Stop mobile network proxy from injecting JavaScript - javascript

I am using a mobile network based internet connection and the source code is being rewritten when they present the site to the end user.
In the localhost my website looks fine, but when I browse the site from the remote server via the mobile network connection the site looks bad.
Checking the source code I found a piece of JavaScript code is being injected to my pages which is disabling the some CSS that makes site look bad.
I don't want image compression or bandwidth compression instead of my well-designed CSS.
How can I prevent or stop the mobile network provider (Vodafone in this case) from proxy injecting their JavaScript into my source code?

You can use this on your pages. It still compresses and put everything inline but it wont break scripts like jquery because it will escape everything based on W3C Standards
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
On your server you can set the cahce control
"Cache-Control: no-transform"
This will stop ALL modifications and present your site as it is!
Reference docs here
Web site exhibits JavaScript error on iPad / iPhone under 3G but not under WiFi

You're certainly not the first. Unfortunately many wireless ISPs have been using this crass and unwelcome approach to compression. It comes from Bytemobile.
What it does is to have a proxy recompress all images you fetch smaller by default (making image quality significantly worse). Then it crudely injects a script into your document that adds an option to load the proper image for each recompressed image. Unfortunately, since the script is a horribly-written 1990s-style JS, it craps all over your namespace, hijacks your event handlers and stands a high chance of messing up your own scripts.
I don't know of a way to stop the injection itself, short of using HTTPS. But what you could do is detect or sabotage the script. For example, if you add a script near the end of the document (between the script inclusion and the inline script trigger) to neuter the onload hook it uses:
<script type="text/javascript">
bmi_SafeAddOnload= function() {};
then the script wouldn't run, so your events and DOM would be left alone. On the other hand the initial script would still have littered your namespace with junk, and any markup problems it causes will still be there. Also, the user will be stuck with the recompressed images, unable to get the originals.
You could try just letting the user know:
<script type="text/javascript">
if ('bmi_SafeAddOnload' in window) {
var el= document.createElement('div'); 'dashed red 2px';
'Warning. Your wireless ISP is using an image recompression system '+
'that will make pictures look worse and which may stop this site '+
'from working. There may be a way for you to disable this feature. '+
'Please see your internet provider account settings, or try '+
'using the HTTPS version of this site.'
document.body.insertBefore(el, document.body.firstChild);

I'm suprised no one has put this as answer yet. The real solution is:
This is the only way to stop ISPs (or anyone else) from inspecting all your traffic, snooping on your visitors, and modifying your website in flight.
With the advent of Let's Encrypt, getting a certificate is now free and easy. There's really no reason not to use HTTPS in this day and age.
You should also use a combination of redirects and HSTS to keep all of your users on HTTPS.

You provider might have enabled a Bytemobile Unison feature called "clientless personalization". Try accessing the fixed URL - if it's configured, you will end up on a page which will offer you to disable all feature you don't like. Including Javascript injection.
Good luck!

If you're writing you own websites, adding a header worked for me:
Header("Cache-Control: no-transform");
Be sure to use it before any data has been sent to the browser.

I found a trick. Just add:
More information (in German):

BMI js it's not only on Vodafone. Verginmedia UK and T-Mobile UK also gives you this extra feature enabled as default and for free. ;-)
In T-mobile it's called "Mobile Broadband Accelerator"
You can Visit:
to configure it.
In case the above doesn't apply to you or for some reason it's not an option
you could potentially set-up your local proxy (Polipo w/wo Tor)
There is also a Firefox addon called "blocksite"
or as more drastic approach reset tcp connection to on your firewall.
But unfortunately that wouldn't fix the damage.
Funny enough T-mobile and Verginmedia mobile/broadband support is not aware about this feature! (2011.10.11)

PHP: Header("Cache-Control: no-transform"); Thanks!
I'm glad I found this page.
That Injector script was messing up my php page source code making me think I made an error in my php coding when viewing the page source. Even though the script was blocked with firefox NoScript add on. It was still messing up my code.
Well, after that irritating dilemma, I wanted to get rid of it completely and not just block it with adblock or noscript firefox add ons or just on my php page.
STOP http:// Completely in Firefox: Get the add on: Modify
Go to the modify header add on options... now on the Header Tab.
Select Action: Choose ADD.
For Header Name type in: cache-control
For Header Value type in: no-transform
For Comment type in: Block
Click add... Then click Start.
The script will not be injected into any more pages! yeah!
I no longer see being blocked by NoScript. cause it's not there. yeah.
But I will still add: PHP: Header("Cache-Control: no-transform"); to my php pages.

