger console, enter the following after the page loads: $(".sort-link-css > a")
This should log out all of the matched elements. If it is undefined, try to rework your jQuery selector to correctly identify those elements

Remove style attribute from all descendants in jquery

I'm brand new to javascript/jquery, but have been going okay so far (though you'd hate to see my code), but I've hit a wall with trying to strip out style tags from some HTML I'm trying to clone.
The reason for cloning is that the CMS I'm forced to use (which I don't have access to code behind, only able to add code over the top) automatically builds a top nav, and I want to add a duplicate sticky nav once the user scrolls, but also add a couple of elements to the scrolled version.
The original HTML of the top nav looks a bit like like:
<nav id="mainNavigation" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index">
<div class="index" style="margin-right: 80px;">
<div class="index active" style="margin-left: 80px;">
<a class="active" href="/about/">About</a>
<div class="external">
<div class="index">
I had mild success (other than those style tags I want to remove) with the following, even though it doesn't seem to make sense to me, as I expected some of the elements would be repeated (the whole < nav >…< /nav > tag should have been within the #mainNavigation clone, no?):
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().html();
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
' + originalNavItems + '
<div class="newItem">
<a href="http://www.externalsite.com">
View on External Site
I've tried to use a few answers from related questions on here, but I keep getting incorrect results. Can you help me?
You can strip the style elements like so:
var el = $('#mainNavigation'); // or whatever
You can use
var originalNavItems = $('#mainNavigation').clone().find("*").removeAttr("style");
Then you can use .append() to add that html elements
You can clone into an imaginary div and then fetch the mainNavigation also. You can also remove the style attributes along with that. Hope this works for you...
var temp = $('<div />').html($('#mainNavigation').clone());
originalNavItems = temp.html();
The nav is cloned but the html() function only returns the HTML for the contents and that's why it disappears. You can avoid some string manipulation by adding the cloned element directly before a target element.
<div id="ScrollNavWrapper">
<div class="nav-wrapper show-on-scroll" id="mainNavWrapper">
<nav id="newScrolledNav" style="white-space: normal; display: block;">
<div class="index home">
<div class="newItem">
<a href="http://www.externalsite.com">
View on External Site
.insertBefore('#newScrolledNav .newItem');
In the previous case find('[style]') matches elements that have a style attribute.
I'm new to Stack Overflow (and js in general), so this might be really bad ettiquette, but I seem to have accidentally fixed it myself trying to debug my implementation of the first upvoted answer that #Anoop Joshi gave above. Please comment and let me know if it would have been better to just edit my question!
I decided to break the process down into separate steps – similar to #Kiran Reddy's response actually, but I hadn't got to trying his yet.
I tried:
var styledHTML = $('#mainNavigation').clone();
var originalNavItems = styledHTML.html();
$("#site").prepend('<div… etc.
with a console.log(styledHTML) etc under each line to check what I had at each stage – and it worked! (The code did, console.log didn't?)
I was just doing this to try and log the value of the variables at each stage, but whatever I did fixed it…
Now I need to figure out why I can't even make console.log(variable); work :-/
Try this code
Hope this will help you.

