How to emulate this javascript functionality (movable div and saved positions) - javascript

I have seen a feature on a site I would like to emulate. I have intermediate php skill but am a novice javascript user. The feature is the site content displayed in divs which can be moved around on the screen and their position saved using cookies. This site: [url][/url] is where I saw it (latest podcasts, videos, reviews etc with filter)
How would I go about achieving this through javscript? I want to know how to connect javascript with the cookie so that the positions of the square divs are saved, as are the preferences of the content filter on each div. How can I achieve this?
Would this be a big job? Thank you for any help, I am working independently on this in my spare time so your contribution with advice is my lifeline.

As Zoidberg commented, its easy with JQuery or Yui, or any other javascript library that provides drag & drop functionality. They are almost easy to configure, checking at demo they give. They also expose certain events like beforeDrag, afterDrag, onDrop, etc. where you can fire a simple js function check the elements' dropped position store it in cookies. For setting cookies, there are world of code on internet.
Also, you might want to check floating absolute/relative positioning css, if your DOM divs are going to be floating around the page.

simplyharsh has the proper answer, but I'd like to expand on it a bit:
The basics of a draggable div aren't too complicated. You attach an onclick handler to initiate the dragging. Internally, that's accomplished by changing the div's CSS so it's position: absolute. Then you start monitoring mouse movements (basically onmousemove) and changing the div's top and left according to the movements you've captured.
Dropping is a bit more complicated. You can always just release the mouse and leave the div wherever you ended up moving it, but that leaves it absolutely positioned and therefore outside of normal document flow. But dropping it "inside" some other element means a lot of prep work.
Because of how mouseover/mouseout/mouseenter events work, they WON'T work while you're dragging an element - you've got your draggable div under the mouse at all times, so there's no mouseenter/leave events being fired on the rest of the page. jquery/mootools and the like work around it letting you specify drop zones. The locations/sizes of these zones are precalculated and as you're dragging. Then, as you're dragging, the dragged object's position is compared to these precalculated drop zone locations for every move event. If you "enter" one of those zones, then internally the libraries fire their mouseenter/mouseleave/mouseover events to simulate an actual mouseenter/leave/over event having occured.
If you drop inside a zone, the div gets attached as a child of that zone. If you drop outside, then it will usually "snap back" to where it was when you initiated the drag.
Resizing is somewhat similar, except you're adjusting height and width instead of top and left.


Horizontal scrolling to a specific element

I made the following component in Angular.
It's basically a kind of tree component.
Please note the following:
The tree has several branches.
It consists of nodes in alternating colors.
And the selected node is marked by a blue dot.
The tree does not fit the screen, that's why there's a horizontal scroll bar.
Each node has a unique id (i.e. <div id="...">)
This component works fine, however. I don't know how to add the following feature:
When the focus changes, (in other words, a different node becomes active), I want this node always to be visible on the screen. That means that the webbrowser has to scroll to the left or right, automatically whenever a node is selected. It has to scroll or jump until the specific <div> is visible.
How can this be done using javascript or typescript ?
I want to use this javascript is the base for better navigation tools.
button to move back and forth in the tree
button to jump 10 nodes to left/right.
button to jump to the back.
button to jump to the start.
Also when a new node is added to the back of the tree, right now the user has to scroll all the way to the right, manually. I want it to be visible immediatly, automatically.
Those are my real objectives :)
If the only scroll mechanism you need is the automatic one, I would avoid trying to use the browser's built in scrolling mechanism altogether and just use ElementRef of the node to get its horizontal position relative to its container, and then apply a CSS 'translate' to move it as needed. It will be much easier this way to have it look "nice" with CSS transitions and animations. But if you would still need manual scroll behavior (i.e, the user still needs to be able to scroll with a scrollbar) youd have to program a scrollbar directive / solution as well, which may end up being more effort than the problem demands.
This page has a sort of hacky workaround for horizontal scrolling -
The problem for me in the past with 'scrollTop' and 'scrollLeft' is you can't apply transitions to those attributes, so they end up looking very jerky without implementing custom easing functions in javascript.