If you are getting it on a site that you own or are developing, then you can simply override the function by setting it to null. This is what worked for me just fine.
bmi_SafeAddOnload = null;
As for getting it on other sites you visit, then you could probably open the devtools console and just enter that into there and wipe it out if a page is taking a long time to load. Haven't yet tested that though.

Ok nothing working to me. Then i replace image url every second because when my DOM updates, the problem is here again. Other solution is only use background style auto include in pages. Nothing is clean.
setInterval(function(){ imageUpdate(); }, 1000);
function imageUpdate() {
var image = document.querySelectorAll("img");
for (var num = 0; num < image.length; num++) {
if (stringBeginWith(image[num].src, "***yourfoldershere***")) {
var str=image[num].src;
var res=str.replace("***yourfoldershere***", "");
image[num].src = res;
console.log("replace"+str+" by "+res);
other solution is to push img src in data-src and push after dom loading all your data-src in your img src
var data-str=image[num].data-src;
image[num].src = data-str;
function stringEndsWith(string, suffix) {
return string.indexOf(suffix, string.length - suffix.length) !== -1
function stringBeginWith(string, prefix) {
return string.indexOf(prefix, prefix.length-string.length) !== -1

An effective solution that I found was to edit your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Unix/Linux type systems, C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc on Windows) to have:
Which effectively maps all requests to to null. Tested with my Crazy Johns (owned by Vofafone) mobile broadband. If your provider uses a different IP address for the injected script, just change it to that IP.

Header("Cache-Control: no-transform");
use the above php code in your each php file and you will get rid of code injection.
That's all.
I too was suffering from same problem, now it is rectified. Give a try.

I added to /etc/hosts localhost
Seems to have fixed it.


a website that is blocked from being embedded in an iFrame. I need a legal workaround that allows me to post my store on my website [duplicate]

I am developing a web page that needs to display, in an iframe, a report served by another company's SharePoint server. They are fine with this.
The page we're trying to render in the iframe is giving us X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN which causes the browser (at least IE8) to refuse to render the content in a frame.
First, is this something they can control or is it something SharePoint just does by default? If I ask them to turn this off, could they even do it?
Second, can I do something to tell the browser to ignore this http header and just render the frame?
If the 2nd company is happy for you to access their content in an IFrame then they need to take the restriction off - they can do this fairly easily in the IIS config.
There's nothing you can do to circumvent it and anything that does work should get patched quickly in a security hotfix. You can't tell the browser to just render the frame if the source content header says not allowed in frames. That would make it easier for session hijacking.
If the content is GET only you don't post data back then you could get the page server side and proxy the content without the header, but then any post back should get invalidated.
UPDATE: 2019-12-30
It seem that this tool is no longer working! [Request for update!]
UPDATE 2019-01-06: You can bypass X-Frame-Options in an <iframe> using my X-Frame-Bypass Web Component. It extends the IFrame element by using multiple CORS proxies and it was tested in the latest Firefox and Chrome.
You can use it as follows:
(Optional) Include the Custom Elements with Built-in Extends polyfill for Safari:
<script src=""></script>
Include the X-Frame-Bypass JS module:
<script type="module" src="x-frame-bypass.js"></script>
Insert the X-Frame-Bypass Custom Element:
<iframe is="x-frame-bypass" src=""></iframe>
The X-Frame-Options header is a security feature enforced at the browser level.
If you have control over your user base (IT dept for corp app), you could try something like a greasemonkey script (if you can a) deploy greasemonkey across everyone and b) deploy your script in a shared way)...
Alternatively, you can proxy their result. Create an endpoint on your server, and have that endpoint open a connection to the target endpoint, and simply funnel traffic backwards.
Yes Fiddler is an option for me:
Open Fiddler menu > Rules > Customize Rules (this effectively edits CustomRules.js).
Find the function OnBeforeResponse
Add the following lines:
oSession.oResponse.headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Remember to save the script!
As for second question - you can use Fiddler filters to set response X-Frame-Options header manually to something like ALLOW-FROM *. But, of course, this trick will work only for you - other users still won't be able to see iframe content(if they not do the same).

