Heat map works on 2d openlayer but does not work when rendering with ol-cesium 3d map - javascript

I am trying to add a heatmap layer but that works with 2d openlayer map but not with ol-cesium map what can be done


Draw layers when drag map Openlayers

I have a map in openlayers 6 with some vectorLayer type layers drawn above, the problem is that when I drag the map the part of the layer that was not visible in the initial clip is not drawn until I do not release the left button of the mouse.
Do you know if this has a solution or is something internal that funcoina so openlayers?.

Can you display different map in a drawn polygon?

Is it possible in leaflet.js to draw a polygon on a map with one WMS and in this polygon display different WMS? (For example I want the user to be able to view a map with dark theme and than draw shapes on said map and in this shapes map would change to light theme.)

How can i save drawn point on the map to geoserver?

I have started studying with openlayers and geoserver recently. I want to save drawn point on the map to geoserver, which path should i follow in openlayers?

Have issue in creating polygon on map

We are creating polygon on map it's brake because Road comes between two parcel.
I want to create single polygon. Selected parcel are show in this Polygon but Polygon brake when road comes in map.
I am using turf.union function for creating polygon.

Partitioning Google Maps according to area

I have a Google map developed from Google map API.I have 12 areas in DB (eg: 1, 2…).I want to partition map with this Areas. Is it possible.?
If you have the coordinates of the intersecting points, you can draw polylines on the map.