Trying to traverse the DOM so unique video will play when certain div is clicked

So, I have a requirement for dynamically generated content blocks on a page. These blocks have a thumbnail and when it is clicked, it should open a modal, and display an unique overlay window, as well as as the unique associated video.
I am trying to write some generic JavaScript that will traverse the DOM tree properly, so that when any particular thumbnail is clicked, a modal, the associated overlay, and the associated video will open.
Here is an example of what I have now (there are many of these, dynamically added):
<div class="block">
<div class="thumbnail">
//Thumbnail image
<p>Video Description</p>
<div class="window hide">
<div class="video hide">
//Video content
<div id="modal" class="hide"></div>
and after attempting to do a bunch of different things, I ended up trying to do something like this for the JavaScript, which doesn't work:
CSS is very basic:
.hide { display: none; }
.show { display: block; }
Trying to make the click function generic as possible so it would work on any .thumbnail that was clicked. I've also interchanged find(".window") and children(".window") but nothing happens. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Depending on what you actually want your classes to be, I'd use this code:
$(".thumbnail").on("click", function () {
var $block = $(this).closest(".block");
$block.find(".window, .video").add("#modal").removeClass("hide").addClass("show");
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/gLMSF/ (using different, yet similar code)
It actually finds the right elements, based on the clicked .thumbnail. It finds its containing .block element, then looks at its descendants to find the .window and .video elements.
If you actually want to include . in your attributes, you need to escape them for jQuery selection.
As for styling, you should probably just have the styling be display: block; by default, and then toggle the hide class. It's less work, and makes more sense logically.
You have a huge issue with your class names in HTML:
<div class=".block">
it should be
<div class="block">
Your modal is the only one that has the class properly named. Your DOM traversals will not work because they are looking for "block" but it's called ".block"
So fix it all to this and you should find more success:
<div class="block">
<div class="thumbnail">
//Thumbnail image
<p>Video Description</p>
<div class="window hide">
<div class="video hide">
//Video content
<div id="modal" class="hide"></div>
Your code won't work because your selectors have periods (.) in your classes if that's actually what you want, you should try it like this:
Otherwise just try removing the periods from the classes...
Also, you're using .closest() incorrectly, as it looks up through ancestors in the DOM tree...
You should change your code to:

How do I target an <a> inside a <div>?

I have this code : http://jsfiddle.net/Qchmqs/BSKrG/
<div class="step"><-- this is darned wrong
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div class="step"><-- this works fine
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a>
The first block is three links inside three separate divs inside a surrounding div
The bottom block has the links inside one parent div
I am trying to change the background of an active link, but it won't turn off in the upper block.
The script works well with the bottom links but not working as expected with the upper ones
PS : The active class should be toggled only from the Links i have a lot of other scripts in the page that uses the .active links from this list.
For starters, do what JamesJohnson said and remove the multiple IDs. They can only cause you problems down the road.
In the upper links, the a tags aren't siblings because you put each one in its own div. So you need to do this to remove classes from the other as:
Unfortunately, that breaks the functionality on the lower links. You can achieve success in both places by adding andSelf to the parent siblings:
It's not working on the upper ones because you're assigning the same id to the divs. You should probably use the class attribute instead:
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
After making the above changes, you should be able to do this:
$(".step2 a").text("Hello World!");
maybe this:
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
Using radio inputs you can create this effect without any JS at all, which degrades gracefully from its intended appearance (a red backgrounded "damn") to damn with radios next to it (sending the same information).
ironically, this example at JSfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/YvQdj/
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work in older versions of IE without some finagling.

jquery mutually exclusive click

I have 3 divs with 2 possible image tags for each (active or inactive). If one div is clicked to be active the other divs must be set to inactive. How do I accomplish this with img tags and what happens if user has javascript disable?
Do you mean something like this?
<div class="block" id="block1">
<img src='inactive_block1.jpg'>
<div class="block" id="block2">
<img src='inactive_block2.jpg'>
<div class="block" id="block3">
<img src='inactive_block3.jpg'>
Using a library like jQuery, the javascript would look like:
$(function() {
$('.block').click(function() {
$('#block1').find('img').attr('src', 'inactive_block1.jpg');
$('#block2').find('img').attr('src', 'inactive_block2.jpg');
$('#block3').find('img').attr('src', 'inactive_block3.jpg');
$(this).find('img').attr('src', 'active_' + $(this).attr('id') + '.jpg');
With the above, if you have inactive_block1.jpg, inactive_block2.jpg, inactive_block3.jpg and active_block1.jpg, active_block2.jpg and active_block3.jpg you should get what you want.
It's up to you whether its worth it or not to have javascript disabled fallbacks, mostly depending on whether you expect a large amount of your audience to have javascript disabled.
if a user has JavaScript disabled, there is nothing you can do that is JavaScript-based to deal with dynamically modifying the page. The only other option you have is to create a "deprecated" version of your functionality that requires a page request after each click.
I would recommend researching how to dynamically add/remove classes from elements in the DOM, that is how I would approach this problem. You could easily do a jQuery select for all elements who are "active" on click and set a "disabled" class on them, that way you are essentially blacking out everything except the element you've clicked.
Does that make sense?