How to circumvent browser caching? [duplicate]

Is there a way I can put some code on my page so when someone visits a site, it clears the browser cache, so they can view the changes?
Languages used: ASP.NET, VB.NET, and of course HTML, CSS, and jQuery.
If this is about .css and .js changes, then one way is "cache busting" by appending something like "_versionNo" to the file name for each release. For example:
script_1.0.css // This is the URL for release 1.0
script_1.1.css // This is the URL for release 1.1
script_1.2.css // etc.
or after the file name:
script.css?v=1.0 // This is the URL for release 1.0
script.css?v=1.1 // This is the URL for release 1.1
script.css?v=1.2 // etc.
You can check this link to see how it could work.
Look into the cache-control and the expires META Tag.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT="Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:12:01 GMT">
Another common practices is to append constantly-changing strings to the end of the requested files. For instance:
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js?v=12392823"></script>
Update 2012
This is an old question but I think it needs a more up to date answer because now there is a way to have more control of website caching.
In Offline Web Applications (which is really any HTML5 website) applicationCache.swapCache() can be used to update the cached version of your website without the need for manually reloading the page.
This is a code example from the Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache on HTML5 Rocks explaining how to update users to the newest version of your site:
// Check if a new cache is available on page load.
window.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(e) {
if (window.applicationCache.status == window.applicationCache.UPDATEREADY) {
// Browser downloaded a new app cache.
// Swap it in and reload the page to get the new hotness.
if (confirm('A new version of this site is available. Load it?')) {
} else {
// Manifest didn't changed. Nothing new to server.
}, false);
}, false);
See also Using the application cache on Mozilla Developer Network for more info.
Update 2016
Things change quickly on the Web.
This question was asked in 2009 and in 2012 I posted an update about a new way to handle the problem described in the question. Another 4 years passed and now it seems that it is already deprecated. Thanks to cgaldiolo for pointing it out in the comments.
Currently, as of July 2016, the HTML Standard, Section 7.9, Offline Web applications includes a deprecation warning:
This feature is in the process of being removed from the Web platform.
(This is a long process that takes many years.) Using any of the
offline Web application features at this time is highly discouraged.
Use service workers instead.
So does Using the application cache on Mozilla Developer Network that I referenced in 2012:
Deprecated This feature has been removed from the Web standards.
Though some browsers may still support it, it is in the process of
being dropped. Do not use it in old or new projects. Pages or Web apps
using it may break at any time.
See also Bug 1204581 - Add a deprecation notice for AppCache if service worker fetch interception is enabled.
Not as such. One method is to send the appropriate headers when delivering content to force the browser to reload:
Making sure a web page is not cached, across all browsers.
If your search for "cache header" or something similar here on SO, you'll find ASP.NET specific examples.
Another, less clean but sometimes only way if you can't control the headers on server side, is adding a random GET parameter to the resource that is being called:
I had similiar problem and this is how I solved it:
In index.html file I've added manifest:
<html manifest="cache.manifest">
In <head> section included script updating the cache:
<script type="text/javascript" src="update_cache.js"></script>
In <body> section I've inserted onload function:
<body onload="checkForUpdate()">
In cache.manifest I've put all files I want to cache. It is important now that it works in my case (Apache) just by updating each time the "version" comment. It is also an option to name files with "?ver=001" or something at the end of name but it's not needed. Changing just # version 1.01 triggers cache update event.
# version 1.01
#all other files
It's important to include 1., 2. and 3. points only in index.html. Otherwise
occurs because every "child" file tries to cache the page while the page is already cached.
In update_cache.js file I've put this code:
function checkForUpdate()
if (window.applicationCache != undefined && window.applicationCache != null)
window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', updateApplication);
function updateApplication(event)
if (window.applicationCache.status != 4) return;
window.applicationCache.removeEventListener('updateready', updateApplication);
Now you just change files and in manifest you have to update version comment. Now visiting index.html page will update the cache.
The parts of solution aren't mine but I've found them through internet and put together so that it works.
For static resources right caching would be to use query parameters with value of each deployment or file version. This will have effect of clearing cache after each deployment.
Here is ASP.NET MVC example.
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/Css/Reset.css")?version=#this.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Don't forget to update assembly version.
I had a case where I would take photos of clients online and would need to update the div if a photo is changed. Browser was still showing the old photo. So I used the hack of calling a random GET variable, which would be unique every time. Here it is if it could help anybody
<img src="/photos/userid_73.jpg?random=<?php echo rand() ?>" ...
As pointed out by others, following is much more efficient solution since it will reload images only when they are changed, identifying this change by the file size:
<img src="/photos/userid_73.jpg?modified=<? filemtime("/photos/userid_73.jpg")?>"
A lot of answers are missing the point - most developers are well aware that turning off the cache is inefficient. However, there are many common circumstances where efficiency is unimportant and default cache behavior is badly broken.
These include nested, iterative script testing (the big one!) and broken third party software workarounds. None of the solutions given here are adequate to address such common scenarios. Most web browsers are far too aggressive caching and provide no sensible means to avoid these problems.
Updating the URL to the following works for me:
By adding a unique number after ?id= and incrementing it for new changes, users do not have to press CTRL + F5 to refresh the cache. Alternatively, you can append hash or string version of the current time or Epoch after ?id=
Something like ?id=1520606295
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
Also see
Here is the MDSN page on setting caching in ASP.NET.
Response.Cache.VaryByParams("Category") = True
If Response.Cache.VaryByParams("Category") Then
End If
Not sure if that might really help you but that's how caching should work on any browser. When the browser request a file, it should always send a request to the server unless there is a "offline" mode. The server will read some parameters like date modified or etags.
The server will return a 304 error response for NOT MODIFIED and the browser will have to use its cache. If the etag doesn't validate on server side or the modified date is below the current modified date, the server should return the new content with the new modified date or etags or both.