Javascript: don't stop scrolling window if the cursor passes over a scrollable div

I'm building a web app that has a grid of many small scrollable divs (actually, Ace editors), and this grid has enough elements that it is larger than the window. When a user begins scrolling over empty space, I want them to be scrolling the window itself; when a user begins scrolling inside a grid element, I want them to scroll the div contents there. The thing is, if a user begins scrolling over empty space, and then scrolls such that their mouse goes over a grid element, that scrollable div captures all the scrolling events, interrupting the user's flow over the grid and "trapping" them inside the grid element.
I can't manually capture onmousewheel events, since AFAIK there's no way to capture horizontal mouse wheel movement separately from vertical, and I want users on Mac OS X to be able to scroll in all directions. I've thought about using JS to add an invisible div with a very high z-index on the first onscroll event, and removing it as soon as onscroll events aren't triggered for a certain period of time. Haven't yet coded this up, but I'm wondering if there's a better solution, or if there are any potential pitfalls that I haven't thought of. Any help or advice would be great! Thanks!
I think a solution for this would be incredibly difficult due to browser support, and the actual solution, which would probably be something like calculating the scroll, backtracking the div, and applying the scroll to the page.
You could do something like this:
// figure out how much it has scrolled
I don't recommend this solution in the slightest though, I think the better option would be to set the divs to overflow:hidden; and pick up a solid scroll plugin, and use that to customize the scroll behavior on the divs.

expanding drop down area above instead of below with javascript

Ok so the story is my users need a multi-select dropdownlist, which doesn't exist in ASP.NET, so the simple solution I'm going with is I'm using listboxes with multiselect on and I start them off at size 1, and onmouseover I change the size to say 10, onmouseout sets it back to one. Simple enough and the users don't know the difference.
Now, my issue comes from the fact that since I have any number of controls on my web app, I've set these listboxes to higher z-index numbers than the other controls, which creates a problem: on my listboxes closer to the bottom of the page the list expands below and not above, and part of the listbox goes under the bottom of the page but since onmouseout resets the size of the listbox I can't scroll the page down.
Does anybody know what I need to set to make it expand up instead of down?
edit Also, some may ask "why don't you just rearrange the listbox to a higher position in the page," the reason this isn't a viable option is I have well over 40 controls on the page and it they're grouped cohesively, I didn't just randomly place them where they are.(ie. investment info in one section, account in another, suitability in another)
EDIT: It's worth noting that the jQuery version of the below will be more compact and, in my opinion, more easily understood.
Glo, the code you have currently would be helpful here, especially since it seems you will have difficulty changing anything we give, or implementing what we might describe. Anyway, this works as intended in IE7, Firefox, and Opera; Safari and Chrome go quirky with it: (modified from
The CSS just makes the select position-able relative to its default placement. Elements can only be positioned relative to other positioned elements. `position: relative;' leaves the element where it was until you move it, unlike absolute and fixed. It also positions relative to the edges of its nearest positioned ancestor. (The IT industry has the unfortunate convention of increasing Y downward rather than upward; just a heads up - or down.)
element.offsetHeight is the computed height of the element - how big it appears on the screen. (like its cousins top, left, and right) sets the element's offset from the corresponding edge, in the direction of the element's center. setAttribute is fairly self-explanatory; it acts as if you were actually editing the HTML. Most properties of (that aren't on all other objects) represent and modify similarly named CSS properties. For example, sets the background-color property.
addEvent is a function copied from Dustin Diaz's Rock Solid addEvent() because the browsers don't agree very well on how to do events. However, I would have put his script in a separate file and mine in yet another if I weren't working within a single script area. I did the `var addEvent = init();' thing just so you wouldn't have to scroll through his source, even though it is a good example of good code.
mouseover & mouseout are the actual listeners, explicitly called using apply 1) because I needed that height value for later and 2) because for some reason (at least within jsFiddle) it doesn't start out in the correct position, and only if the listeners are called in that order will it get there.

How can I temporarily prevent a scrollable div from scrolling?

