Javascript output won't accept any CSS styling - javascript

I'm using simplecart.js which generates data for me to add to a cart, and then passes it to PayPal for me.
I have successfully added the 'add to basket' and 'checkout' features but am finding styling the JS-generated code impossible as no styles applied to it will work.
This is the code site has given to me, which generates a number of items such as name, quantity etc from stored data. It outputs all information correctly but any styles applied to the class names do nothing.
This is the code that generates the data:
<div class="simpleCart_items"></div>
This is the result from the web browser:
<div class="simpleCart_items"><div>
<div class="headerRow">
<div class="item-name">Name</div>
<div class="item-price">Price</div>
<div class="item-quantity">Qty</div>
<div class="item-remove"></div>
<div class="itemRow row-0 odd" id="cartItem_SCI-3">
<div class="item-name">The Jenny Snood £11</div>
<div class="item-price">£11.00</div>
<div class="item-quantity">1</div>
<div class="item-remove">
The browser is receiving all the data correctly, but applying any styles to the class names does nothing. For example, I have:
The result should be that the background of headerRow be lime, but nothing happens. It is not calling the style correctly.
I have tried everything but none of the classes will fetch the styles applied to them.
Here is a screenshot of how it looks, obviously not very nice unstyled, but I can't apply any styles at all to it.
Here is a link to the live site
A further examples:
I've added the code given which generates the totals:
<div class="simpleCart_total"></div>
I have tried giving it it's own new class and also styling the original, with !important - none of this works.
<div class="totals simpleCart_total"></div>
background-color:#0F0 !important;
background-color:#0F0 !important;
None of the above seems to have any impact whatsoever.

There is some other css or inline javascript affecting the custom style your are attempting to use.
To mitigate this issue do one of the following:
Add !important after each css statement like so:
.headerRow{background-color:#0F0 !important;}
Reorder the css files so your custom css file is at the bottom

The problem here is that the styles are being applied dynamically by the js after your CSS (ie during the initialization of the plugin). You're only hope is to style it after this initialization with your own js, I think.
You can check this in Firebug... If you look at the elements there, you should see a bunch of inline styles being applied to them. These will trump your CSS in the header (and even the inline CSS you provide beforehand).
Edit: I saw some junky characters just before the directives in question (as well as those pointed out in another answer). I would try removing all the white space after the preceding directive and before the broken ones. It does not appear that the js is dynamically changing anything.


JS closest/parent not working on loaded page

I'm working with a third-party code and I'm quite limited in terms of filtering a list of elements.
Each of these elements has this structure:
<div class="item-preview">
<div class="item-info">
<div class="tag">
<svg class="tag-public"></svg>
The only thing that changes is the svg class, so it's whether tag-public or tag-private. Depending on the user type that's checking the content, I'd like to hide it when it's tag-private. I've tried this:
And this:
But any of them works. The code uses React and the items are brought by JSON/AJAX, so I guess the problem is related to trying to modify the page once is loaded...
Any thoughts on how to make my JS "override" the original code? Thanks a ton.

see more/see less to disable still not working

hope you are all safe and well.
Have inherited a SaaS/web based 'design online' website, and it runs okay for our small business, before I have plans for a full Magento2 build, however there is a 'show more/show less' function I would like to get rid of on the product pages. See here, for example:!/products/bolero-s
can drop blocks of code in, but don't have an option in the back end of the web based site builder to turn this 'see more/see less' feature on and off.
Can any of you guys help me with a snippet of code to force it to disappear, so I just have the block of text for the product description to display as normal in full, on page load?
have already tried the below, to no avail
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide {display: none;}">Show more</div>
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide {display: none;}">Show less</div>
Have also tried !important and 1/0/0/0 on the above, and that hasn't worked either.
Have placed in body, body2, head, footer, none has worked.
can delete this in opera inspector, to give me the result I want, with the entire product description there:
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide focus">Show less</div>
Although, nothing I add will essentially override it.
someone could help me out, that would be appreciated. Many thanks.
Just to fully understand.. do you want to hide
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide">Show more</div>
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide">Show less</div>
using CSS?
if so, try,
<div class="ws-clamp-text-show-hide" style="display: none">Show more</div> same for the show less one.
Other CSS alternatives would be:
width: 0; height: 0;
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
But I think that in your case you'll have to remove the function from the backend.