If there is no caching data sent to the browser, I guess the behavior is undetermined, the browser may or may not cache file that don't tell how they are cached. If you set caching parameters in the response it will cache your files correctly and the server then may choose to return a 304 error, or the new content.
This is how it should be done. Using random params or version number in urls is more like a hack than anything.
After reading I saw that there is also a expire date. If you have problem, it might be that you have a expire date set up. In other words, when the browser will cache your file, since it has a expiry date, it shouldn't have to request it again before that date. In other words, it will never ask the file to the server and will never receive a 304 not modified. It will simply use the cache until the expiry date is reached or cache is cleared.
So that is my guess, you have some sort of expiry date and you should use last-modified etags or a mix of it all and make sure that there is no expire date.
If people tends to refresh a lot and the file doesn't get changed a lot, then it might be wise to set a big expiry date.
My 2 cents!
I implemented this simple solution that works for me (not yet on production environment):
function verificarNovaVersio() {
var sVersio = localStorage['gcf_versio'+ location.pathname] || 'v00.0.0000';
url: "./versio.txt"
, dataType: 'text'
, cache: false
, contentType: false
, processData: false
, type: 'post'
}).done(function(sVersioFitxer) {
console.log('Versió App: '+ sVersioFitxer +', Versió Caché: '+ sVersio);
if (sVersio < (sVersioFitxer || 'v00.0.0000')) {
localStorage['gcf_versio'+ location.pathname] = sVersioFitxer;
I've a little file located where the html are:
This function is called in all of my pages, so when loading it checks if the localStorage's version value is lower than the current version and does a
location.reload(true); force reload from server instead from cache.
(obviously, instead of localStorage you can use cookies or other persistent client storage)
I opted for this solution for its simplicity, because only mantaining a single file "versio.txt" will force the full site to reload.
The queryString method is hard to implement and is also cached (if you change from v1.1 to a previous version will load from cache, then it means that the cache is not flushed, keeping all previous versions at cache).
I'm a little newbie and I'd apreciate your professional check & review to ensure my method is a good approach.
Hope it helps.
In addition to setting Cache-control: no-cache, you should also set the Expires header to -1 if you would like the local copy to be refreshed each time (some versions of IE seem to require this).
See HTTP Cache - check with the server, always sending If-Modified-Since
There is one trick that can be used.The trick is to append a parameter/string to the file name in the script tag and change it when you file changes.
<script src="myfile.js?version=1.0.0"></script>
The browser interprets the whole string as the file path even though what comes after the "?" are parameters. So wat happens now is that next time when you update your file just change the number in the script tag on your website (Example <script src="myfile.js?version=1.0.1"></script>) and each users browser will see the file has changed and grab a new copy.
Force browsers to clear cache or reload correct data? I have tried most of the solutions described in stackoverflow, some work, but after a little while, it does cache eventually and display the previous loaded script or file. Is there another way that would clear the cache (css, js, etc) and actually work on all browsers?
I found so far that specific resources can be reloaded individually if you change the date and time on your files on the server. "Clearing cache" is not as easy as it should be. Instead of clearing cache on my browsers, I realized that "touching" the server files cached will actually change the date and time of the source file cached on the server (Tested on Edge, Chrome and Firefox) and most browsers will automatically download the most current fresh copy of whats on your server (code, graphics any multimedia too). I suggest you just copy the most current scripts on the server and "do the touch thing" solution before your program runs, so it will change the date of all your problem files to a most current date and time, then it downloads a fresh copy to your browser:
then ... the rest of your program...
It took me some time to resolve this issue (as many browsers act differently to different commands, but they all check time of files and compare to your downloaded copy in your browser, if different date and time, will do the refresh), If you can't go the supposed right way, there is always another usable and better solution to it. Best Regards and happy camping. By the way touch(); or alternatives work in many programming languages inclusive in javascript bash sh php and you can include or call them in html.
For webpack users:-
I added time with chunkhash in my webpack config. This solved my problem of invalidating cache on each deployment. Also we need to take care that index.html/ asset.manifest is not cached both in your CDN or browser. Config of chunk name in webpack config will look like this:-
fileName: [chunkhash]-${}.js
or If you are using contenthash then
fileName: [contenthash]-${}.js
This is the simple solution I used to solve in one of my applications using PHP.
All JS and CSS files are placed in a folder with version name. Example : "1.0.01"
Created a Helper and Defined the version Number there
function system_version()
return '1.0.07';
And Linked JS and SCC Files like below
<script src="<?= base_url(); ?>/<?= system_version();?>/js/generators.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?= base_url(); ?>/<?= system_version(); ?>/css/view-checklist.css" />
Whenever I make changes to any JS or CSS file, I change the System Verson in Helper and rename the folder and deploy it.
I had the same problem, all i did was change the file names which are linked to my index.html file and then went into the index.html file and updated their names, not the best practice but if it works it works. The browser sees them as new files so they get redownloaded on to the users device.
I want to update a css file, its named styles.css, change it to styless.css
Go into index.html and update , and change it to
in case interested I've found my solution to get browsers refreshing .css and .js in the context of .NET MVC (.net fw 4.8) and the use of bundles.
I wanted to make browsers refresh cached files only after a new assembly is deployed.
Buinding on Paulius Zaliaduonis response, my solution is as follows:
store your application base url in the web config app settings (the HttpContext is not yet available at runtime during the RegisterBundle...), then make this parameter changing according to the configuration (debug, staging, release...) by the xml transform
In BundleConfig RegisterBundles get the assembly version by the means of reflection, and...
...change the default tag format of both styles and scripts so that the bundling system generates link and script tags appending a query string parameter on them.
Here is the code
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
string baseUrl = system.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""].ToString();
string assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
Styles.DefaultTagFormat = $"<link href='{baseUrl}{{0}}?v={assemblyVersion}' rel='stylesheet'/>";
Scripts.DefaultTagFormat = $"<script src='{baseUrl}{{0}}?v={assemblyVersion}'></script>";
You'll get tags like
<script src="{myassemblyversion}"></script>
you just need to remember to to build a new version before deploying.
Do you want to clear the cache, or just make sure your current (changed?) page is not cached?
If the latter, it should be as simple as
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