Here is my current situation:
I have a web page containing a couple scrollable divs. Each of those divs contains a number of objects. I am using YUI to display popup menus of actions that can be performed on each object. Each object has its own menu associated with it that is constructed and displayed dynamically. The popup menus can be large and can overlap the bounds of the scrollable div.
From what I believe are issues with focus (the menus must be accessible), when I hover the mouse over an action that lies on top of an edge of the scrollable div, the div automatically scrolls, moving the content but leaving the menu stationary. Trying to move the menu dynamically when this happens is not something I want to do as I believe it would provide a poor user experience.
So I need to prevent this focused menu from scrolling the div. My idea for providing the best user interface is to prevent these inner divs from scrolling when a menu is open. This leaves the menu positioned in the optimal location to show the user which item is being acted upon. If the user wants to scroll the box, they can click to close the menu and then scroll normally.
How can I do this? I need a solution that works across the major browsers.
My first thought was to listen to the onscroll event for that particular element. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy way from there to just prevent the scrolling from happening. For one, my JavaScript event code appears to execute after the actual scrolling has occurred.
Then, I thought that since my code is being run after the object has scrolled, I could just reset obj.scrollTop and obj.scrollLeft. Sure enough, this appears to work, though I am worried that on slow browsers the user will see the content inside the div "jump around". Also, it would be really nice if the amount the element scrolls is part of the event object. Is it stuck in there somewhere? I'm looking for an alternative to having to store the scrollTop and scrollLeft variables for this element and then using them while the scrolling is temporarily disabled.
What is the best way to solve this entire problem?
I agree with Anthony regarding the presentation of the functionality you're trying to disallow. If you're going to disable scrolling, then you should make that part of the page visually disabled or removed.
To that end, you can position a semi-transparent div on top of the scrollable div in question, which would capture the mouse events and visually show that the scrollable div is inactive for now. It would be hard to make cross-browser compatible and wouldn't be perfect, but then again very few client-side tricks like this are.
The simple answer is no you can't do this. Its doubly no if you want a cross-browser solution.
Providing the user with the clear affordance that something can be scrolled then denying them that is just plain poor UI design.
Ok so after your edit it turns out you are not actually trying to prevent the user from scrolling.
The main answer remains true though. It sounds as though the focus is going to rectangle (probably an anchor?) that is not fully in view and causes a scroll. Is there a reason this rectangle must get the focus? For accessibility?
What if you didn't have overflow: scroll and instead you used overflow: hidden and provided scroll up/down buttons that allowed the user to scroll when necessary? These buttons could of course be disabled easily.
Though it may not be the answer you are looking for, if you are to set the display value of the div to 'none' while the page loads (from the server) and then have an event wired to the page load (either pageLoad in or attach it to the onload event via javascript) that will make the div display set to 'block' .. that would ensure that slower browsers wouldn't see the div 'jumping around' (could even put a 'loading' image in the div to show users it's doing something and not just invisible)
sorry i couldn't provide a more complex/fluent solution.
I found a way to work around this issue. By removing the menu element from the scrollable div and then appending it directly to document.body, the browsers all stop trying to scroll the div to reveal the focused element (even though the element is already completely visible).
Thanks to all for your time and your answers!

Flash inside a draggable div

I have a flash video player sitting inside a div container. That is made draggable using javascript. I dont want it to be sensitive to dragging when the mouse is on the flash part. It should be draggable only when mouse is on the remaining div container. The expected behavior happens in Linux. However, in windows cursor on mouse makes it draggable as well. How can I avoid that. Thanks in advance :)
I'm not sure if you even have control over this behaviour. If there is no immediate solution, an alternative would be to create a drag-handle for the div container. So you move the entire div by dragging the handle, and only the handle is sensitive to the drag-action (just like with most Windows forms, you can move an entire window by dragging its title bar).
As soon as your mouse enters the flash rectangle, it can only control the flash content and you lose all control over the html, javascript or not.
I imagine this to work like a paddling pool on wheels. Try to push the paddling pool around by moving the water, and all you end up with is wet hands.
It may be possible to add a 'handle' to the outside of the flash content, which will then move the flash content around when dragged.
alt text