Putting an html letter into a bootstrap div without breaking styles

Let's say I have this wonderful html email letter. Gist.
And I would like to put it inside an HTML page made with bootstrap. Like this:
<div class='col-md-4'>
<div class='col-md-8'>
If I do it right away, my styles will break. Everything becomes a mess. If I start cutting out styles from the message, it will start losing its colors, font sizes, etc.
Basically, I would like to keep the message intact, but I need the following to be true:
Message keeps its email styles, not overriding outer document styling
Outer document keeps its bootstrap styles
Message fits perfectly into the col-md-8 div, without breaking anything
Is this even possible?
You can either use an iframe or you can use php include.
For the latter, just copy the email body content (content within the <body>....</body>) to a new file and name it say, email.php (Don't worry. There's only one line of php involved).
Then in your current webpage, add a php include line like this:
<div class='col-md-4'>
<div class='col-md-8'>
<?php include 'email.php';?>
And then, copy the css in the <style>....</style> to a new file, say `email.css' and link the current webpage (not the email.php) to that css.
N.B. Just make sure to rename your current webpage from someName.html to someName.php and also make sure that your email.php is in the same directory as the main file and you're good to go.
You mentioned that you want the styling of the main webpage and the email webpage to be independent of each other. For that, just wrap your email.php content with a div wrapper like this:
<div id="specialStyle">
<!-- your email content -->
Now for any elements whose id or class is same on both pages, say:
#commonName { /* <---- This is the main webpage --> */
#commonName { /* <---- This is the email webpage --> */
Just add #specialStyle to the email version like this:
#specialStyle #commonName {

Trouble With jquery.matchHeight

I'm trying to match the height of the content area and sidebar on the following site:
I've added the following line of code to my file js.js
Here is the class for my content area:
<div id="content" class="grid_8 height-page">
And my sidebar:
<aside id="sidebar" class="grid_4">
<div class="content height-page">
The script appear to be loading fine, just they're not matching the height. All I get output for both elements is along these lines:
<div class="grid_8 height-page" id="content" style="">
I did originally target each element in the Js with their individual IDs / classes, but couldn't get that to work either. So then I thought maybe I can only apply the height matching to specific classes, hence me going with .height-page , but of course that doesn't work either
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
From the docs:
$(function() {
Will set all elements with the class item to the height of the
That means that you have to give your sidebar and your content area the same class (at the moment they don't have a common class)
Here's a demo of it working as expected.

How do I target an <a> inside a <div>?

I have this code :
<div class="step"><-- this is darned wrong
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a></div>
<div class="step"><-- this works fine
<div id="step2"><a>Darn</a>
The first block is three links inside three separate divs inside a surrounding div
The bottom block has the links inside one parent div
I am trying to change the background of an active link, but it won't turn off in the upper block.
The script works well with the bottom links but not working as expected with the upper ones
PS : The active class should be toggled only from the Links i have a lot of other scripts in the page that uses the .active links from this list.
For starters, do what JamesJohnson said and remove the multiple IDs. They can only cause you problems down the road.
In the upper links, the a tags aren't siblings because you put each one in its own div. So you need to do this to remove classes from the other as:
Unfortunately, that breaks the functionality on the lower links. You can achieve success in both places by adding andSelf to the parent siblings:
It's not working on the upper ones because you're assigning the same id to the divs. You should probably use the class attribute instead:
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
<div class="step2"><a>Damn</a></div>
After making the above changes, you should be able to do this:
$(".step2 a").text("Hello World!");
maybe this:
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
<div class="step">
<div id="step2"><a>Damn</a>
Using radio inputs you can create this effect without any JS at all, which degrades gracefully from its intended appearance (a red backgrounded "damn") to damn with radios next to it (sending the same information).
ironically, this example at JSfiddle:
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work in older versions of IE without some finagling.