Unable to post message to Recipient has origin

My app at is producing errors in my normal browsing session after playing a single song.
If i reload the page in incognito, the app works fully. I only recently starting experiencing these issues. I have completed cleared all of the cache and it works again, but only temporarily before throwing the same errors.
Additionally I have disable all browser extensions.
But, no matter what I do I can't get this error from being thrown by the Youtube API:
Unable to post message to Recipient has origin
It looks like there is a mismatch in the security protocols. I tried changing them to https or just removing "http:" all together on my side. But it did not resolve the issue.
Any one have an idea what is happening here?
It is quite clear to me at this point that this is a major bug in Google/YouTube's API. They have written some bad code somewhere. This bug is not a consistent thing. This is well documented by the fact that everybody's code works just fine for an extended period of time, and then they discover that all of a sudden their sites stop working properly. Additionally, all of my websites that had this problem last week are now working without a glitch - again, without me altering code.
So while it sucks to say this - the onus is on Google & YouTube to fix this and provide APIs that actually work as advertised... It doesn't look to me like there's anything we can do about it on our own :(
I am having the same problem - I also tried changing my links to http: to https: and vice-versa with no luck. I found this tread on Google Groups, but so far there has been no response.
Clearing my cache allowed the player to work for a few videos, but after 3 or 4, the same error pops back up.
UPDATE 2 - Dec. 24, 2013: This solution has not actually fixed the problem at all:
After following a thread that poulified referred me to in his answer, a user in the forum posted the following solution which seems to be doing the trick for me (UPDATE: Still experiencing issues on random page loads :/):
Hi all,
It is working for replacing http:// with https://
Please make sure the following tips
load iframe api
load iframe src path:
If load player via new YT.Player, you must check the iframe src path:
var url = $('#iframe_youtube').prop('src');
if (url.match('^http://') {
$('#iframe_youtube').prop('src', url.replace(/^http:\/\//i, 'https://'));
}, 500);
Please refer my github project:

"undefined" randomly appended in 1% of requested urls on my website since 12 june 2012

Since 12 june 2012 11:20 TU, I see very weirds errors in my varnish/apache logs.
Sometimes, when a user has requested one page, several seconds later I see a similar request but the all string after the last / in the url has been replaced by "undefined".
Example: triggers a request.
Of course theses "undefined" pages does not exist and my 404 page is returned instead (which is a custom page with a standard layout, not a classic apache 404)
This happens with any pages (from the homepage to the deepest)
with various browsers, (mostly Chrome 19, but also firefox 3.5 to 12, IE 8/9...) but only 1% of the trafic.
The headers sent by these request are classic headers (and there is no ajax headers).
For a given ip, this seems occur randomly: sometimes at the first page visited, sometimes on a random page during the visit, sometimes several pages during the visit...
Of course it looks like a javascript problem (I'm using jquery 1.7.2 hosted by google), but I've absolutely nothing changed in the js/html or the server configuration since several days and I never saw this kind of error before. And of course, there is no such links in the html.
I also noticed some interesting facts:
the undefined requests are never found as referer of another pages, but instead the "real" pages were used as referer for the following request of the same IP (the user has the ability to use the classic menu on the 404 page)
I did not see any trace of these pages in Google Analytics, so I assume no javascript has been executed (tracker exists on all pages including 404)
nobody has contacted us about this, even when I invoked the problem in the social networks of the website
most of the users continue the visit after that
All theses facts make me think the problem occurs silently in the browers, probably triggered by a buggy add-on, antivirus, a browser bar or a crappy manufacturer soft integrated in browsers updated yesterday (but I didn't find any add-on released yesterday for chrome, firefox and IE).
Is anyone here has noticed the same issue, or have a more complete explanation?
There is no simple straight answer.
You are going to have to debug this and it is probably JavaScript due to the 'undefined' word in the URL. However it doesn't have to be AJAX, it could be JavaScript creating any URL that is automatically resolved by the browser (e.g. JavaScript that sets the src attribute on an image tag, setting a css-image attribute, etc). I use Firefox with Firebug installed most of the time, so my directions will be with that in mind.
Firebug Initial Setup
Skip this if you already know how to use Firebug.
After the installs and restarting Firefox for Firebug, you are going to have to enable most of Firebug's 'panels'. To open Firebug there will be a little fire bug/insect looking thing in the top right corner of your browser or you can press F12. Click through the Firebug tabs 'Console', 'Script', 'Net' and enable them by opening them up and reading the panel's information. You might have to refresh the page to get them working properly.
Debugging User Interaction
Navigate to one of the pages that has the issue with Firebug open and the Net panel active. In the Net panel there will be a few options: 'Clear', 'Persist', 'All', 'Html', etc. Make sure ALL is selected. Don't do anything on the page and try not to mouse over anything on it. Look through the requests. The request for the invalid URL will be red and probably have a status of 404 Not Found (or similar).
See it on load? Skip to the next part.
Don't see it on initial load? Start using your page and continue here.
Start clicking on every feature, mouse over everything, etc. Keep your eyes on the Net panel and watch for a requests that fail. You might have to be creative, but continue using your application till you see your browser make an invalid request. If the page makes many requests, feel free to hit the 'Clear' button on the top left of the Net panel to clear it up a bit.
If you submit the page and see a failed request go out really quick but then lose it because the next page loads, enable persistence by clicking 'Persist' in the top left of the Net panel.
Once it does, and it should, consider what you did to make that happen. See if you can make it happen again. After you figure out what user interaction is making it happen, dive into that code and start looking for things that are making invalid requests.
You can use the Script tab to setup breakpoints in your JavaScript and step through them. Investigate event handlers done via $(elemment).bind/click/focus/etc or from old school event attributes like onclick=""/onfocus="" etc.
If the request is happening as soon as the page loads
This is going to be a little harder to peg down. You will need to go to the Script tab and start adding break points to every script that runs on load. You do this by clicking on the left side of the line of JavaScript.
Reload your page and your break points should stop the browser from loading the page. Press the 'Continue' button on the script panel. Go to your net panel and see if your request was made, continue till it is found. You can use this to narrow down where the request is being made from by slowly adding more and more break points and then stepping into and out of functions.
What you are looking for in your code
Something that is similar to the following:
var url = workingUrl + someObject['someProperty'];
var url = workingUrl + someObject.someProperty;
Keep in mind that someObject might be an object {}, an array [], or any of the internal browser types. The point is that a property will be accessed that doesn't exist.
I don't see any 404/red requests
Then whatever is causing it isn't being triggered by your tests. Try using more things. The point is you should be able to make the request happen somehow. You just don't know yet. It has to show up in the Net panel. The only time it won't is when you aren't doing whatever triggers it.
There is no super easy way to peg down what exactly is going on. However using the methods I outlined you should be at least be able to get close. It is probably something you aren't even considering.
Based on this post, I reverse-engineered the "Complitly" Chrome Plugin/malware, and found that this extension is injecting an "improved autocomplete" feature that was throwing "undefined" requests at every site that has a input text field with NAME or ID of "search", "q" and many others.
I found also that the enable.js file (one of complitly files) were checking a global variable called "suggestmeyes_loaded" to see if it's already loaded (like a Singleton). So, setting this variable to false disables the plugin.
To disable the malware and stop "undefined" requests, apply this to every page with a search field on your site:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.suggestmeyes_loaded = true;
This malware also redirects your users to a "" site, sometimes showing competitors ADS. So, it should be taken seriously.
You have correctly established that the undefined relates to a JavaScript problem and if your site users haven't complained about seeing error pages, you could check the following.
If JavaScript is used to set or change image locations, it sometimes happens that an undefined makes its way into the URI.
When that happens, the browser will happily try to load the image (no AJAX headers), but it will leave hints: it sets a particular Accept: header; instead of text/html, text/xml, ... it will use image/jpeg, image/png, ....
Once such a header is confirmed, you have narrowed down the problem to images only. Finding the root cause will possibly take some time though :)
To help debugging you could override $.fn.attr() and invoke the debugger when something is being assigned to undefined. Something like this:
​(function($, undefined) {
var $attr = $.fn.attr;
$.fn.attr = function(attributeName, value) {
var v = attributeName === 'src' ? value : attributeName.src;
if (v === 'undefined') {
alert("Setting src to undefined");
return $attr(attributeName, value);
Some facts that have been established, especially in this thread:!msg/chrome/G1snYHaHSOc/p8RLCohxz2kJ
it happens on pages that have no javascript at all.
this proves that it is not an on-page programming error
the user is unaware of the issue and continues to browse quite happily.
it happens a few seconds after the person visits the page.
it doesn't happen to everybody.
happens on multiple browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Mobile Safari, Opera)
happens on multiple operating systems (Linux, Android, NT)
happens on multiple web servers (IIS, Nginx, Apache)
I have one case of googlebot following the link and claiming the same referrer. They may just be trying to be clever and the browser communicated it to the mothership who then set out a bot to investigate.
I am fairly convinced by the proposal that it is caused by plugins. Complitly is one, but that doesn't support Opera. There many be others.
Though the mobile browsers weigh against the plugin theory.
Sysadmins have reported a major drop off by adding some javascript on the page to trick Complitly into thinking it is already initialized.
Here's my solution for nginx:
location ~ undefined/?$ {
return 204;
This returns "yeah okay, but no content for you".
If you are on and you (somehow) navigate to the browser will show the URL as changed but will not even do a page reload. The previous page will stay as it was in the window.
If for some reason this is something experienced by users then they will have a clean noop experience and it will not disturb whatever they were doing.
This sounds like a race condition where a variable is not getting properly initialized before getting used. Considering this is not an AJAX issue according to your comments, there will be a couple of ways of figuring this out, listed below.
Hookup a Javascript exception Logger: this will help you catch just about all random javascript exceptions in your log. Most of the time programmatic errors will bubble up here. Put it before any scripts. You will need to catch these on the server and print them to your logs for analysis later. This is your first line of defense. Here is an example:
window.onerror = function(m,f,l) {
var e = window.encodeURIComponent;
new Image().src = "/jslog?msg=" + e(m) + "&filename=" + e(f) + "&line=" + e(l) + "&url=" + e(window.location.href);
Search for window.location: for each of these instances you should add logging or check for undefined concats/appenders to your window.location. For example:
function myCode(loc) {
// window.location.href = loc; // old
typeof loc === 'undefined' && window.onerror(...); //new
window.location.href = loc; //new
or the slightly cleaner:
window.setLocation = function(url) {
/undefined/.test(url) ?
window.onerror(...) : window.location.href = url;
function myCode(loc) {
//window.location.href = loc; //old
window.setLocation(loc); //new
If you are interested in getting stacktraces at this stage take a look at:
Grab all unhandled undefined links: Besides window.location The only thing left are the DOM links themselves. The third step is to check all unhandeled DOM links for your invalid URL pattern (you can attach this right after jQuery finishes loading, earlier better):
$("body").on("click", "a[href$='undefined']", function() {
window.onerror('Bad link: ' + $(this).html()); //alert home base
Hope this is helpful. Happy debugging.
I'm wondering if this might be an adblocker issue. When I search through the logs by IP address it appears that every request by a particular user to /folder/page.html is followed by a request to /folder/undefined
I don't know if this helps, but my website is replacing one particular *.webp image file with undefined after it's loaded in multiple browsers. Is your site hosting webp images?
I had a similar problem (but with /null 404 errors in the console) that #andrew-martinez's answer helped me to resolve.
Turns out that I was using img tags with an empty src field:
<img src="" alt="My image" data-src="/images/my-image.jpg">
My idea was to prevent browser from loading the image at page load to manually load later by setting the src attribute from the data-src attribute with javascript (lazy loading). But when combined with iDangerous Swiper, that method caused the error.

Is there a way to mitigate downloading of resources (images/css and js files) with Javascript?

I have a html page on my localhost - get_description.html.
The snippet below is part of the code:
<input type="text" id="url"/>
<button id="get_description_button">Get description</button>
<iframe id="description_container" src="#"/>
When the button is clicked the src of the iframe is set to the url entered in the textbox. The pages fetched this way are very big with lots of linked files. What I am interested in the page is a block of text contained in a <div id="description"> element.
Is there a way to mitigate downloading of resources linked in the page that loads into the iframe?
I don't want to use curl because the data is only available to logged in users and the steps to take with curl to get the content is too complicated. The iframe is simple as I use this on a box which sends the right cookies to identify the request as coming from a logged in user, but the problem is that it is very wasteful to get nearly 1 MB of data to keep 1 KB of it and throw out the rest.
If the proposed method just works in Firefox it is fine, so I added Firefox tag. Also, it is possible that the answer actually is from the realm of Firefox add-on techniques, so I added that tag as well.
The problem is not that I cannot get at what I'm looking for, rather, the problem is the easy iframe method is wasteful.
I know that Firefox does allow loading only the text of a page. If you open a page and press Ctrl+U you are taken to 'view page source' window, There links behave as normal and are clickable, if you click on a link in source view, the source of the new page is loaded into the view source window, without the linked resources being downloaded, exactly what I'm trying to get. But I don't know how to access this behaviour.
Another example is the Adblock add-on. It somehow kills elements before they get loaded. With plain Javascript this is not possible. Because it only is triggered too late to intervene in good time.
The Same Origin Policy forbids any web page to access contents of any other web page in a different domain so basically you cannot do that.
However it seems that with some browsers it is allowed to access web pages content if you are trying to access it from a local web page which seems to be your case.
Safari, IE 6/7/8 are browser that allow a local web page to do so via XMLHttpRequest (source: Google Browser Security Handbook) so you may want to choose to use one of those browsers to do what you need (note that future versions of those browsers may not allow to do so anymore).
A part from this solution I only see two possibities:
If the web pages you need to fetch content from are somehow controlled by you, you can create a simpler interface to let other web pages to get the content you need (for example allowing JSONP requests).
If the web pages you need to fetch content from are not controlled by you the only solution I see is to fetch content server side logging in from the server directly (I know that you don't want to do so, but I don't see any other possibility if the previous I mentioned are not practicable)
Hope it helps.
Actually I've seen Cross Domain jQuery .load request before, here:
The author claims that codes like these found on that page
$('#container').load(''); // SERIOUSLY!
url: '',
type: 'GET',
success: function(res) {
var headline = $(res.responseText).find('a.tsh').text();
// Works with $.get too!
would work. (The BBC code might not work because of the recent redesign, but you get the idea)
Apparently it is using YQL wrapped into a jQuery plugin to do the trick. Now I cannot say I fully understand what he is doing there but it appears to work, and fits the bill. Once you load the data I suppose it is a simple matter of filtering out the data that you need.
If you prefer something that works at the browser level, may I suggest Mozilla's Jetpack framework for lightweight extensions. I've not yet read the documentations in its entirety but it should contain the APIs needed for this to work.
There are various ways to go about this in AJAX, I'm going to show the jQuery way for brevity as one option, though you could do this in vanilla JavaScript as well.
Instead of an <iframe> you can just use a container, let's say a <div> like this:
<div id="description_container"></div>
Then to load it:
$(function() {
$("#get_description_button").click(function() {
$("#description_container").load($("input").val() + " #description");
This uses the .load() method which takes a string in this format: .load("url selector"), then takes that element in the page and places it's content inside the container you're loading, in this case #description_container.
This is just the jQuery route, mainly to illustrate that yes, you can do what you want, but you don't have to do it exactly like this, just showing the concept is getting what you want from an AJAX request, rather than in an <iframe>.
Your description sounds like you are fetching pages from the same domain (you said that you need to be logged in and have session credentials) so have you tried to use async request via XMLHttpRequest? It might complain if the html on a page is particularly messed up but you chould still be able to get raw text via .responseText and extract what you need with a regex.
